Friday 25 August 2023

Now you've gone too far ...


Someone said to me that my articles here sometimes go too far.

"Too far?" I thought, "what does that mean?" 

Apparently, sometimes my articles can upset my readers, and they are likely not to respond in the comments box, or not to return to this Blog again.

I asked for an example, and I was told that my last post, "Have you been hurt?" is a good example. It gives the reader two choices. Either put up with the hurt or do something about it.

So I went back and read the article again. Yes, it is a little abrupt. But then, sometimes it is perhaps necessary to grab some people by the lapels and shake them a bit to get the point across.

There's a lot of hurting people out there. A lot of old baggage being carried and slowing people down from fulfilling a full wholesome life. A lot of bitterness and anger. It's as if people are sleep-walking themselves into hell; not just after their death but right now in this life.

The world is in a terrible place right now. Just look around you for plenty of examples.

And I believe this world will never know peace until it learns to forgive. 

At every level of society. On a personal one-to-one basis. As part of a family, a community, a nation or internationally as a humanity. At every level we need forgiveness and more forgiveness.

It is only by forgiving each other as humans that we can hope to ascend to a higher level and seek and receive forgiveness from God.

And if my style of writing is too abrupt ... well ... on reflection ... I'd rather ruffle a few feathers and save someone out there from hell in the here-and-now as well as in the thereafter.

Often, a direct approach is more memorable and likely to grab peoples' attention. I don't mean to upset anyone. I already have too few readers to afford to lose any of them. 

Anyway ... there you have it. Let us now pray for all the hurting people out there in the world.


  1. Your posts are wonderful. Don't let anybody tell you differently.

  2. ...we can't please everyone, so don't even try!

  3. I totally agree with what Sandi said. And Billy Joel, "Don't go changing."

  4. Now you have gone too far!!! Forgive Sherry for calling me SKINNY? Not likely, until later today!!

    Love from over here, As always, thanks for the prayers, I think you have a good ministry here, methinks you are Father Ignatius inognito.

    Sherry & jack

  5. Your posts are thought provoking. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to read it. Like Tom said, you can't please everyone and you shouldn't try. Stay the course and be yourself.

  6. I'll always love your posts, Victor! Sometimes, being direct and up-front with folks is the best way to go.

  7. I think your posts are great. They make you think!!! You can't please everyone but there are more of us who applaud what you are doing here with your blog.

  8. yes, let's listen well, encourage often, and minister faithfully

  9. Hi Victor, I can't say that I have found anything bad in your posts. I have never been able to read all of them, but the ones I have read I have liked.

  10. Thank you my dear friends for your expressions of support. They are very heart-warming and encouraging me to go on with my way of posting here. Thank you so much.

    God bless always.

  11. I love your posts. Your posts are so profound at times, I like to think on what you wrote. You keep doing what you've been doing. We all get our haters from time to time.

  12. I enjoy your writing, and you were right. There are only two things to do, forgive and realize The Lord will take care of it, or don't and get stuck right where you are, in misery.



God bless you.