Monday, 20 January 2025

At the medics


I went for my regular check-up at the medics recently. They check that my sense of humour is still intact. As I sat there in the waiting-room I read old magazines announcing the sinking of the Titanic and the raising of the iceberg. Why do they always have old magazines at the doctors, hospitals and dentists?

I then turned my attention to the many notices on the wall. Vaccines for this, injections for that, tests for this other problem, potential cures, help and assistance for certain conditions, and so many other illnesses and ailments. As I read I began to realise how fortunate I am, and how much worse things could be for me. There is always someone worse off than us in life, when we focus on what ails us. 

It's an amazing fact in human nature that we get some sort of comfort from the fact that someone else is worse off than us. If we're ill, we compare our illness to that of others to see if their problem is more serious than ours. If we're in a job we don't like, or poorly paid, we compare ourselves to someone unemployed. We always seem to want to be better than others in our misfortunes. 

It's true, whilst sitting there in the waiting-room, I realised how many other potential illnesses I could have by reading the various notices on the boards around me. In a way, I was grateful; I remember saying a thank you prayer at the time.

Then I began to think back on my life. Funny how your mind wonders when you have nothing to do. There have been many occasions when things did not go well for me. I call them milestones in my life. I can almost tell you the dates for each one when it happened. And at every milestone I am now certain that God was there for me. Things could have turned much worse for me. But they didn't; and now you have to suffer the agony of my sense of humour.

But that is life, I suppose. We should live it looking forwards but understanding it backwards.

Every so often we should look back at the milestones in our lives. I'm sure you'll see, with hindsight, that God was there for you too. 

Eventually I was called in at the doctor's insulting room. As I got in, a nun came out crying. I asked the doctor why she was crying. He said he'd told her she was pregnant. I asked him, "Is she really pregnant?" He replied, "No ... but it cured her hiccups!"

You don't have to blow other peoples' candles out for yours to shine.


  1. ...good to hear. When you lose your sense of humor, you've lost everything!!!

    1. A good sense of humour is like a whoopee cushion at a funeral ... funny!

      God bless, Tom.

  2. So true when we look at our issues, they're so many people with issues a lot worse than ours. A good time to gives thanks to God.

    1. Indeed, we should be thankful that things could be so much worse for us; but for the grace and protection of God.

      God bless you, Bill.

  3. You are so right, Victor, and we can shine as God wants us to when we quit comparing ourselves to others. Great humor here, too, as always. Blessings!

    1. It's a human habit to compare one's misfortune to others' Martha. God bless always.

  4. But for the grace of God.

  5. Perspective is everything, right? I try to avoid reading anything that begins "Top 10 symptoms" because, instead of giving thanks to God, I start second-guessing my own health.

    1. I know what you mean, Mevely. There's a lot of adverts like that on the Internet which start by mentioning symptoms or things you should not eat. I always thought the symptoms were yellow cartoon characters on TV named Bart, Homer and so on. Apparently not ...

      God bless you and yours.

  6. But that is life, I suppose. We should live it looking forwards but understanding it backwards. - I think exactly like you! That is so true. I understand totally the doctor. And we can be thankful that we are better than some. Love the nun joke!

    1. So true, Chatty Crone. For me, life has always been a series of ups and downs; especially when I worked as an elevator attendant at a department store. As soon as I entered the doctor's insulting room I asked him to check I was not pregnant ... just in case. My wife would think I'd been unfaithful to her.

      God bless, my friend.

  7. The last observation about candles is excellent. Would that more people paid attention to it.

    1. Amen Barbara. Thank you and God bless you always.

  8. "You don't have to blow other peoples' candles out for yours to shine." Amen to that!

  9. Cured her hiccups!!! You ain;t right! But we still love you. ANDyeah, I am afraid if I think Of all the diseases advertised in the DR office I must might have one on top of losing my memory!
    WHAT? Love ya

    1. It's always so frightening reading all those notices on the wall at the doctor's or in hospital. God bless you, Jack; and Sherry too.

  10. He's always there. You're right about letting others lights shine, too, in fact, that just creates more light.

  11. "We should live it looking forwards but understanding it backwards" ... good words.

    All the best Jan



God bless you.