Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Advance Notice


I am planning a series of posts about the teachings of Jesus. They will be entitled "What Jesus said about ..." The first one will be about Anger and we will explore what Jesus said and how it applies to us in today's world.

If there are any of Christ's teachings you'd like discussed here please let us know in the comments box; or write to me at the "Contact us" button at the top right of this page. All e-mails come to my office privately.

God bless.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Nun on the run

It was Friday evening and Father Ignatius was alone in the Parish House listening to his favourite classical music. He sat in his armchair by the fire, eyes closed, and with his hand slowly moving his index finger in the air as if holding a baton and conducting an orchestra. Just as the music reached his favourite piece of Verdi’s Aida … The Triumphal March … just then, the front doorbell rang and interrupted his grand moment of triumph.

He jumped off his chair, switched off the record player and said sotto voce, “OK … hold it there all of you … we’ll return to this piece presently …”

He opened the door to be confronted by Sister Martha.

“I’m not interrupting anything?” she asked.

“Oh … only Giuseppe Verdi …” he replied.

“Yes … I’ve heard him through the open window … he’s getting better under your leadership … mind if I come in?”

He moved aside and let her in.

“Would you like tea or coffee …” she said as she made her way towards the kitchen.

“Tea please,” replied the priest as he walked back to the living room.

Sister Martha was in her late sixties yet she was as youthful and energetic as anyone half her age. She lived at the Convent nearby with a dozen other nuns, and she taught at the local Catholic schools. She often called in on the priests at St Vincent for a chat and a cup of tea on her way home, especially on Fridays when she stayed a little late at the school.

Moments later she entered the living room carrying a tray of tea and ginger biscuits; the priest’s favorite, as she knew very well.

“Ah … I didn’t know we had ginger biscuits,” said Father Ignatius, “I didn’t find them earlier on when I looked …”

“Mrs Davenport has shown me where she hides them …” said Sister Martha pouring two cups of tea, “she told me if you’d find them you’ll finish the whole packet …”

A few minutes of silence later as they slowly sipped their tea Sister Martha was first to break the quiet.

“Ignatius … have you heard about Sister Cecilia?” she asked.

“No … I can’t say I have …” he replied, “what’s the problem …”

“I am not breaking any confidences Ignatius … she asked me to speak to you … she’s already spoken to Mother Superior today …”

“Sounds ominous …” said the priest putting his cup down.

“Well … she works at the hospital as you know … she’s a nursing assistant there … well, not to put too fine a point on it … she’s fallen in love with a young doctor there …

“She told me she doesn’t know how it happened …” continued Sister Martha, “they got attracted to each other and she feels she can no longer continue her vocation …”

“You say she spoke to Mother Superior?” asked Father Ignatius.

“Yes … today. She told her she’d been thinking about this for about a month or so … she wishes it didn’t happen but it has … she wants to leave the convent and pursue a new life with him …

“She told me that Mother Superior was very understanding and suggested that she leaves the Convent for another one down South to give her time to think …

“But Sister Cecilia doesn’t think it will help … she wants to leave her vocation altogether.”

“I see …” said the priest calmly, “and you say Cecilia asked you to speak to me …”

“Yes … she wanted your advice …”

Father Ignatius smiled weakly.

“The poor soul …” he mumbled, “what advice can I give her Martha?” he asked rhetorically.

“When we decide to take up our vocation to serve the Lord,” he continued, “we do so after a lot of soul-searching, a lot of prayers, and a lot of training. It takes years as you know Martha … this is perhaps deliberate to give us a chance to think seriously on what we’re doing and the commitment we’re undertaking …

“Yet … despite all that … it does sometimes happen as in this case, that individuals can no longer continue their vocations and wish to leave. It happened some years ago to a priest I knew well … he has left the church and is now married with a family of his own …”

“It’s terrible …” Sister Martha said quietly.

“I suppose it is …” he replied, “as a Church we frown when people break their marital vows and divorce or separate … and I suspect this is no different …

“When a priest or nun break their vows and no longer wish to continue their vocations … it is perhaps the same as couples seeking divorce …

“Yet Martha … whilst I understand what people like Cecilia or that priest I spoke of are going through … I cannot condemn them …”

The nun looked up at him with a frown.

