Thursday 23 April 2020

A Ghostly Experience

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever met or seen one? Did it speak to you? What did you do?

My very first experience of a ghost was many years ago when I was a teenager. I was walking home late one dark evening and there on the ground, floating away from me as if frightened, was a baby ghost. On second thoughts, it could have been a white paper tissue. Now that's a story not to be sneezed at!

My second encounter with a ghost was in an old castle in Scotland. He was wearing the full traditional Scottish costume. It was on a dark and stormy night when suddenly a gust of wind blew his kilt right up in the air.

At first I was afraid, I was petrified. He must have been just as frightened as me because he broke wind. I think he was putrefied.

I discovered later he was known as the Farting Ghost. His name was I Ken McWind.

Another more recent encounter with a ghost was at the home of an old lady I used to visit every now and then. In this case there were real manifestations like movements from one place to another. I used to visit her and find that she was sitting at a different place from where I'd left her the previous week. Never in the same place. Sometimes on the armchair, or on the sofa or in one case she was sitting on top of the fridge.

There were also sounds involved in that ghostly house of hers. I remember once we were in the kitchen and she was making me a cup of nettles tea.

Why do people drink this stuff? It tastes like the product of a skunk on diuretic!

Anyway, we were in the kitchen and we heard voices in the living room. Like someone talking. I asked her whether she had kept the radio on. She said No. I asked her to stay in the kitchen, I put her on top of the fridge, and I went to the living room. The radio was not on, but the TV was. Strange or what? I switched the TV off and the voices stopped.

Do ghosts speak in different languages depending where they are from? For example in France do ghosts speak in French? Or would they know you would not understand and they would speak to you in English but with a French accent?

Are ghosts always indoors in houses, castles and the like? Or can they be outdoors? If outdoors would the ghost be Al Fresco?

Do ghosts predict your future and tell you what is to happen to you? Like the three ghosts from the past, present and future in that ghostly story whose name I can't remember. It was something to do with Christmas as I recall. What the Dickens was it called?

And if they tell the future, are they truthful or do they lie? Can you see right through them? I wonder.

Are ghosts more frightened of you than you are of them? I mean; it can be quite an experience for a ghost to be alone in a house and suddenly humans come in and turn the lights on and behave as humans normally do. The ghost must hanker to the good old days when he too was human. Imagine a ghostly lifetime without chocolate? Maybe that's why they're always miserable.

Do ghosts age? Or do they stay the same age as the person who died? Could it be possible that the paper tissue I saw was indeed a baby ghost? Are a collection of ghosts a roll of toilet paper? You don't see many of them these days.

Are ghosts always humans, or could animals become ghosts? Can you imagine a whale of a ghost? That would be very big to even enter your house. Our home is so small we would have sardine ghosts.

How about inanimate objects? Can they be ghosts too? Can you imagine a chair being a ghost? As you come to sit on it it moves away and you fall to the ground as all the other chairs and the table laugh.

How about the bed being a ghost? What stories it could tell!

I think my mind is all over the place right now thinking about ghosts.

How about you telling us your experiences or beliefs about ghosts. Is it true they can walk through walls? Or through a key hole?

What happens if you put a key in the keyhole just as a ghost is passing through? Do you get a ghost with an eye patch on one eye?

And finally ... do ghosts go to the toilet? If not, why are there sometimes droplets on the floor?


  1. I do believe in ghosts. I have seen only one in my life but I will never forget the experience. I have told my story many times but I will not repeat it here.

    I most certainly would not enjoy meeting your ghosts. They remind me of Casper's ghostly trio of uncle's...always up to no good and a bit on the vulgar side 👻👻👻

    God's Blessings Victor 🌷

    1. On a serious note, Jan. I am not sure I understand/believe what ghosts are. When Jesus walked on water towards the boat His disciples thought He was a ghost. He did not say ghosts do not exist.

