Wednesday 24 April 2019

St Paul's lost litter to the maddern wold

Deer fiends,

I am riting this litter to warn you of the dangers of modern thyme.

Life is moving fast these dais. It is not as when I was round on earth. Back then life was much slower. We wear more care full, especially when talking or writing too each other. We thought carefully aboot what we said.

I used too write with a quill on parchment pepper or thick sheets of papyrus. A quill was a feather I plucked from a mongoose and sharpened its end - of the feather not the mongoose. I tipped the feather in ink and wrote slowly and carefully so as not to make any misteaks.

Now life is much faster with electronique gadgets with there prescriptive sex. You type one thing and out comes an other. Then you press send and the damage is don. What you did not mean to say has been said and the other person can get upset or very heart.

Pleese communication slowly and carefully. Do not heart each other by what you say. Be gentile with one another. I remember a fiend of mines always used to say: Sticks and stones may break my bones. But words will never heart me. And then a printing press fell on him. Ouch!

So take cake ... care.

I'd better stop now. My quill is getting blunt. I use it to hit the keys on this keyboard and it breaks easily. Not like the olden thymes.

Yours sin cere lee,

Sain PAuL.


  1. I sometimes wonder what folks of old would think of today's technology. I believe life was easier back in the day but I have gotten so lazy with the conveniences we have now. Good post!

    1. You're so right, Terri. Only e generation ago, (our parents or grandparents), never experienced the Internet, e-mails, smart phones and microwave oven foods. These days we have to wait for 3 minutes for a meal to cook in the microwave. Can they do it faster than that?

      God bless you.

  2. St. Paul's spellcheck is obviously on the fritz - lol!
    Yes, I have to agree that things were slower paced in the old days, and that I sometimes find the high speed of today's world frustrating - a hindrance instead of a help.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. A friend of mine was fired from being a laboratory medical inventor for inventing an instant laxative.

      God bless you, Martha.

  3. WOW, point well made. (I'll bet this wasn't easy to create!) I'm running hot and cold on 'modern technology' -- on one hand, I'd like to return to a (kinder) 50's era. On the other, how could I possible miss out on meeting all my best buddies via cyber space?

    1. Indeed, Mevely. If it wasn't for Tinternet, as we call it over here, I would not have met so many nice people on my Blog. But sadly, modern technology has also it bad uses. For example; you cannot dry your wet shoes in the microwave oven.

      God bless you always.

  4. Great play on words Victor!!!
    I am still smiling 😁

    God's Blessings ✝

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post, Jan.

      God bless you my friend.

  5. That text changing stuff can be dangerous. Currently my phone offers choices, but does not fill is much safer that way.

    1. It really is annoying when the text messages are checked by predictive text. They now even translate for you as you as you typed. I asked for the meaning of "Je ne sais pas" and the text replied, "I don't know". What's the point of a translator that cannot translate?

      God bless, JoeH.

  6. Things have definitely increased their speed these days. Everything is fast. Letter writing is so yesterday that people don't communicate that way anymore. I used to have letters that my friends used to write to me and I them. Today writing an email seems to be a big deal, it takes so long. What is long these days, microwaving food takes a few moments but there seems to be an impatient line you croas if you're still waiting after five minutes. To be truthful, I sometimes get annoyed myself. We have expectations and if they are not met, we whine. What a sad state of affairs we humans created.
    That's enough from me. :)
    Have a nice evening, Victor.

    1. You are right, Bill. Everything seems to be instant these days. Instant coffee. Instant ready-meals. Instant this and that.

      One has to think quickly these days, as I do. The other day in the street a man asked me what time it was. I thought instantly. If I tell him the time, he'd reply, then he'd engage in conversation about the weather, then we'd probably chat, perhaps be friends, introduce each other to our families, and then one day he'd want to borrow my lawnmower.

      So I instantly told him it's time he bought a watch.

      God bless you, Bill.

  7. Great post.
    Life is moving too fast these days.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yep ... you're right. I wrote this reply before I even thought about it.

      Keep smiling Jan. It's what keeps us young.

      God bless.

  8. This proves you still need to proof read!!

  9. Ah, it's 9pm and I'm a bit drowsy. Sometimes words are hard to follow, ya' know?


  10. Yes, I wish I could jump into a time machine and go back... Where is Dr. Who when I need him?

    1. The very first Dr Who, (William Hartnell) in black and white was good. After that, some, (not all), Dr Whos were good. Whos is your favourite?

      God bless you, Chris.



God bless you.