Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Hello Sinners !!!

Hello Sinners ... how are you?

I've often wondered. If I were to hold a Sinners Convention, how many people would turn up?

I guess not many, and I'd lose a lot of money hiring the venue and having refreshments ready.

The reason I suppose is because most of us don't consider ourselves to be sinners. Not big ones anyway.

For the most part, we all believe we're good people really. Deep down we're OK and we will eventually go to Heaven. It's all a matter of time really. As long as we go on the way we always do, we will eventually get to Heaven. Those of us who believe in Heaven anyway.

The rest can go to hell. What do we care about them?

But most of us are OK. We'll get to Heaven one day. We're not big sinners.

I mean ... when is the last time you killed someone?

Or robbed a bank?

Or embezzled from your employer or business?

Or coveted your neighbour's wife/husband, or ass?

(I must admit I'm very envious of my neighbour's roses. Why does he grow better flowers than me?)

OK ... I know ... I know ... some people do partake in that coveting sin. They cheat on their partners and think nothing of it. Well ... you know how it is? It could be just a one off ... or sometimes because they are not happy at home anyway. I mean ... It's their right to be happy in life is it not? (Or so they think!)

And that's where the problem lies ... "or so they think".

They believe that a slight flirtation is OK.

They think that having a fixation on materialism is harmless really. What's wrong with having a big house, car, plenty of jewellery or whatever? I worked hard for it. I earned it. Why should I care about those less well off? They should work harder.

What's wrong with gossiping and telling tales about other people? It's harmless fun.

So what if they don't have time to look after elderly parents living alone? They live too far anyway, and life is busy these days with work, looking after the kids and so on.

And don't tell me that taking the odd bit of stationery home from work is wrong. Or some other bits and pieces from our employers. It's not stealing is it? Not like robbing a bank.

And what's wrong with having a long lunch hour? Or getting to work late or leaving early? Really! Everyone else does it. Even the boss.

And anyway ... all these are all small sins, if sins at all. Not like killing and really stealing from a bank which are mentioned in the Ten Commandments.

On reflection, no wonder not many people would attend my Sinners Convention ... there aren't that many sinners in the world today.

Perhaps some people are sleep-walking their way into hell.


  1. Another good question to ask is the same Karl Memminger asked in his book "Whatever Became of Sin?" Good question because we are way too quick to discount there is sin. Or we rationalize away what is called sin in the Bible. "i didn't steal anything. I borrowed it permanently. Besides, he didn't need it anyway." we get really creative. Anyway, your last sentence seems to sum up our whole attitude.

    1. That's what I find sad, Bill. The fact that some people don't consider certain behaviours as sin. For example, picking up fruit like grapes at the supermarket and eating them. I consider that stealing. Others think not. I am wrong it seems.

      Some supermarkets, as a gimmick, have a tray of various fruits for children to take and eat - FREE. I know it's a gimmick. There's nothing free. Other customers pay for it by increased prices on other goods. Yet I see grown-ups picking these fruits for themselves. That too, is stealing.

      God bless, Bill.

  2. So, is it either Heaven or Hell? Punishment is not commensurate with the sin?

    I guess I am going to Hell.

    I always thought I'd go to Heaven, but I might have to first stand in a corner for a decade or two to think about what I have done.

    1. Wow JoeH. You have now opened a whole new question for debate. Catholics believe in Purgatory. This is an in-between place where some people with small sins go before they are purified to enter Heaven. This topic is hotly disputed by some people. Would you like me to write about it?

      God bless.

    2. Of course! As I said, I think of purgatory as "GO stand in the corner and think about what you've done!"

    3. Thank you, JoeH. Please check tomorrow's post here.

      God bless you and yours.

  3. I'll be there, Victor … humbled and head bowed. In some cases, I'm too late to make amends, but all the same, I'm feeling blessed to have awakened.

    1. Yes Mevely. In some cases it is too late to make amends of things we've done wrong. In such cases, especially if the person we owe an amend to is dead, the best thing is to hand the whole situation to the Lord. We sincerely confess to the Lord and ask His forgiveness. As for the person who is now dead, the Lord will guide them through the whole situation and your and their role in it.

      God bless you.

  4. I'd be there!! I know I'm a sinner!
    The Bible tells us we are ALL sinners and going to hell, but and it is a very big but, God has given us ALL a way out.

    Romans 5:8
    But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    Romans 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

    1. The Romans quote is key here, Happyone. We need to confess our sins, sincerely and honestly, and seek God's forgiveness.

      God bless.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You described the world we live in today. Hell will be crowded!

    1. Yes, sadly I believe you are right. Hell will be crowded because people do NOT want to listen. Not because they are ignorant of the facts. Every generation has had an opportunity to learn about God. Many ignore that opportunity by volition not by accident or ignorance.

      God bless, Bill.

  7. "Sleep-walking their way into hell . . ."
    So sad and so true, Victor. As Christians, we know we are sinners in need of a Savior. When people don't even think they are sinning by what they do or don't do, then they have no room in their lives for Jesus.
    If you DO hold a Sinners Convention, my friend, know I'll be there right along with you.

    1. With me? I have NEVER sinned one little sin in my whole life, Martha. I'd be holding the convention just to make money!

      You said it, " When people don't even think they are sinning by what they do or don't do, then they have no room in their lives for Jesus." And that's the sad thing. People don't even consider that what they do is WRONG. They don't know what wrong means.

      God bless you, Martha.

  8. Yes, i would come. Jesus came to save sinners, of whom i, like Paul, claim to be one of the worst.

    1. No need to attend the convention, Mimi. Just confess to the Lord and He'll forgive always.

      God bless.

  9. Your words remind me of that Romans 3 verse, 'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.'

    No exceptions. For sure ...

    1. See you at the Convention, then.

      God bless, Linda.

  10. I think of Apostle Paul and all the wonderful and righteous things he did, and how he lived to serve Jesus Christ..and yet, he calls himself the worst of sinners. I all the sinners came to your convention...there wouldn't be a stadium big enough...We are all sinners, deserving HELL! Put praise God alas HIS GRACE is not giving us what we deserve...Great article. A sinner saved my unmerited grace. That's me.

    1. Indeed we are all sinners, Wanda. Thank God for forgiveness.

      God bless.

  11. Yet another thought-provoking post, Victor. I try my best to keep on the straight and narrow, but then things go astray.

    1. Yes ... I know, often things go astray.

      God bless, Kathy.



God bless you.