      When He appeared to the disciples after the resurrection and they were frightened He said, "I am not a ghost. Look ghosts do not have a body. Look at my scars."

      So ... what is a ghost? I don't really know. By I DO believe in white paper tissues.

      God bless.

  2. I've never seen a ghost but many folks say they have.
    I do sometimes feel a presence of a passed love one which can be comforting.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, I believe loved ones do care about us and are closer to us than we think. Their souls, (living after their bodily death), pray for us.

      God bless, Jan.

  3. There are many things beyond our ability to understand, so I believe there are spirits and sometimes they make their presence felt.

    Now you have me confused as I always thought of Jesus appearing as "The Holy Ghost". I thought his resurrection was proof of "World without end" by way of a powerful spirit. Actually I prefer to think that his presence was and is whatever God chooses to make it.

    1. I'm sorry about the confusions, JoeH. The Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit, is a separate entity from God and Jesus, the Son of God. This is the mystery of the Holy Trinity which we sometimes find difficulty in understanding. I have tried to explain it in this article. I hope it helps:

      God bless you.

  4. I've never witnessed a ghost, but would welcome the opportunity! The evening after my father passed, my 12 y/o son was awakened by the presence of my father at the foot of his bed. Mother and I later concluded, if daddy were to choose one person to make his presence known it would be his beloved grandson.

    1. That's a wonderful story, Mevely. Yes, I believe your father was looking after your son; as indeed are your parents looking after you right now. In your prayers, say, "Mom & Dad, I love both of you. Please pray to God to look after me!"

      God bless you, Mevely.

  5. Can't say that I believe in ghosts per se, Victor, though many claim to have seen/encountered them. However, I do love A Christmas Carol and the roles those ghosts play in the transformation of Scrooge. Amazing! Now, if I could only recall the author's name . . . :)

    1. I agree, Martha. I don't know whether I believe in ghosts or not. But see my first comment to Jan above. Jesus does mention ghosts at least once. What did He mean?

      God bless you, Martha.

  6. I've never seen a ghost but have know some people who have. I'm sure they are around and will show up when it's the right time for the right person.

    1. You're probably right, Bill. Strange phenomenon, ghosts.

      God bless.

  7. I've never seen one but when we lived in a castle in Scotland it was said to have a ghost. If you left out sewing that needed to be done, the ghost supposedly would do it. Never worked for me though!!

    1. Now that is a good ghost. Would he also do the cleaning, the cooking, the shopping, changing the tires and oil in the car and fix the roof?

      God bless, Happyone.

  8. There are no ghosts because The Almighty did not create any. Now He did make the angels, even the ones that rebelled, and they try to trick us into believing in nonsense like spiritism, but i would rather not fall for all of that, thanks.

    1. Hmmm ... I'd be interested in your comments on tomorrow's follow-up post, Mimi.

      God bless.

  9. The only spirit I ever want to see is the Holy Spirit. Or maybe Casper:)

  10. I do believe in having access to different time zones as I have had some experiences which proved this. My husband and myself were travelling to his mum's house one day when we were going down a hill called 'Crack Hill'. It was raining and suddenly a man stepped off the grass over the curb to the left of the car onto the road in front of us. He was dressed like a Highwayman who were around between the 17th and 18th centuries. My husband slammed on the brakes but it was not enough to avoid the man. He went straight through the car as if he was a ghost and yet he had looked very real with the colours of his uniform black and red. We could not believe it. When we reached my mother in law's house she told us that there used to be a gallows at the top of the hill where they hanged the highwaymen. Another time I was in a post office being served by a young lady. All of a sudden I could see straight through her at the wall behind her, as if she was not sat behind the counter. My sister also experienced seeing a young man with a crash helmet under his arm coming down the stairs at her previous home. She later learned that the young man who had previously owned her house had died in a motorbike crash.

    1. Very mysterious, Brenda. Yes, I have heard similar stories to yours too. Totally unexplained.

      God bless.



God bless you.