Saturday, 22 February 2025

What Jesus said about ... (series)

 What Jesus said about ... love.

"Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37

And that’s where the problem lies. Love your neighbour as you love yourself. It’s almost too difficult for some people; and do you know why?

It’s because too many people just do not love themselves. Yes … that’s right … they don’t really love themselves.

They find faults with themselves and see no reason to like or love who they are. Many have a problem with their self-image or about their character in some way.

They think they don’t look pretty enough for today’s society. 

And it is not just our physical appearance that some of us find cause to dislike; the shape of our nose, or our ears or whatever else we think is wrong.

Some people don’t love themselves because they feel inadequate in some way or other. They feel they’re too shy perhaps, or not bright or clever enough like their friends, or not successful as others at work or in business.

Many people sadly conjure up any reason they can think of which erodes their self-confidence, their self-esteem, and leads them not to like or love themselves. 

So ... where do we go from here? First of all: Learn to love yourself. 

You are a creation of God. Jesus taught us to call Him Father. So we are His children. In His eyes we are perfect. There are no rejects from God's production line.

Once we learn to love ourselves, regardless of the imperfections we wrongly believe that we have, we will then start to love other people. And by love, we mean "caring" for other people. And by "caring" we mean doing something about it when we meet someone needing our help, our care and our love. Not passively caring from the comfort of our situation.

And as we learn to love our neighbours as ourselves; so too will we love God our Father. 

Jesus said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34

We cannot possibly love as Jesus has loved. He is Divine. We are not. But it should not stop us from trying.

God loved us so much that He did something about it.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16


  1. NOTE: This post is part of a series of articles entitled "What Jesus said about ..." If you click the label "What Jesus said" at the end of the article you'll be able to access all the articles.

  2. ...LOVE is the one thing that many Christian today have forgotten.

    1. Why focus on the Christians, Tom? Love is something that all kinds of people have chosen to forget.

      God bless.

  3. If people could love as much as they hate, the world would be a better place.

    1. There's too much hatred and lack of forgiveness these days. What a state we're in.

      God bless, Bill.

  4. So true, Victor. How can we love others if we can't love ourselves? Once we realize, though, that we are loved by God just as we are, everything starts to fall into place. No, we may not be able to love as Jesus loved, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying. Blessings!

    1. You're so right in what you say, Martha. We cannot possibly love as God loves us.

      God bless dear friend.

  5. For a great chunk of time I totally resembled that person you describe in Paragraphs 7 and 8. Not until the last few years have I learned to accept myself, "just as I am." I'm not quite there (love) just yet -- but like you said, that shouldn't stop me from trying.

    1. God created you, Mevely. He loves you. There is no reason you should not love yourself.

      May He bless you and love you more every day.

  6. thecontemplativecat here. Like Mevely, I have always seen myself as inadequate and worthy of criticism. It is difficult to see me as God sees me. Just as I am, that's a good phrase.

    1. Remember this, Susan; God made you the way you are for a purpose. The way you look, the way you behave, your background, education etc ... etc ... We must all learn to accept that He makes no mistakes; and use what we are to glorify and thank Him.

      God bless.

  7. I believe in Love God first and then Love your neighbors. However, I think when you love your neighbors - you have to keep in mind loving them and accepting what they do are two different things.

    1. Amen, Chatty Crone. You are right. We love them even when we do not like what they do.

      God bless always.

  8. There is far too much hate in our world at the moment, it's so important to spread love and kindness.

    All the best Jan

    1. Indeed Jan. The state of the world is very worrying at present. Yet, we must continue to trust in God.

      God bless always.

  9. "love one another as I have loved you." This calls on us to love others with the same selfless, sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated to us. Not easy to do or we would be God. YOu said, "We cannot possibly love as Jesus has loved. He is Divine. We are not. But it should not stop us from trying." You are right. We should use that as our goal - and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can start loving others as Christ loves us. (Doesn't mean condone what they do)

    1. Yes, you said it well Debby. We are not Divine, yet we must try, however hard and difficult, to love others as Jesus did, and still does. There's so much evil in the world today, and our prayers are needed all the more.

      God bless you and yours.

  10. Hello Victor: Very powerful post, I tell some of my complaining friends that if they are not happy with they way they look or feel to make improvements, however I am where God wants me at all time except when the devil tries to tempt me, then its up to me to make the right choice, Love God with your heart soul and mind, an amazing commandment. I am comfortable with the way I am, I have God watching over me.



    1. My reading today was about God watching us at all times, whatever happens. We should be comforted in this at all times, Catherine.

      Thank you so much for your AMAZON Review of my book "The Bitten Apple Connection". Much appreciated my friend.

      God bless you and your family.

  11. It's a good point. To care for others, we also have to care for ourselves.

  12. Love and kindness always. ❤️



God bless you.