Saturday 12 January 2013


There are times in life when we all get totally exhausted.

Whatever it is that occupies our time, be it work, raising a family, caring for others or doing voluntary service, takes so much out of us that we can no longer carry on.

It could also be a problem on our mind or some other concern that weighs us down to total weariness. We feel physically, mentally and emotionally drained.

Our exhaustion is not always just physical. Sometimes it is through years of carrying unnecessary baggage which originate way back in our past. Our up-bringing perhaps, broken and hurt relationships, misunderstandings, unhealed pains and regrets. They build up on our backs and become a part of us just like a camel's hump until the weight is too much to carry and with one more straw we flop down to the ground unable to stand.

Like a boxer who’s received too many knocks we feel like falling down and not get up ever again.

It is said that on His way to Calvary Jesus fell three times. Of course, this is not in Scripture, but we can assume that after being tortured and beaten, and forced to carry a heavy Cross made of sin, He would have fallen or stumbled at least once.

He could have stayed there on the ground and died on the spot. But He got up and went on to do His Father’s will.

Let this be an example to us when we’re so tired we feel like giving up. Let us try one more time for His sake.

“Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest”. Matthew 11:28.


  1. Victor my friend! How timely your post was for me: I'd just been writing about "trying". My only resolve this New Year is to try. To be kind, to love, to forgive, to be true, to be non-judgmental... It seems to be at the root of all good thins I want to be or do or embrace in my life.
    Both you and Colleen have been inspirers for me to keep blogging - thank you x

    1. Hello Gigi,

      How nice to see you visiting me again. Thank you so much. Happy and Blessed New Year to you.

      As long as we try Gigi, God will be pleased with us. Remember that Saints are sinners who never gave up.

      I'm so glad you keep on Blogging. It's important as we never know who we may be helping with our writings.

      God bless you.

  2. Victor, this is such and inspiring and insightful post. It seems you wrote it just for me - I've been feeling really tired with this flu.

    1. Dear Barbara,

      I hope and pray that you are now better. The flu can be quite tiring and weakening. Women of course are much stronger and can keep going with the flu. We men need at least a week in bed with hot chicken soup and sports on TV. TV is a great healer.

      God bless you my friend.

  3. Good and insightful post Victor. Wishing you the best in the new year!

    1. Greetings Monica and welcome back. Thank you for visiting me.

      I wish you and your family a Happy and Blessed New Year.

      God bless.

  4. Victor...Whenever I get to this point,(and I've been there more times than I'd like to recount), it's always a fellow Christian on the journey who comes by to pick me back up, strengthening me to keep on journeying on.

    You're an encourager...a Barnabas : ) and one day in Heaven you'll know just how many people you've helped back up.
    Did I fix my google? LOL

    Happy New Year, blessings and +

    1. Thank you Caroline. I too very often need encouragement and a help up when my Faith falters.

      I'll check you Google and let you know.

      Best wishes for the New Year.

      God bless.

  5. I am worn out. So,my resolve this year is to quit trying. ( I agree with your premise, I just need another word because trying= self striving to me)

    Surrender-is my word this year. Actually it is a verb, I am surrendering. I just get in His way and try to control when I strive

    1. Hi Melanie,

      No matter what word we choose. The trick is not to give up.

      God bless.

  6. Thank you, Victor - I really needed to read this today. Sometimes I think you can read minds :)

    1. Hi Mary,

      Read minds ??? I have difficulty reading mine, never mind other peoples'!

      God bless you.

    2. Lol...I guess I meant that you are sensitive to the needs of others and your writing reflects this quality. I've always noticed this gift God has given you. Even in the midst of your own suffering and trials you try to understand others. I call it the gift of mercy.

      God bless you too :)

    3. Mary you are very kind and very blessed by the Lord.

      I am sure in His book you are amongst His favourites.

      God bless.

  7. True Colleen. It's all a question of priorities I suppose.

    Do like me. For my New Year resolution I resolve to sit down more.

    God bless.

  8. I often wonder how our Savior did everything He did that day. A Divine strength we can only imagine, I suppose.

    God Bless.

  9. True Michael. Divine strength but He still felt the human pain.

    God bless.

  10. Amen. I feel burned out, but I know God will give me rest.

  11. He's only a prayer away, Jose.

    God bless.



God bless you.