“I cannot condemn them, Martha …” he repeated, “I agree that it is wrong to break the vows they made freely … but at the same time … who am I to stand in the way of true and genuine love … if that is what’s happened in this case. I know it was exactly what happened in the case of that priest … I knew him very well.

“He fell in love with a teacher … he shouldn’t have … but he did … He wanted to leave the Church … just like Cecilia … He confessed to me … it was heart breaking … he told me he could not go on serving as a priest.”

“What did you do?” asked Sister Martha.

“I forgave him of course …” replied Father Ignatius, “how could I possibly withhold absolution … He was repentant and he knew that he could no longer serve as a priest … even if he gave up his lover and was moved to another Parish … He knew that he would not be a good priest and that deep in his heart he’d be a fraud … He’d be serving against his will and would be cheating the Church as well as God Himself …

“Yes …” said Father Ignatius thinking back to that event in the distant past, “I forgave him and absolved him …

“When we forgive someone else, we touch his very soul with the merciful love of Jesus Christ our Lord. How could I stand in the way of such love?

“Eventually … the bishop let him go … and as I said, he’s now married with a family.”

“What do you want me to say to Cecilia?” asked Sister Martha.

“Tell her that I’ll be praying for her …” he replied, “tell her to think about what Mother Superior advised … and that I’ll be always available if she wishes to have a talk with me … How old is she?” he asked.

“Thirty … last month!”

“She’s young and no doubt very frightened …” said Father Ignatius calmly, “I believe that whatever we do … our role is not to condemn but to forgive … She is doing what she feels is right for her life …

“Our Lord forgave many sins when He walked this earth … who am I to stand in the way of true repentance?”


Monday, 10 February 2025

Inspirations to live by


Here are some inspirational thoughts that came to mind whilst in the bath.

A wet man on the beach does not mean he was in the sea. 

The shortest day is always in winter.

In the graffiti of life you are a footnote.

A fallen tree in the forest with no witness to see it remains upright.

A bicycle with a broken wheel is not a mono-cycle.

Glasses are for seeing not drinking.

It does not matter whether your cup is half full or half empty as long as it does not leave a stain on the table.

As one door closes another opens outwards and hits you in the face.

The two words to open doors for you in life are "Pull" and "Push".

In the darkest night of your life your torch battery will have died.

If your drink tastes funny, you've squeezed a budgie instead of a lemon.

All roads lead to Rome but only in Italy.

Never leave to tomorrow what you can delegate to someone else today.

And finally ... 

During a check-up the patient asked the Doctor, "Do you think I'll live a long and healthy life then?"
He replied, "I doubt it somehow. Mercury is in Uranus right now."
The patient said, "I don't go in for any of that astrology nonsense."
He replied, "Neither do I. My thermometer just broke."

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Let's discuss this ...


Once upon a time, God said to one of His people, "I have ten suggestions you might want to write down and discuss with your friends; they might help you live a happy and contented life!"

WRONG !!!!!

Let's be clear about this. When God gave us the Ten Commandments; that's what they were.


Not suggestions to discuss and debate and alter to suit our selfish modern needs and wants. Let's check them out once again.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” and “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.”

These days we have many gods to choose from - money, power, influence, possessions, celebrity status, cars and so many other things. We may not see them as gods but they certainly managed over the years to push aside and exclude the one Living Creator God from our lives.

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

OMG !!!

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

Admittedly, some jobs should be manned 24/7; but have we gone too far by ignoring this Commandment? In the UK only 5% of the population goes to church regularly every Sunday - that's all denominations combined.

“Honour thy father and thy mother.”

However we treat our parents we set the example for our offspring to treat us likewise. 

“Thou shalt not kill.”

This includes abortion, euthanasia, assisted voluntary suicide ... ... ... 

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

Oh come on ... casual relationships are fun and not meant to be serious. They build experience and what's wrong if it is consensual, or both partners agree to have an open and honest relationship with other people? 

