Wednesday 6 September 2023

This and that ...


Not much to report today. I thought I might as well touch base and say hello to my (few) readers. Did you know ... if each reader here invites another reader we'd have more readers here. It's simple mathematics.

I'm good at mathematics. I rang our radio station recently. They ran a competition to attract new listeners; just like me trying to attract new readers. They said "on air" - Congratulations. You are our first caller today. Just answer a simple question and you win our grand prize!

I was overwhelmed and beside myself at the same time. I asked, "What's the prize?"

They said, "It's a simple mathematics question. Get it right and you win two VIP tickets to a Justin Bieber concert and you get to meet him backstage afterwards. What is 2+2?"

I replied, "7".

Anyway, back to more mundane matters. We went to the zoo last week. We had visitors from overseas and as a treat we went to an open-air zoo. The animals are not in cages but they are left to roam free in large enclosures and the public gets to see them as if they're in the wild.

I don't particularly like zoos. I think zoos should only contain a few animals - the lion, tiger, monkey, elephant and giraffe. No need for any more. That's all that people are interested in. Who cares about the horned toad or the lesser spotted butterfly? Just put the few animals I mentioned in a zoo and that's all you need.

As I was saying, we went to the zoo. Whilst there my mother-in-law got bitten by a snake. What a tragedy that was. We all panicked. We called the zoo keepers, they called the medics, who called an ambulance ... sadly, after a couple of hours of horrible writhing agony the snake died.

On the way out we called at the gift shop. They had the usual selection of toys. Cuddly bears, lions, tigers and all sorts of animals which you can cuddle and take with you to bed if you are that way inclined. I asked the shop assistant, "Have you got a toy mosquito?"

She looked puzzled. I explained, "I'm not interested in a toy lion or tiger ... I want a mosquito, or perhaps a fly ... they are animals too you know. I saw one on a rotting apple in the monkey's enclosure. Why do you have toy monkeys but not toy flies?"

She called security so we left hurriedly.

Ironically, as we were leaving I got bitten by an insect at the back of the neck. It got inflamed and very sore. We drove to the nearest medical centre. As a precaution they gave me several injections in my bottom ... just in case ... not Justin Bieber.

Which goes to prove: Always wear clean underwear because you never know when you'll show your backside to perfect strangers.


  1. ...two VIP tickets to a Justin Bieber concert, what a prize!

    1. Can you answer correctly what 2+2 is?

      God bless, Tom.

    2. Lol.

    3. Can you imagine? Two tickets wit Justin Bieber? The consolation prize for getting the answer wrong was 4 tickets with him.

      God bless.

  2. You had a "zoo" of a day, Victor! Speaking of spreading the word about your blog, I will be reviewing your latest book soon, my friend. I'm enjoying it so very much!

    1. Oh you are so kind to me, Martha, and so loyal to my writings. Please let me know when you review my book.

      The latest one is now at the publishers ... probably available in late September. Watch this space.

      God bless always my friend.

  3. What a bummer of a prize. :)

  4. Justin Bieber? No thank you very much! I'm right there with you on the variety of zoo animals; other than those you mention, the others are of little use. Unless there's grant money involved, I suppose.

    1. I remember going to a bird zoo. All it contained was birds of every species, size and colour. Owls, birds of prey like hawks and eagles, parrots, various kinds of chickens, ducks, geese and so on. Birds, birds and more birds. I could not see the point of such a zoo.

      Admittedly, they had different coloured plumage like the peacock with its tail wide open and the parakeets; but at the end of the day it was all birds. I longed for something different. So I went to KFC.

      Even worse; near Edinburgh there was a butterfly zoo. Large enclosure full of different butterflies and moths. What a nightmare that was; not a KFC in sight.

      God bless, Mevely.

  5. I'm not such a fan of zoos either, but an open air one is pretty good.

    1. Pity they had no toy flies or mosquitoes in the gift shop.

      God bless, Happyone.

  6. Sooo you didn't like the grand prize, huh?
    Take care, and thanks for the smiles and animal pictures. BUT maybe you should not visit too many zoos....
    Sherry & jack thanking for the prayers, always.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed today's post, Jack and Sherry. Best wishes always.

      God bless.

  7. The proper answer to "what is 2+2" is, "in what context?"

    Unless, of course, the prize is tickets to a Justin Bieber concert, when your answer is more correct.

    1. I wonder if I'd got the answer right if he asked what is 1+1?

      God bless, Mimi.

  8. "...and you get to meet him backstage afterwards. What is 2+2?"

    I replied, "7".


    1. I mean ... was it a prize or a punishment to meet him backstage?

      God bless, Sandi.



God bless you.