Friday 19 April 2019

This Man

Imagine you’re a person of authority in a Court of Law. 

The judge, the final arbiter, whatever you say happens. 

And they bring to you a man. He is fairly ordinary looking and they accuse Him of saying He is the Son of God. And this is blasphemy according to the Law and He should be put to death. 

Before you make such a momentous decision on the man’s life, you decide to do some investigations. 

You check and you find that this man has been around for about three years or so. He has been travelling up and down the land, and He has indeed said several times that He is the Son of God. He preaches to people and He tells them to repent from their sins and to follow the Way of the Lord. 

So you wonder about this and you think “Well, maybe if I can prove that this man is mad, I could let Him off. I could tell the people that He is insane, and they should let Him go, and I could warn Him not to repeat what He says because it would get Him into deep trouble”. 

So you check on the man’s sanity and you find that indeed He is not mad at all. Many people can testify to the fact that he has preached in the temples, and He has debated with religious elders, and shows no sign of being mentally insane whatsoever. Indeed, He is very wise. 

And you also find that this man seems to have some supernatural powers because He has healed many people up and down the country. The blind can see, the deaf can hear, the dumb can talk and the lame can walk. And there’s plenty of evidence for what He has done. There’s even a Roman Officer who can testify that He has healed. What better evidence do you want? 

And also, you understand, that apparently He has raised people from the dead. Now that’s very strange. No one has ever done that before. But again there’s plenty of evidence of that. There’s the family of a man called Lazarus who apparently had died and had been entombed for a few days yet Jesus raised him from the dead and raised other people from the dead. 

And when He preaches He says to people “Your Faith has saved you” whatever that means. And He heals them. 

He doesn’t charge at all for what He is doing. He just wants people to repent and follow the Lord. 

So you wonder whether He’s some sort of trickster, some sort of charlatan. So you order your soldiers to beat Him up and to rough Him a bit to see whether He admits to being a liar, a cheat. 

Your soldiers torture Him, beat Him up, they put a crown of thorns on His head because He claims to being a King of some sort. But after all that the man still does not say anything in His defence. 

So you give up. You think, “Well, He is one of their people. He is not one of us. So what’s it to do with me if they want to kill Him.” 

So you give orders for Him to be put to death. 

Your soldiers put a Cross on His back and ask Him to carry it all the way to the place where He is nailed to that Cross and left there to die. 

And just before He dies He asks God in Heaven, to forgive these people, because they don’t know what they are doing. 

What’s more strange is that three days later this very man is Himself raised from the dead.  And a lot of people see Him and can testify to his Resurrection. 

Now I wonder. Is this enough evidence that this man is really the Son of God? 

Because it is for me.


  1. Amen~

    God's Blessings Victor~

  2. Definitely enough evidence for me, Victor. Amen!

  3. Indeed, Victor; it is 'evidence' enough for me, too! However, that wasn't always so. I abandoned God, and left the Catholic Church in 1968, when I was 21 yrs. old. I returned to God in 1991; but did not return to the Catholic Church until 2001 -- and only THEN, because I had a 'mystical' experience when I cried out to Him, asking in despair and considerable anger: "What the hell do You want from me?!" Suddenly, I 'saw' Jesus hanging on the Cross & thought 'I'm too late, He's already dead'! But then, I saw His eyes open, and several drops of His blood fall from His pierced side, right onto my right hand. I gasped (& thought I'd lost my mind); but, Jesus looked at me and said: "Those drops are your sins"; and just as quickly, water gushed out of that same wound and washed those blood drops away! Then, He answered my question with one Word: "Repentance"! He was right!! I had made 'excuses' for everything I'd ever done 'wrong'! I'd always thought I'd had 'valid REASONS' for the 'mistakes' I'd made!! I fell on my face and cried for more than 2 hours! STILL, after that 'amazing experience', it took me 3 whole years to return to the Catholic Church! During those 3 years, I kept going to a variety of different 'Protestant' churches; and while I was doing that, I kept 'hearing': "Return to the Faith of your childhood." Meanwhile, the ONLY 'Catholic' thing I ever did was watch a television show called "Food for Life", and I actually 'trusted' that the Priest on that TV show, was speaking God's Honest Truth! I 'bargained' with God; telling Him that the ONLY Catholic Parish I would go to was the one where THAT Priest, Fr. Bob Bedard, was the Pastor! Believing that he was in Toronto, Ontario I 'told' God that IF He wanted me to go back 'to the faith of my childhood', He'd just have to move me to Toronto! (Ha ha, I thought.) Only 1 week later, I met a disabled man in the lobby of my Apt. Bldg. who was waiting for a ride to his church. I notice that he was wearing a Crucifix; and asked him which Catholic church he was attending that was nearby. He responded: "Have you ever watched 'Food for Life' with Fr. Bob Bedard?" My heart felt like it had stopped beating! I replied: "Yes, I have." "Well", he said, "I go to his Parish". I exclaimed (with considerable alarm): He's HERE in Ottawa?! Even with all of this 'heavenly intervention', it STILL took me 3 more weeks to get up the nerve to call to speak to a priest at that Parish (Our Lady of Good Counsel)! So ... to all the 'naysayers' out there, GOD IS REAL, and JESUS IS THE SAVIOUR OF MANKIND ... and He DOES HEAR US ... and He DOES 'ANSWER' US! Sometimes, when we hear a 'still, small voice within' ... we are NOT 'going crazy'!

    1. Thank you Suzanne for sharing your experience and your story with us. God is real indeed and He does answer our prayers.

      God bless you.

  4. Yes, it is for me too, Victor!

  5. Absolutely, yes! By the way, I thought you might enjoy what fellow blogger, Jon, shared today:

    1. Thank you so much for the link, Mevely. Checking it out now.

      God bless you.

  6. It is for me too. I have no doubt at all.

  7. I agree with you, too, but you're preaching to the choir here.

    1. Maybe, Kathy ... but we never know who visits our Blogs without commenting. Statistics show that many more people visit here than those who comment. I pray they take God's message to heart.

      God bless you, Kathy.



God bless you.