“Thou shalt not steal.”

If you take a pencil or a pen from work it is stealing. Also a paper clip or anything else. It does not matter if everyone does it. Also if you get to work late or leave early, or take a longer lunch break or stay longer in the bathroom; it is stealing. Or if you phone in and pretend to be unwell to take a day off. Remember - you do not work for your employer - you work for God. Everything you do in life should be to glorify God.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”

Gossip. tittle tattle, rumours; just for fun. Not meant to be taken seriously. If you pass on or listen to something bad about someone you have in effect stolen their good name and reputation. If you listen to gossip; take care that person may also be gossiping about you.

“Thou shalt not covet.”

I wish my Blog was as popular as yours ... OOOOPS !!!

Friday, 7 February 2025

Lord, I hope this day is good



Lord, I hope this day is goodI'm feelin' empty and misunderstoodI should be thankful, Lord, I know I shouldBut Lord, I hope this day is good
Lord, have you forgotten meI've been prayin' to you faithfullyI'm not sayin' I'm a righteous manBut Lord, I hope you understand
I don't need fortune and I don't need fameSend down the thunder, Lord, send down the rainBut when you're plannin' just how it will bePlan a good day for me
Lord, I hope this day is goodI'm feelin' empty and misunderstoodI should be thankful, Lord, I know I shouldBut Lord, I hope this day is good
You've been the King since the dawn of timeAll that I'm asking is a little less crimeIt might be hard for the devil to doBut it would be easy for You
Lord, I hope this day is goodI'm feelin' empty and misunderstoodI should be thankful, Lord, I know I shouldBut Lord, I hope this day is good

Thursday, 6 February 2025

I believe ...


I believe ... ... ... 

How often do we utter these words in conversation. I believe that this and that will happen. Or I believe so and so will do this soon. Or I believe that ... ... ... 

When we say "I believe" we are relying on our instinct, gut feelings, inner soul, intuition or whatever else you wish to call it; together with a degree of facts we know about. It is mostly instinct or intuition rather than fact. Some may call it faith. To believe something without really knowing it for sure. You know what it's like ... you believe in something, or that something will happen.

How about this: I believe in God.


You believe in something or Someone you have not seen and have only read about in books and hearsay? Is hearsay admissible in Court? How can you believe without any proof whatsoever? You believe blindly and call it faith.

To have faith is to believe when your common sense tells you not to.

 I believe for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night a candle glows
I believe for everyone who goes astray someone will come to show the way
I believe, I believe

I believe above the storm the smallest prayer will still be heard
I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word
Every time I hear a newborn baby cry or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why I believe

Every time I hear a newborn baby cry or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why I believe

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Things you did not know


Things you did not know ... ... ...

The world is upside down. When we look at a map or a globe we always see Europe and North America and Canada at the top. This is because the people who first drew maps were Europeans and they drew the maps like you would draw or paint a portrait - head on top and then body. So they drew Europe at the top. But in reality the Earth is upside down (see above) as it revolves in space. When a rocket is out there photographing the Earth it sees Europe at the top; but in reality it is flying upside down in relation to the Universe and outer space but don't realise it. 

Uranus smells of cinnamon. Rockets sent in outer space to investigate reported that the atmosphere around Uranus smells Christmassy. Just like cinnamon.

Do you know the difference between a frog and a toad? The spelling!

It is not true that peahens choose their peacock mates because of the beauty and colour of their tails when it is in full display. It's true that peacocks do so with their tails to attract a female; but peahens prefer a good personality and a sense of humour.

Do you know why flamingoes stand on one leg? Because if they lift the other leg they'd fall off.

Ferrets are the third most popular pets after dogs and cats. They are very attentive and listen to their owners' problems better than a dog or cat would do; but they care less anyway.

The albatross can keep on flying for 10 years without ever landing. It dives in the sea to pick up a fish but still remains airborne for years. It lands to lay eggs to produce the next generation. It can fly for six days without flapping its wings; it just glides on thermal currents. 

