Sunday, 13 September 2020

Let's be cheerful


OK folks ... let's cheer up. There's enough gloom and doom in this world. So for the next few minutes I'd like you to cheer up with me. Let's forget our troubles, worries, and washing our underpants for a while. Just sing along with me and tap your feet, hands or whatever else you wish to tap.

Let's start with an easy one. I've put up the words for you so you can join in.

This next song is just as cheerful and should make you happy for a while. Let's sing along.

Now this last offering is just a famous happy tune. Just sit back, relax, and learn how to keep calm, cool, and collected ... and focussed no matter what happens in the background around you ... 



  1. ...being cheerful beats whatever is in second place!

  2. I haven't listened to the songs yet, I'm having to stay quiet here, our daughter is sleeping but I agree on cheerfulness, sometimes I'll see my husband with furrowed brow and I'll tell him, be cheerful! Let's press in to God's loving arms ever the more. I try to make our home a peaceful sanctuary unto the Lord. : ) We keep things sweet here, even our movies are old black and whites, radio is Christian and uplifting or just some conservative reports to keep informed. When we do watch the typical media it's for the weather report, and who knows how true that is? lol

    It's good to reach out to others too, you do a good job on that!

    God blessings to you this fine Sunday!

    1. As best we can we should remain cheerful, Amelia. Life is too miserable these days. We've stopped watching the weather reports. They are always repeats. Always the same thing: rain cloudy cold sunny rain cloudy cold sunny. We have now recorded a couple on DVD and we watch them when we need to.

      God bless.

  3. One more thing, as the old Columbo used to say...When our girls were little and helped with the dishes we would sing hymns...A very sweet memory and now I still do that sometimes, praying too, just talking with the Father.

    1. I hope the songs here will help you lead a family sing-along. The first two are very cheerful.

      God bless you and yours, Amelia.

  4. Happy? You trying to ruin my image?

    1. Every so often you should be happy, JoeH. It confuses everyone. When I smile people cannot believe it is me!

      God bless you always.

  5. How did you know that I needed some cheering up today, Victor? These were delightful!
    Thanks and blessings!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed a sing-along, Martha. We all need cheering up. Me especially.

      God bless you and yours.

  6. It's always wonderful to be cheerful. Thanks, Victor!

  7. Great selections, Victor ... thank you! You know I love "Happiness" and "You'll Never Walk Alone." O Solo Mio just cracked me up; I do hope that was an OUTDOOR cafe!

    1. I like both songs too, Mevely. The O Sole Mio is an outdoor restaurant scenario. It took me ages making that video. Having the guitarist move amongst the dining tables with all the commotion going on in the background. A short video like that would take me about an hour to make. Glad you enjoyed it.

      God bless, Mevely.

  8. We should delight in The Lord, and be of good cheer.

    After all, Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble, but cheer up! I have overcome the world."

    1. You're so right. Love the quote, Mimi.

      God bless always.

  9. Dearest Victor,
    You managed to keep me captive here for quite a while, guess they made some fine lullabies to go off to dreamland!
    Pure and cheerful and that's all one needs!



God bless you.