Thursday, 13 February 2025

What Jesus said about ... (series)


What Jesus said about ... anger.

Whoever is angry with his brother will be brought to trial, ... if you are about to offer your gift to God at the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift to God. Matthew 5: 22 - 24

Basically, what this means is that we should not go to church, or start praying, if in our hearts we have ill feelings and vengeance against someone else. Now this makes it very difficult for many of us - or it should. Can you honestly say that when you start your prayers you really have no angers, bad thoughts or any negative feelings against anyone? I mean, anyone? Including someone who hurt you some time ago and the pain lingers on?

There are times when anger is justified. When we are angry about something that someone is doing that is harming a vulnerable person or ourselves. We have a right to stand-up and defend ourselves or our loved ones. If there was no anger then there would not be any wars to stop evil in its many forms.

So, anger can be justified. And the hurts done to us can linger on. 

Now here's a thought. Why not include that anger in our prayers? Why not bring the situation to God? Tell Him why we were/are upset at a certain situation or individual. Tell Him how it still hurts and how you find it difficult to forgive. And ask Him to forgive on your behalf. Ask for healing and peace in this situation which is hurting you and hindering your prayers.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:24


  1. NOTE: This is the first of a series of articles entitled "What Jesus said about ..." If you click the label "What Jesus said" at the end of the article you'll be able to access all the articles.

  2. my humble opinion, anger has consumed us.

  3. This is a powerful and thought-provoking reflection on anger, forgiveness, and prayer. Jesus' words in Matthew 5:22-24 emphasize the importance of reconciliation before worship. Holding onto anger and resentment hinders our relationship with God, yet human nature makes it difficult to completely rid ourselves of negative emotions.

    Your point about justified anger is important—there is a distinction between righteous indignation, which seeks justice and protection for the vulnerable, and personal grudges that consume our hearts. Jesus Himself displayed righteous anger when He overturned the money changers’ tables in the temple (Matthew 21:12-13), showing that anger, when directed at injustice, can be appropriate.

    But when anger lingers, festers, and turns into bitterness, it becomes harmful. That’s where your suggestion is profound—bringing our anger into prayer rather than pretending it doesn’t exist. God already knows our hearts, so why not be honest with Him? Asking God to heal our pain and help us forgive—even when we struggle to do so—aligns us with Christ’s example on the cross: *"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."* (Luke 23:34)

    Forgiveness doesn’t mean excusing wrongdoing, nor does it mean instantly letting go of pain. But it does mean releasing ourselves from the burden of carrying that anger alone. When we surrender our hurt to God, we invite His peace into our hearts and allow Him to work in ways we cannot.

    Your reflection serves as an important reminder that prayer is not just about speaking holy words—it’s about coming before God with honesty, humility, and a willingness to let Him transform our hearts. Thank you for sharing this perspective!

    1. Thank you so much Anonymous for taking the time to write so fully. Much appreciated and I am sure our readers will find what you say of great help.

      This article is the first of a series on what Jesus said brought into context in our lives today. Please call here again and invite your friends too.

      God bless.

  4. "Why not bring the situation to God? Tell Him why we were/are upset at a certain situation or individual. Tell Him how it still hurts and how you find it difficult to forgive. And ask Him to forgive on your behalf. Ask for healing and peace in this situation which is hurting you and hindering your prayers.

    “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:24"

    Wise, wise words, Victor. Thank you for doing this teaching series. What inspired it?

    1. Thank you Sandi for your kind comments. I thought it would be appropriate to bring into focus what Jesus said and how it fits in with our lives in the 21st Century. The aim is to start a discussion; and I don't expect my readers to always agree with me. The intention is: "Does what Jesus said affect me in my life today?" If readers consider this for a moment then this series has met its objectives.

      God bless you Sandi and thanx.

  5. Such a great way to address and release our anger issues - ask for God's help! And we must remember the place of that righteous anger that Jesus displayed when He turned over the tables of the money-changers in the temple. Yes, there are moments when anger is needed. Blessings, Victor!

    1. Thank you, Martha. There are times when we must act about our anger. God bless always.

  6. I totally agree with God of course and you about anger. But sometimes it is so hard. Especially when the person - repeatedly hurts you the same way over and over. But I am working on it and asking for God for help - He knows I probably do the same thing too.

    1. Indeed it can be distressing when someone hurts us again and again. There are times when we must stand against such attacks and seek help when necessary. Praying for you Chatty Crone. God bless.

  7. I, too, struggle with anger and resentment -- sometimes even from long-ago wounds, I've not allowed to heal.
    Yours is a wonderful suggestion. This reminds me of the saying, "I can't -- but I know a man."

    1. Very often the pain lingers on even though the hurt done to us has stopped. It is the memories which we cannot stop; but we can use them as a means of prayers and forgiving ... once again.

      God bless you, Mevely.

  8. Lovely post Victor: One time when I went to confession I was told by Father that if all the people in the world were the same the world would be boring, I have a neighbor who is a bit eccentric which sometimes can get on my nerves, but we still like the family, I have had to forgive myself first before I forgave him for his messy yard that seeps into ours.
    But he is still worth keeping as a friend.


    1. I understand what you mean Catherine; there are some people who make it difficult to like them. As best we can we should forgive them and forgive ourselves too. I'll be writing about forgiveness soon. Call again and often.

      God bless.

  9. Good start to your series, Victor. There is so much anger in the world today that could use some help in eliminating it.

    1. We should continue to pray about this, Bill.

      God bless.

  10. thecontemplativecat here. This is a very timely post. I suffered abuse as a child from my father who witnessed every Sunday about being saved and sanctified. then the rest of the week he beat and hurt us in so many ways. I still wrestle with the pain and anger I have when I think about him. This is a post I needed to read.

    1. I am so sorry to hear about your pain, Susan. Indeed, the memories of those bad times do linger on and feed our anger. I am praying for you; and urge you to hand over the whole situation to God in prayer.

      God bless and heal you.

  11. Thank you for the first in this series Victor.
    Anger seems to dominate far too much of our world today, I often wonder where has it all come from? It is worrisome to see it especially among the young.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes Jan, our world is angry. I believe it is because we have excluded God from our lives. People no longer have respect for each other and have turned to materialism and possessions to fill the void. With lack of tolerance and love they seem to turn to violence to solve their problems.

      God bless. Let us trust Him Who is still in control.

  12. This is really the only way to truly deal with these things.

  13. You are giving us much to ponder here, Victor. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for following this series, Barbara. Invite your friends here.

      God bless.

  14. As a child, I’d hear my parents talk about someone who had done them wrong. It seemed in my impressionable mind, forgiveness was never an option - instead they would continue to regurgitate their same anger over and over again. Children learn from their parents and while they were good people, they were unintentionally teaching me to hold on to the anger, bitterness etc. Therefore I
    battled with resentments and forgiveness for years -

    Prayer is the answer. Because of Jesus we are to go to God with everything knowing we are in perfect union with God. We can approach Him with confidence, knowing that He is always listening (Hebrews 4:16).

    I’m just now catching up with the series.

    God bless -

    1. Thank you for sharing your story, Debby. I understand how you felt at the time, and indeed often the hurt we have suffered translates into anger that we hold on to.

      We can, and should, indeed forgive; but the memories linger on.

      God bless you and yours.



God bless you.