And finally; a hen walked in the library and went "book!" The librarian gave it a book which it put under its wing and walked off.

The next day it returned and went "Book ... Book ..." The librarian gave it two books and it went away.

The following day it went "Book ... Book ...Book Book Book ..." The librarian gave it 5 books.

Curious, the librarian followed the hen at a distance. Out in the woods she found a frog saying, "Read it ... Read it ... Read it ..."


Monday, 3 February 2025

The Father Ignatius Series


VISIONS - The father Ignatius series is a fun and easy read, Victor Moubarak is an excellent writer, love all his books. (Catherine)

For such a fast read, this book was amazing. As a Catholic, the story touched my heart deeply and should be read by other Catholics. If the reader is not a Catholic, it should be read anyway for the way it deals with our understanding of God’s forgiveness of sins, spiritual support through the worst of times, and the strength a good parish can have even if you are doubted by your peers.

This book is the first in a series about the main character. I read a later book and enjoyed it so much I had to go back to the beginning to follow the progression of his career. This book does not preach, it just carries the reader along on what could be if they believe. (Patt ONeil)

Do you believe that God still performs miracles in today's jaded and fallen world? What would your reaction be to three children stating they had met Jesus in a park? Would you believe without question? Or would you be led into doubt and disbelief instead? In Visions, Moubarak explores these all-too-human questions through the eyes of Catholic priest, Father Ignatius, and the ecumenical community at large. You will be irresistibly drawn into the believable characters, and sympathize with their questions and insecurities, while at the same time, be compelled to examine your own heart as to its spiritual health. This novel is a must-read for every Christian, and I would highly recommend it, too, for those who are questioning their beliefs in Christ, our Savior. (Martha Orlando, author, A Trip, a Tryst and a Terror, Children in the Garden, The Moment of Truth, Revenge!, Redemption, Revelation, all available on Amazon.)

THE PRIEST AND PROSTITUTE - This is a very well written 'Who Done It'. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, and many original lines. The one I remember most was concerning a conversation in which the old saying "If someone yells in a vacuum can it be heard?" You have to appreciate the wit of the author and also the surprise ending. It is a very enjoyable read and I definitely would recommend the author. Yep, tis a fun read. (Jack Darnell)

An intriguing and riveting story that will keep readers interested and engaged through the entire story. Highly recommended! (Martha Orlando)

TO LOVE A PRIEST - Of all Moubarak's Father Ignatius stories, this one most definitely is his most poignant. Torn between his priestly vows and the re-emergence of a former love, Fr. Ignatius is faced with a deep and life-changing decision. You do not want to miss this one! (Martha Orlando)

DON'T LET THE DEVIL WINI found this story so relatable ... in particular, Fr. Ignatius' vulnerability. On more than one occasion I, too, have wondered if God was punishing me. Good to realize, I'm not the only one. (Myra G)

If you like a down to earth good drama, this is one to give a shot. I enjoyed it from beginning to end as it covers the distress of a priest who in on the verge of leaving the priest hood with all the torments and feelings. It has a great ending, not what I expected, but it is good. Victor writes a good book. I am protestant and Victor's hero or main character is Father Ignatius, Catholic Priest. As I read Ignatius seems like your average 'preacher'. The same every day life and problems associated with those in a parsonage (my dad was a preacher so I know a little about that. LOL) Anyway, I highly advise this book, entertaining and informative. (Jack Darnell)

MURDER IN THE MONASTERYThis is such an excellent written book, that keeps you literally on edge till the very end. I read it through... could not put it down! WOW. Well, what a perfect thing to do on a day you have no Internet! That got solved and you will be SURPRISED reading this book. (Mariette Vedder)

A SHOT IN THE PARK - Love the Father Ignatius series, I hope that this writer keeps the series going, a very fun and suspenseful read. (Catherine)

A Shot in the Park may well be my favorite of Victor Moubarak's books! The storyline was both riveting and plausible. Plus, the author's writing made it easy for this reader to visualize each of the characters. My biggest take-away is the subject of forgiveness. That's something I've struggled with most of my life. (Myra G)

