Saturday 7 September 2024

The choice even un-believers would make.


If you were to go in the streets and ask people, "Would you rather go to Heaven when you die or hell?" most people, in fact I guess all, would say they want to go to Heaven; even though they may not have any idea where or what Heaven is and what happens there. Even atheists, and unbelievers, if pressed to make a choice, would choose going to Heaven. Because no one wants his backside roasted for eternity.

The thing is, Jesus doesn't only reference hell, He describes it in great detail. He says it is a place of eternal torment (Luke 16:23), of unquenchable fire (Mark 9:43), where the worm does not die (Mark 9:48), the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:42).

All very graphic images to frighten the pants off any hard-headed individual.

However, He describes Heaven as "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. (John 14:2).

A totally different imagery suggesting that Heaven is a physical place with buildings built of bricks and mortar, and rooms, and no doubt all the amenities we would wish.

But is Heaven really so? I doubt it is a physical place since, as Christians believe, when we die our souls go to Heaven; and being spiritual in nature, I doubt that a soul would require a room with a bed and hot and cold running water!

Some Christians, including Catholics, believe that at some stage after we die, our souls would be re-united with our bodies. These will be new bodies with all the imperfections, pains, illnesses, age-related problems and so on taken away. 

I ask the question: WHY?

Why do we need new bodies? No one has given me a good answer.

If essentially we are souls inhabiting a fragile body which at some stage deteriorates and is no more; then why should such a soul require a body whether going to Heaven or hell?

I once asked a priest, "if I am to have a new healthy and fit body, will my friends recognise me in Heaven?" He replied, "Don't worry, people will recognise you all right!" (What did he mean?)

Now imagine you are in Heaven and you recognise someone there you do not think should be in Heaven. That person was really really really bad when on earth. What would you do? Challenge Saint Peter and suggest that his computer records on that person are wrong?

What if someone recognises you and thinks you should not be there? How would you defend your position and right to be in Heaven?

My good friend Father Francis Maple in one of his sermons makes a good point about our relationship with God by referring to a leaning tree. Here's what he says:
I think of a life as a tree. If a tree leans in one direction when it dies it will fall in that direction. It is not going to fall in the opposite direction. So, too, with our lives. If all the time we are leaning towards God, very likely, with God's grace we shall fall into His arms when we die. But if our lives never point to God, it is very likely that when we die we shall die in enmity with God.


  1. ...yes, life is like a tree, but many trees can live longer than we can.

    1. All the more reason for us to get our life in order quickly.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. I lean on God every day that I live and breathe, Victor. For me, there is no other alternative as to where I want to be in this life and the next. Blessings!

    1. Wise words, Martha; thank you. God bless you always.

  3. Your posts are always full of simple to understand thoughts-just like the tree one today.

  4. The tree is a great analogy, Victor.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I enjoy trees so I can grasp that imagery well. It’s a very simple yet profound way to share with others how important it is to follow Christ.
    By the way I ordered 5 of this book to put in my little lending library of Christian books ( A Blessing Box) in my yard for the neighbors to enjoy.

    1. Thank you so much Debby for buying "How to get to Heaven ..." I hope it helps someone somewhere to discover the presence and love of God.

      God bless you and yours always, my friend.

  7. The 'Tree of Life' is a wonderful analogy. Christianity isn't really so difficult to grasp, but I think many churches unintentionally make it so.

    1. My fear, Mevely, is that many churches make Christianity trendy and fashionable; and preach what people want to hear rather than the truth according to God.

      God bless you and your family, Mevely.

  8. Hello Victor: Very interesting post, I hope and pray that after confessions that I am forgiven an have a clear path to Heaven.
    I (in my mind) think that there will not be any questions as to why someone is in Heaven, after all it is not us who judges the right to Heaven or hell, or limbo, I would think that would be a ticket out of Heaven to ask why someone is there, just my thoughts.
    Have a very beautiful and Blessed week.


    1. You are right, Catherine. It is not up to us who is or is not in Heaven. Only God decides.

      We should keep our focus on Him at all times.

      God bless you always.

  9. This post raises profound questions about the nature of Heaven and Hell, and the concept of our existence beyond death. It’s intriguing to consider the imagery used to describe these realms and the theological debates surrounding them. The idea of Heaven as a physical place versus a spiritual one, and the necessity of new bodies, invites us to reflect on our beliefs and the nature of our souls.

    Wishing you a happy weekend. I just shared a new post please read:

    1. Thank you Melody Jacob. Indeed, we have a lot to reflect about, and believe, about the nature of our souls now and hereafter; as long as we focus on Scripture in the Bible.

      God bless always.

  10. If Jesus has a body, a body of glory (Philippians 3:) it's right that we should. But it will be a body of glory too, and a spiritual body (1 Corinthians 15:44), whatever that is! God made made spirit, soul and body, and man fell sprit, soul and body: so God will be fully justified in man being restored spirit, soul and body.

    1. Thank you David for what you have said. I think I understand you, although, I am a little confused. If when we die our spirit goes to Heaven (or ... ), then why at a later date are we re-united with our bodies? What is the purpose of having a body for eternity? I know that God can restore man as He wishes; He can do anything. It's the "why" bit which is a mystery we don't know right now.

      God bless you, David.

  11. OK your best line today:
    "if I am to have a new healthy and fit body, will my friends recognise me in Heaven?" He replied, "Don't worry, people will recognise you all right!" (What did he mean?).....
    Now, I just wanted to thank you for a totally good entry. Good points and well said. It is a fact, we just cannot think or perceive what the after LIFE is like. When one tries hard enough, he can fail and lose faith, I KNOW!
    I am learning what faith really is.....
    Thanks for the prayers.. They mean very much to me....

    1. I'm glad that line made you smile, Jack. It made that priest smile too when I asked him; although to be fair, he did not explain "why" we would have or need new bodies. All we have to do is trust God.

      I pray that you and your family are well and looked after by our Lord. God bless you all.

  12. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Not our works. It is by His grace only.

  13. It's all interesting to think about. Meanwhile, let us believe and do as He says and when we get there, He'll answer all our questions!



God bless you.