Friday 18 August 2023

St Paul's second litter to the maddern wold


Deer Fiends,

It is a while now since I rote to you last. I have my previous massage to you before me HERE.

You will notice that I have now lernt how to use these elctriconic tablets. I kno how to do links in words like I have dun above ; and also I can now control the predictive sex facility in my tablet. There is nothing more annoy ing than predictive sex. Sexing should be well thought out and planned as you use each word care fully, not spoontanious as with these madern tablets. 

I now have a better tablet than be four. I bet Moses is jealous. His tablets wear made of stone.

My previous tablet broke wen I tried to swat a fly on my milk and honey. Best to use papyrous for that. It also absorbs the spilled milk and honey when the fly has flown away!

Well ... a lot has been happening in the wold since my last massage to you. I notice that as a people you have become more selfish. Also more greedy. And violent. Can you honest lee say that this is a better world since I last rote to you? Check the dates on my last litter to you.

You are also spoilt for choice. Too many things to choose from. too many toothpastes, clothes, shoos, foods and so on. In my time all I had was milk and honey and bread. John ate locusts in the desert, also honey. you have many brands of the same product to choose from. How fortunate you are and do not know it.

Pleeze bee gentile with each other. Love and care four each other. Compassionate too. There is a big difference between caring and compassionate. Caring means you are sorry for an other person's problem. Compassionate is doing something about it. Jesus was compassionate. He always helped other people. On an individual basis too. He took each person aside and healed them.

I want you to remember and retain what you have read here. Not in one eye and out the other.

Love one an other. I have great hope for you and I pray for you.

yOurs since early

Saint PauL


  1. ...practise makes perfect!

    1. Not with predictive sex taking over!

      God bless, Tom.

  2. I really had to work to interpret Paul's writing. As Tom noted, Paul needs more practice!

  3. I've heard it said, we tend to more fully absorb those lessons delivered with humor. Well done, St. Paul!

    1. Thank you Mevely. You always appreciate my humour and understand what I'm trying to say. I hope Paul writes to the world more often.

      God bless you my friend.

  4. That will take lots of prayers.

    1. Indeed Bill. The world is in a sad place and we need to pray more.

      God bless always.

  5. Hey Victor, I'm featuring your books vs. ice cream dilemma on this weekend's PORCH!

    1. Thank you, Linda. I'd be interested to see what your readers thing. I may publish my next book on ice cream.

      God bless you.

  6. I think I will say AMEN. Glad the tablet is not still in stone.
    Smiling here with a thank you! Love from over here. I had a little trouble with the interpretation, but methinks we got it.
    Sherry & jack on this side sending thans for all prayers....

    1. Paul had difficulty typing on his modern tablet; but it is an improvement from his first letter.

      Praying for y'all. God bless, Jack and Sherry.

  7. Paul did pretty good for not having a class in keyboarding or typing. LOL. Great message in spite of the typos. It could be his "thorn in the flesh" was in his fingers and made it difficult to type. This was fun and still very thought provoking. Thank you.

    1. Indeed Pamela, Paul did say he had a thorn in the flesh. But he did improve his typing compared to his first letter to a "maddern wold".

      God bless you always.

  8. So true about so many choices!!!!

    1. Yes, it's the age of consumerism.

      God bless, Happyone.

  9. His advice is spot on, although I believe he needs an editor as well as spellcheck.

    1. Give him a chance, Mimi. He's just been introduced to technology.

      God bless you and yours.



God bless you.