This book is one of the more recent books in a series by this author. The story was entertaining and the message heart warming. I gave it 4 Stars instead of 5 because of the narrator's "breaking the down the 4th wall" rule, where he talked to the reader, which wasn't all that bad because it was in a homily-like manner that helped move the plot along. I was so impressed by the Father Ignatius character, I'm going to read the rest of the series from the beginning. (Patt O'Neil)


This writer has a knack for keeping the readers on edge to the end, hard top put book down. (Catherine)

APPOINTMENT WITH MURDER -As ever, the author's created an entertaining, easy-to-read story featuring some of my most unforgettable characters. I especially enjoyed learning more about Fr. Ignatius' private struggle between right and wrong. Despite the collar, his obvious humanity. Normally because I'm a "it's either black or white" type, I doubt that I could be as resolute. (Myra G)
THE BITTEN APPLE CONNECTION - Be the first to leave an AMAZON Review. I rely on your reviews and thank you most sincerely for your support and encouragement. God bless you. (V S E Moubarak)

Sunday, 2 February 2025

I learnt it from AI


It's amazing how technology has advanced and what in the past we learnt from books and from schools and colleges we can now learn from the Internet. My parents, if they were alive today, would have been astounded by the Internet. Imagine writing an email and in seconds it reaches someone the other end of the world! And all those gadgets we can have at home or on our cell-phones that we ask them a question and they respond straight-away. 

I know a friend who studied medicine by just reading on the Internet and asking AI to help him along. He is now a surgeon ... 

and has successfully transplanted a hernia ... ... 

from the left side to the right ... ... ... 

on himself! 

Bless him ... his heart is in the right place ... ... but I can't say the same for all his other organs.

The other day another friend told me he is asking AI to advise him on moral and religious questions and how to live his life. Can you imagine that? Asking a man-made thing to guide you in life rather than rely on God's Commandments.

But then, I remember many years ago some other people did the same thing.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Do not upset anyone!


Do not ever do or say anything that is likely to upset anyone.

Can you imagine how different the world would be if no one ever did or said anything that upset another human being?

If Jesus never said or did anything to upset anyone they would probably not have Crucified Him.


Friday, 31 January 2025

Trompe l'oeil


There really is no limit to the amount of research I go to in order to entertain, inform and educate you in these articles I write here. Today we talk about Trompe l'oeil.

It is a French term which means to deceive the eye. Often used by painters to make you look at a particular place in their masterpieces. Like this example known as Trompe-l'Oeil Still Life with a Flower Garland and a Curtain by Adrien van der Spelt with the curtain painted by Frans van Mieris. Your eyes are drawn to the curtain (pun intended) rather than the flowers.

How about this by an unknown artist. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the fly rather than the painting itself.

Or this Lady With a Fly on her Shoulder (circa 1596) by Frans van der Mijn.

I'll admit my eyes were immediately drawn to the fly on her shoulder!

And another thing ...

Did you know that some urinals have a fly deliberately painted in them to help men aim properly? Do you know anyone who needs this help?

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Go away ... I'm busy!

Why is it when I'm busy trying to do something I get as many interruptions as you can fit in a short space of time? There I was at home busy writing an urgent report which just had to be finished for work that day when the phone rang.

"Hello ... yes, it's me. How can I help you? ... ... ... No thank you, I do not need to have new windows fitted in my house. Why? Because I live in a tent, that's why. Good bye!"

I got back to work. A few minutes later the phone rang again.

"Hello ... ... ... No thank you I do not have time right now to take part in a shopping survey ... ... ... why? Because a horse has just got in my house and left a pile on the carpet which I have to clean up before my wife gets home! The vacuum cleaner does not work. So unless you can deliver a new vacuum cleaner in the next ten seconds. Good bye!"

I put the phone down feeling proud of my impromptu response. Why do these salesmen phone when I'm busy? I have to answer the phone personally because I'm expecting an urgent call from a work colleague; so I can't leave the answer-phone machine to take the calls.

As I got back to work, the door bell rang. Someone is standing there with a collecting tin.

