Thursday 25 July 2019

Weird ... really weird.

Something really weird happened yesterday. This is a true story folks, not one of my humourous posts to amuse and entertain you.

I was at a pharmacy waiting to collect some medicine for a friend. Two women were also there waiting.

A young lady about 25 years old came in the shop and approached the counter. She said to the pharmacist in a loud enough voice for all of us to hear.

"I have chafing at the top of my legs as my legs rub against each other when I walk. It is itching up there and a little sore. Do you have any cream I could use?"

The two women looked at each other and said nothing. I could not believe my ears. I thought this was a joke or a stunt to see how we would react.

To her credit, the pharmacist spoke in a low voice and said, "Have you tried ...?"

The young lady replied, "Yes I have ... it is too oily and it does not relieve the itch ..."

I felt like screaming, "TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!"

The pharmacist gave her a tube of some ointment or other and the young lady left.

I looked everywhere to see whether there were any hidden cameras and this was a TV filming to see how the public would react to outrageous behaviour.

There were security cameras ... as always.

I really don't know whether this was all very genuine or I have been had!


  1. TMI is absolutely right.

  2. Way overboard on the TMI! Glad I wasn't there.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. The thing is, Martha, she was very casual and did not care that we could all hear her.

      God bless.

  3. I think I'd be looking around for a hidden lens. Remember Candid Camera?

    1. Yes, I thought I was on Candid Camera. I waited to be served after the other two women and expected a Candid Camera type person to come out; but nothing happened. I took the medicine and left hurriedly.

      God bless, Mevely.

  4. Some people don't care what others know about them. It sounds like this woman was one of those people.

  5. TMI, agreed.

    Assuming that English/British culture isn't all that different from what's on my side of the Atlantic, the incident strikes as an example of how much times have changed in the last half-century.

    I'd find overhearing that sort of conversation awkward, at best: maybe because I was born in 1951.

    My guess is that the pendulum has swung from the extreme reticence to discuss 'unmentionable' topics in my 'good old days' - and is now closer to another extreme.

    As embarrassing as incidents like these are, though - I'm not entirely sorry that at least some folks are less unwilling to discuss, and seek help for, 'unmentionable' stuff. On the other hand, I could do with a trifle more willingness to keep such conversations less public. :)

    1. The pendulum has swung to extremes, Brian. Here in the UK we have two TV programs which portray this:

      Embarrassing Bodies: Where people with embarrassing ailments discuss them publicly with a doctor. Often private male/female intimate parts are shown on TV. I guss it could be argued that such programs encourage people to go to their doctors early when something is wrong.

      Naked Attractions: This is a dating program where people find a mate based on their bodies only. A contestant has to choose one of six candidates based on their bodies. They appear totally naked, (full frontal as well as turning round 360 degrees). The camera shows a close up as they discuss body parts, (size, shape etc ...) both male and female. One candidate is illiminated at a time and the last one is chosen for a date.

      As you say, less reticence to show off and discuss one's bits in public.

      God bless.

  6. Is nothing sacred these days?
    I would even be to embarrassed to ask my doctor let alone broadcast it to all who are standing!!!

    God Bless 💮

    1. I don't know what's happening to modern society, Jan. See my answer to Brian, above.

      God bless you.

  7. Yes, too much information.

  8. Times have changed haven't they, and not always for the better!
    Definitely too much information.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, sadly times are changing for the worse.

      God bless, Jan.



God bless you.