Saturday, 6 February 2016

Alone in a Crowd

Insecurity, shyness, loneliness, not quite fitting in.

All too often one meets people who, for one reason or another, feel that they are left out from what this world has to offer.

They may well be part of a group of friends at work, or at school, college or university, but yet they feel that they don’t quite fit in somehow. They are not the center of attention – the funny one that everyone admires, the intelligent one, or the artistic or athletic one.

They are part of the group alright, but they are on the sidelines. The one who never quite gets noticed!

Such inner loneliness and insecurity can be crushing and can so easily suffocate one’s soul and one’s potential.

Look around you today – is there such a person you recognize? Do the kind thing and include them in your personal world.

True Happiness consists not in the multitude of friends; but in their worth and choice.



  1. Boy does that hit a "nerve". Because of the abuse in my childhood, I always feel that way and there's no pill that will make it go away. That's why I'm the clown. It's a cover-up. Thankfully, Jesus loves me all the time no matter what. I would have went coo coo bananas by now without Him.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

    1. Thank you Sparky for sharing your story with us. I appreciate that such memories can affect us for a lifetime and I pray that with God's grace the pain would gradually go away.

      I really like your sense of humour which has made you the wonderful person you are.

      God bless.

  2. Hi Victor! I think the saddest thing of all is when we don't reach our potential, and that is a side effect of inner loneliness. Feeling like you can't, you shouldn't, feeling lost even in a crowd.
    I've been there for sure. It's a tough climb out of that pit, but you know, it helps me to recognize that 'look' in others. I know exactly what it means, and I am drawn to those people. So...God can use even my feelings of unworthiness for His purposes.
    PS I really like the music here today!

    1. It's so sad and so true what you say, Ceil. We can stifle peoples' potential just by excluding them from our midst. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been there, as you say.

      Thank you Ceil for commenting about the background music. I try to find religious soothing music to match the subject I am writing about. I don't think "You're nothing but a hound dog" by Elvis Presley would have fitted in, do you? Perhaps a bit of Bill Haley "Rock around the clock" would do.

      God bless you Ceil.

  3. I think we can all relate to having felt like this at least once in our lifetime. So, you would think it would make us more empathetic to others and to be more aware and observant of anyone around us who may feel this way. Too often, I forget to do that, and I hate to think how often I have neglected to sense that pain in another's heart. I appreciate this post and will try to keep my eyes open more. Thank you, Victor, for sharing what God places upon your heart. The music that is playing, "The Town I Loved So Well", has a beautiful melody. I don't ever recall having heard it. Thank you for the introduction!

    1. Yes Cheryl, too often we forget, or do not notice, someone close to us who is excluded from a conversation, or from belonging to a group or team.

      The tune "The town I Loved So Well" is a song about Belfast. Here are the lyrics sung by The Dubliners.

      God bless you Cheryl.

  4. Amen Victor!
    May we be a friend of the lonely and lost.

    God Bless,

    1. Agreed Jose. Hope you are keeping well.

      God bless.

  5. So often those that appear aloof, or not approachable, are just shy. I was considered very shy as a child. I learned how to become more approachable and it was the acceptance from some very dear friends who helped my light to shine. I do know I need to reach out more to 'shy' and those that appear to not want someone near. But things are not always as they appear....

    1. You're so right Lynn. Very often people hide their feelings because of shyness. Our reaching out can be a life-line to many.

      God bless you.

  6. Pope Francis, in his homily today, asked us to be more sensitive. He must have read your post when he was working on his Homily!

    God Bless you!



God bless you.