Thursday 9 January 2020

We don't need no education!

Those of you who are young enough will remember the 1979 song by Pink Floyd entitled Another Brick In The Wall.

I'll show you the video later on.

In this song there's the memorable line "we don't need no education ..."

The song was playing on TV the other day and it set me thinking of all those hours spent at school learning things that had no effect whatsoever on my life thereafter.

Logarithms for instance. Those clever ones amongst you will know what logarithms are. What I remember is that we had books with every page filled with columns of numbers. Somehow we had to find the right page, count the columns at the top and stop at a given one, read downwards up to a point, and where the vertical column downwards met the horizontal list of numbers that was a logarithms. Or was it an anti-logarithm? Or a sine or cosine? I never understood it and it sent my brain off at a tangent ... or was it a co-tangent? The fact that I can't remember proves that it never helped me in life afterwards. I still burn the food when it is my turn to cook!

Which reminds me of a joke about Creation. In the beginning God told all creation to go forth and multiply. The snails were slow and came fifth. God was not happy with them.

A year later He came back to check, and sure enough, every one had had a good time and there were plenty of baby everything everywhere. Baby people, baby animals, baby fish, baby birds, baby snails and so on. And God was pleased.

However, He noticed that there were only two snakes. So He asked them, "Did you not have a good time? Why did you not multiply as I said?"

They replied, "We are adders. We need logs to multiply!"

Get it ... ??? No??? You need to learn about logarithms.

Another useless thing I learnt at school was the cumulative frequency of polygons. Can't remember what that was. Probably some disease which killed a lot of parrots. Hence Poly Gone!

Get it ... ???

Also, in chemistry ... I can't remember using anything I've learnt. But what I do remember is an experiment to discover the latent heat of fusion ... whatever that means.

Basically, I had a test tube melting some substance or other over a flame, (see my drawing above). When the substance has melted you turn the heat off. Then every minute or so you put a thermometer in the tube and measure and record the temperature. Obviously, as it cools the temperature lowers, (BIG DEAL).

What I did is leave the thermometer in the tube. As the substance cooled down it solidified again and the thermometer got stuck. So I re-heated the tube to get the thermometer out. It exploded and I had liquid mercury and liquid substance all over the desk.

I remember that the teacher had no sense of humour. And now, years later, I still burn the cooking.

When a friend told his dad that he was going to University to learn philosophy, his father replied, "That's good. Because I hear they are opening a great philosophy factory down the road!"

Youngsters are going to Universities and incurring great debts in paying fees and then gain a Degree which is no use to the country's economy, or will not get them a good job afterwards. For example Degrees in ancient languages, ancient history, literature, sociology, media studies, fashion and the arts. Granted, they are worthy subjects to study, but is there really a shortage of these skills in the world? For every person who succeeds in a career in these subjects there are probably 1000 who fail. So is it fair to encourage such education as opposed to say, medicine, nursing, and such skills that would benefit the world?

So I ask myself, as I remember the Pink Floyd song, why do we teach people so many complicated things that they will never use in later life?

Why not teach them to be entrepreneurs? How to start a business. How to make money. How to care for other people. How to nurture good values in life. How to be good citizens. And so many other positive how to that they can contribute to a better life and a better world.

Maybe I'm stupid, and I still have a lot to learn.


  1. I know what a logarithm is. It is two logs singing in harmony and moving the water. Yeah, that's bad. i still don't know what it is. Nor any of the other math stuff you mention. I despise math and no I did not do very well in school. I took chemistry also but they didn't like the kind of chemistry I was interested. I can't even remember her name any more. yeah...I didn't do very well in that class either. come to think of it I didn't do very well in many, except PE and driver's ed. And I am pleased to say none of that is applicable to my day to day life as a pastor. Until I learned to genuinely love and care for people and study the Word...only then did I even being to excel. Thanks for the mental exercise today Victor. :)

    1. It's exactly what I was thinking, Bill. We need to teach youngsters to love and care for other people. To have compassion, empathy and caring. And you obviously are doing well in those subjects.

      I am not saying that logs and chemistry and all that is of no use. Of course they are as long as they are applied to real life. Logarithms and the like are still taught in schools and colleges. Small wonder most students are not interested. They know that it will not help them get a good job.

      With mechanisation and robotics industry needs fewer people to employ. We need give this generations the skills they need for a modern world.

      God bless always.

  2. I remember that album and song. It was and still is one of my favorites. Maths and science, two subjects that I never liked and it's funny I never used any of that info. Good recommendations for teaching future .

    1. Thank you Bill. Indeed we need to teach youngsters the skills they need for their future and that of the world.

      God bless.

  3. I can relate... Many courses in school and only a fraction of which I apply today. I like to tell myself that the exercise in learning has contributed to my continued education today, not in the classroom, but in life. Learning HOW to learn is probably more important than the material that is being taught at any given time.
    I do agree, more time should be spent on how to be a productive member of society vs how to hook up two snakes... unless of course one plans on becoming a zoologist.

    1. I agree, learning how to learn is a much needed skill. How to apply oneself. How to research, and to persevere until you find or understand the answer. These are much needed skills for today's students.

      God bless, Ryan.

  4. Love your comedic take on math and science … two of my arch-enemies. In spite of never having excelled, I've used what was taught in Home Economics practically every day. And what I lack in analytical thinking? I'd like you to meet my pal, Alexa! :)

    1. I don't like Alexa. When I asked her to make me a cup of tea she said, "Make it yourself you lazy ***!"

      Keep smiling Mevely. God bless.

  5. Your mind is remarkable Victor.
    My two favorite subjects were home economics and art class.
    Neither of which would give me a calling in life :)

    God's Blessings 💮

    1. There's nothing wrong with art classes, Jan. I just feel that to go to University for a number of years, and incur great costs, it would be difficult to get a good job with an arts degree. I know people who have ancient Greek degrees, and sociology. Talented as they are, there is not much calling for such jobs in the UK.

      The last time I used logs, (logarithms), is when I bought some firewood.

      God bless.

  6. I took Latin in school and I am sure some day I will need to vene or vidi my vici.

  7. I remember the song well, in fact Ken was just listening to it as he worked on his layout the other day!

    Not everyone should to go college. We need skilled laborers too.

    1. Exactly, Happyone. Over here it seems everyone wants to go to college and University regardless of what Degrees they get.

      God bless.

  8. I can't even recall what a logarythm is, Victor; there must be a log jam in my brain!
    But on a serious note, we are doing our children a great disservice by letting them major in something that would make a better hobby, and not training them to be productive, enterprising workers and good citizens. Blessings!

    1. I have close connections with the education system, Martha; and it is sad to see how much effort is placed on subjects that will not be used at all in adulthood and when they grow up. The world is changing fast, and it needs new skills, new ways of learning and assimilating and using information. We are not equipping today's youngsters in the skills they will require at work.

      God bless.

  9. I do remember this song …
    I agree with so much of what you've said here.
    We do need to teach young people the skills they need for their future. Times have changed and are still changing, the system could do with a change and I'm sure there are people 'out there' who could do it, and it would (hopefully) benefit us all.

    All the best Jan

    1. My guess is that the people "out there" are being blocked by years of tradition and vested interests. There seems to be no room in education for originality and innovation. All schools and students, and hence teachers, must follow a pre-set programme of education and aim to get a certain %age of passes.

      God bless, Jan.

  10. We need to teach them history or they are doomed to repeat it!

  11. is a complex thing, who knows what you will use in the future?

    1. Indeed Tom. Although looking back I so hated algorithms. I liked geometry though.

      God bless.



God bless you.