Saturday 30 April 2022

Technology and I (Me)


 I have to admit I am no good at technology and all those new devices available on the market. I've still to master the cell-phone. Whenever it rings I always press the wrong button and take a photo of my ear.

A friend of mine has a little gadget in his ear and he talks to himself and apparently he is in conversation on the phone. I did not know that. He was talking to himself and I asked him if he was all right. He said be had Bluetooth. I advised him to visit a dentist before it gets worse.

Some years ago we were at our friend's house enjoying a lovely barbecue in the garden with his family. It was warm and sunny and all was well and wonderful.

Until I asked my friend if he had a newspaper.

"Join the 21st Century," he laughed, "we don't have newspapers in this house. Here have my Kindle!"

Well ... that wasp certainly did not know what hit it as it went to meet its maker.

For some reason my friend became furiously angry as bits of plastic broke off from his Kindle and started flying all over the place. He started calling me all sort of unrepeatable names.

Everyone stopped what they were doing in shock and amazement.

He calmed down a little when his 4 year old child asked innocently what some of the words meant.

When he'd calmed down once again he explained what a Kindle was and its purpose.

"Oh ..." I said, "I thought it was a mouse mat for the computer, or a fly swatter. It looks the right size to be both!"

He thought I was being funny ... which I wasn't, I assure you.

I calmed him down by offering to buy him another Kindle.

He then went on about the number of books on his Kindle and other documents and pictures which were now lost forever and had to be "downloaded" again.

I guess one can transfer books from a broken Kindle to a new one? Can you?


  1. I have no idea if books can be transferred from a broken kindle, I just hope mine doesn't die, I have over 200 books on there waiting to be read. I don't think it's the same as a cell phone, where you can just transfer the sim card from old to new and all your information is stored on that.

    1. Thank you River. 200 books? You have a lot of reading to do.

      God bless.

  2. I'm afraid l'm in the same boat as you Victor....
    Technology..had to look at your spelling of it
    to make sure l got it goes right over
    me head..
    I started out in 2008, when someone gave
    me..or should l say forced a 12yr old PC onto
    to was old and very slow, unlike me! :)
    But! My friend Richard took it away and built
    me a new 'pink' one..unit, speakers, keyboard, l was pleased with it so far...!
    So..of l went.."Don't tell my Dad to much" my
    daughter said to Richard.."He could be dangerous",
    So then l decided to restrict my e~mail add. to
    family and friends, no businesses what~so~ever!
    I don't do social media, if l want summat..DVD, CD.
    clothing etc..l send the link to my daughter, she gets
    it for me, l send her the money..Job done! :)

    It's amazing though..l suppose..if you carry a mobile,
    everyone knows who you are, where you are, what
    you are, AND..everything about you..I watch the program
    'Click' on the BBC News channel...90% of it goes over
    the top of me head..! :).

    Just the one thing that upset me Victor...Hitting wasps
    over the head with a newspaper is just not done....!
    One still one of God's creatures...!
    So let it 'Bee'...shall we...! :O)
    🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝
    (There supposed to be Bees)..

    1. I'm no good with technology. I still use a quill pen to push the buttons on my keyboard.

      God bless, Willie.

  3. ...most days I feel a bit behind the times!

    1. Yep ... and the times they are a changin'

      God bless, Tom.

  4. That's the most unique use of a Kindle that I've ever heard!
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. I thought it was a piece of cardboard, or a mouse mat on which to place a mousetrap.

      God bless you, Martha.

  5. I fit right in today. We are on the move, BUT wanted to say your best line today is:
    He said be had Bluetooth. I advised him to visit a dentist before it gets worse........

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed my humour, Jack and Sherry. Safe travel wherever you go.

      God bless you both.

  6. Hi Victor, I don't like too much technology. I would definitely not like to be born in these days. They will be having animals talking to us through technology next. People are starting to think they are God.

    1. My dog has joined Twitter.

      He has just tweeted the following:

      "Went for a walk. Did a poo. Victor picked it up. LOL!"

      God bless, Brenda.

    2. There will probably be robotic dogs soon that will no longer need to poo. God bless you too Victor.

  7. Dearest Victor,
    Well, it sure served its 'purpose' in swatting that wasp instead of behing offered a newspaper.
    Pieter's Nook once got broken and he had no problem retrieving all his books; so don't fret about that part!
    It is really hard to keep up with all of it. Never felt for a blue tooth either, neither did Pieter as he has enough on his 'ears' by wearing glasses and a hearing aid.
    Good old conversation and some real book reading, or magazine/newspaper is still enjoyable.

    1. You are right, Mariette. The art of conversation is dying out and people only communicate through text or social media. You see them all on the train looking at their cell-phones or tablets. At least Moses had to carry his heavy tablets down the mountain. These days the tablets are small, made of plastic, and break easily when you swat a wasp.

      God bless.

  8. You need an update, Victor. Should be no problem retrieving the files off the smashed kindle. That was an expensive fly swatter. :)

    1. Thank you, Bill. Good thing that one can retrieve old files from a broken tablet. It was a spur of the moment thing to hit the wasp with the Kindle.

      God bless always.

  9. After trying to show my hubby how to forward me photos from his phone this morning, I suspect you and he are brothers from other mothers.
    Sorry, I've no idea about transferring reading material from one Kindle to the next; I've kicked mine to the curb.

    1. Wow ... don't throw away your old Kindle. I understand you can transfer all your books from an old Kindle to a new one. If you wish, I'll ask my techie friend to show you how.

      Like your husband, I don't understand technology too much. We have this electrical box where you put frozen food and after a few minutes in "PINGS" and it's ready to eat. It's magical. I'm told its full of magnetic waves like in the sea.

      God bless, Mevely.

    2. Sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant that I quit my monthly Kindle subscription. Keeping the tablet!

    3. Thank you, Mevely. My mistake, I thought you got rid of the Kindle.

      God bless always.

  10. I’m right there with you, Victor, it took me three day trying to fix something that my hubby fixed in five minutes. That is a pitiful thing. Blessings

  11. I'm not so great with all this technical stuff either. Sometimes I have no trouble at all borrowing a library book on my Kindle, other times it just doesn't work. I enjoy my kindle but still prefer the actual book.

    1. Books are good and easy to read. The battery never runs down either.

      God bless, Happyone.

  12. Some of the technology is too much for me, but i think if you buy the books on your Kindle account you can put them on another Kindle device.

    Meanwhile, if you are at my house and ask for a newspaper, i'll hand you one!

    1. You are right, Mimi. I've been told you can transfer books to a new Kindle device. But you cannot do that with a newspaper.

      God bless always.



God bless you.