Tuesday 23 August 2022

Casual Conversation



Sophie: I see you met Bernard, our new computer programmer ...

George: Yes ... I gave him a ride home in my car yesterday. He invited me in for a coffee ... remarkable man.

Sophie: I hope he settles in quickly, it's going to be a busy few weeks with the project he's on.

George: He's got a young family, you know.

Sophie: You met them?

George: Yes, I met his wife and three children ... two are theirs actually. What I mean is that they have a boy and a girl aged ten and eight. And they have also adopted a young girl aged six.

Sophie: That's unusual ... adopting when they already have children. 

George: That's what I thought. The young girl is very disabled. She is in a wheelchair and has difficulty speaking and hearing properly. They are devoted to her. She needs constant attention and Bernard's wife has given up work to look after her. The children help too ...

Sophie: That's amazing. 

George: That's what I thought ... what a remarkable couple. I felt so humbled by being there. I hardly know them but they've gone up in my estimation ...

Sophie: Did you tell Bernard how you felt?

George: Of course not ... you don't talk like that to a man. I just smiled benignly and said 'hello' to the young girl ... and then I left.

Sophie: Perhaps you should mention it to him sometimes ...

George: Not a chance ... men talk about football, or cars or such things ... I just felt humbled as I said ... and such a fraud.

Sophie: What do you mean?

George: Well ... here I am ... everyone here knows I am a practising Christian ... I'm on the church committee and all that ... but I could not do something like that. Adopting a disabled child and devoting my life to her. And my wife giving up work to look after her.

Sophie: That does not make you bad ... each one of us does whatever we can in life. I'm not religious, but I don't consider you bad because you're different from Bernard ... 

George: Well ... I don't know ... ...


  1. George needs talking to...And needs to learn that
    'WE' men do not only talk about football, cars or
    such things...if that's his attitude..l feel very sorry
    for him...."George..Get a life"...

    George you say your a practising Christian...practising?
    practising? Hopefully one day you get better at it...

    My final conclusion about George..."I don't like him"...
    🍁 🍂 🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍁

    1. Perhaps you're a little too hard on him, Willie. He felt a little overwhelmed by Bernard and his situation.

      God bless.

    2. He's a negative thinking individual...and never
      accepted the other side of the problem...
      Hopefully he'll learn....I still don't like him! :(
      And..if l knew him, or knew of him..l'd tell him
      so...but..that's just me and my character....!

  2. ...this sounds like a caring family.

  3. Dearest Victor,
    A good story as we all encounter while going through life.
    It does make us all look more deeply inside ourself and ask what we can do to step up.

  4. It's sad how so many men feel like they can't be their genuine selves.

    1. Good point very well made, Kathy. George did not feel comfortable talking to Bernard although he admired him.

      God bless.

  5. I have to admit, Victor, that I've often stopped and thanked God that my children and grandchildren don't suffer from any handicaps, because I'm not sure how I would fare in such a situation. God pretty much knows what we can graciously handle or not. Great story, though, about remarkable people!

    1. I understand what you mean about children and grandchildren, Martha. Yes, God does not give us more than we can handle.

      I knew that couple. Pretty remarkable to adopt such a child when they already had two healthy children.

      God bless.

  6. Bernard and his wife sound like remarkable people. No doubt, George will give this conversation some thought. There are many ways in which to serve.

    PS - Now I want that dress this lady's wearing!

    1. I knew the couple and they were remarkable, Mevely. We can all serve in so many different ways though, can't we?

      I just noticed; it is a nice dress.

      God bless always.

  7. They are indeed a special couple.
    Though we may not all be able to do what they do we all have special talents that God has given us.

    1. You are so right, Happyone; we all have different talents to use for God's glory.

      God bless.

  8. Each of us has things we're called to do, and things we aren't. It's not just being a Christian, it's asking G-d to use us and then being open to where He leads that gives us meaning and purpose in the kingdom. If George asks, then follows, he might find he could do something like that, or something that Bernard would never be able to do.

    1. Indeed you are right, Mimi. I guess George was overwhelmed by what Bernard and his wife did.

      God bless always.



God bless you.