Thursday 21 September 2023

Art Series - Rodin - The Thinker

A lot has already been said and written about Rodin's statue The Thinker. So a little bit more will do no harm.

The work depicts a nude man sitting on a rock. I thought it was a toilet but I am assured it is a rock.

He is seen leaning over, his right elbow placed on his left thigh, holding the weight of his chin on the back of his right hand. The pose is one of deep thought and contemplation. I thought it was constipation. But I am assured it is not so.

Let's consider the pose. It must be uncomfortable leaning forwards with your right elbow on your left thigh. Try it.

I did and fell off my chair bringing down the computer keyboard and mouse too. 

Why not lean forwards naturally with your right elbow on your right thigh?

And why sit naked? It must be very cold on one's posterior sitting like that on a rock. And how about ants? Very uncomfortable, I should say, if they start hunting around about one's privacy.

But what intrigues me the most is, what is this man thinking about?

The cost of living? Global warming? Saving the planet? The rate of inflation? Interest rates? Or where the heck has he put his clothes?

Join the discussion art lovers. Tell us what you think.

And suggest more subjects to be studied and discussed in this Art Series.


  1. ...these days, we need more thinkers.

    1. Let me sit down and think about this.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. "I thought it was a toilet but I am assured it is a rock."

    😂 Victor, you should work as a museum tour guide!

    An idea: Titian. He painted in red. Love him because I love the color red.

    1. Hi Sandi,

      I DID work in a museum. I got fired when one day I took my dog to work and he ate a dinosaur skeleton.

      I'll try and write something about Titian soon - perhaps next week.

      God bless, my friend.

  3. OK, I nearly fell off this chair while attempting "the pose."
    I know little-to-nothing about art, but let me pause. Venus de Milo perhaps; a Farewell to Arms?

    1. It's an odd pose for a statue, for sure. I'll certainly check out how Venus de Milo lost her arms and write about it, Mevely. Thanx for the suggestion.

      God bless you.

  4. Perhaps he's thinking about the fall of the Roman Empire....that would be about the right time frame???? But, he could be wondering what happened to his clothes, lol

    1. I think the fall of the Roman Empire was earlier when Nero played the guitar ... or was it the piano ... and Rome burned.

      God bless, Sandy.

  5. Sitting on a rock all day must be very uncomfortable. Maybe that is punishment for losing his clothes. :)

    1. Good point Bill. I bet that stone was cold on his bottom.

      God bless.

  6. These days, we would do well with folks who truly could think instead of parroting all the nonsense of today's issues. I can imagine that this guy isn't preoccupied with any deep thoughts, just wondering if he should get dressed or not.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. You're right Martha, we need more deep thinkers in the world these days. People who can see the bigger picture.

      This guy is probably thinking what he'll write on social media; if he could only remember where he put his cell-phone.

      God bless always my friend.

  7. Again, laughing here. My husband wants to know what's so funny. I am sending him the link to this post.

    1. It's so nice to see you here Barbara. Thanx for calling. Please visit again and invite your husband, family and friends to join us in the discussions.

      God bless you and yours.

  8. Funny take on the statue! :)
    I did sit in that position and it is quite awkward.

    1. Yes, it is quite awkward and not conducive to thinking, especially with no pants on.

      God bless, Happyone.

  9. Okay reluctantly I must confess I have never seen the Thinker up close, but I would have 'declared' the right elbow was on his right leg. So with that education stored for the next trivia question, I must go. Tiored from driving the last 250 miles to our destination here in the great warm sgtate of Florida.... Ready for a warm winter.
    Sherry & jack stlll wondering why that elbow is cross wise!

    1. I go to great trouble to do the research for the benefit of my readers. There will be other Art Series subjects discussed here. Suggestions welcome.

      Enjoy yourself in Florida, Jack and Sherry. Have a grand holiday and think of us in cold wet England.

      God bless you and yours always.

  10. I think it is where the heck did I put my clothes.

    1. Indeed ... it's a very strange statue, Brenda.

      God bless.



God bless you.