"This is a collection for fallen women!" he said.

"Sorry ... I haven't got any here!" I reply flippantly.

Then, feeling a little guilty I give him a penny. (That's four pennies I have already given away so far this month.)

I hate it when people with collection tins make you feel so guilty in your own home? If it's in the street you can always avoid them by walking the other way, like in the story of the Good Samaritan. 

I really don't see the point at all in being charitable. You give money away to charity and don't get any benefit from the transaction. What's so clever about that?

Anyway, after the latest interruption I got back to work and the phone rang again.

"Hello ... goodbye ... go away!" I shout.

"Oh sorry auntie ... I did not know it was you! Is it urgent? Only I have a lot to do right now ... No of course you're not interrupting auntie ... only ... I have to finish some work and then go to the vet ... No, I am not with Yvette. Yes, I know she is a wonderful young lady. Yes ... I know she has been feeling a bit down lately ever since her poinsettia plant died. I know they're delicate plants, auntie ...What is it I can do for you auntie? Can it wait or is it urgent?

No ... As I said I am not busy with Yvette. I have never been busy with Yvette or any one else for that matter ... well, my wife maybe ... every blue moon it seems! I said I was due to go to the vet ... No not a bet ... you know I don't bet. I said VET with a V for Violet ... not a B for Batty Old Aunt ... No auntie, I am not shouting. I am not with Violet either ... No Yvette and no Violet ... I am here alone. Here ... listen ... You see ... you cannot hear anything because there is no one else here ... except me. 

 Oh ... don't get upset auntie ... I'll come over to see you later OK? I'll buy you some flowers and some chocolates from the gas station to cheer you up. Hello? I can't hear you auntie ... I am loosing the connection ... the train is going into a tunnel and I'll lose the ..."

I put the phone down with a smile wondering whether she will ever realise she had phoned me at home and not on a train on my cell-phone.

The phone rang again within minutes.

"Hello auntie ... yes, I can hear you OK. The house has just got out of the tunnel. Bing Bong. Bing Bong. Sorry auntie. I have to go now. There's someone at the door."

I put the phone down.

It rings again immediately. It is my work's colleague. The report I am writing is not that urgent after all. Management needs it in a week's time.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Quick Read Bible


Imagine you can read a book from the Old Testament in 8 minutes. Or from the New Testament in as quick a time. Not possible.

Even the fastest reader in the world could not read a whole book from the Bible in 8 minutes.

Let me introduce you to a series of videos which outline a whole book from the Bible in such a period of time.



Try them. Let me know what you think.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Bedroom activities


Do you ever lie there in bed thinking? It happens a lot you know. Many people spend a lot of time thinking. Such a pity their thinking is not about improving the world and making it a better place.

When I was young I used to lie in bed and look up at the stars and think, "One of these days I'll have to fix that hole in the roof!"

These days of technology and gadgets it is all Apps, Apps and Apps everywhere. Perhaps if we told people that their brain is an App they'll use it more.

I think my bed is a magical place. I lie there and remember everything I forgot to do.

I was thinking the other day in bed, if we shouldn't eat at night because it causes indigestion then why is there a light in the fridge? 

Is snacking and eating this and that throughout the day a sign you're unhappy or depressed? What is happiness anyway? For me, happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family living in another town or city.

Seriously though, I love my family. If it was not for them I'd be arguing with perfect strangers. 

I love arguing and putting other people straight by correcting them. Sometimes I wish I was an octopus so I could slap eight people at once.   

I've just realised that I have not been to the gym today. That makes it five years in a row. I've decided to change calling the bathroom the John. I know call it the Jim and feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

Lying in bed helps me think of things I have to do. I never rush into doing things. Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet. 

I've been advised to join help groups. I don't agree. I don't need anger management training. I need people to stop irritating me. My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance of idiots that needs working on.

Like the nurse who told me I should exercise. If God wanted me to touch my toes He would have put them on my knees.

From knees my thoughts drifted to toes again. Why do ballet dancers walk on tip-toes? Why not just hire taller dancers? When did this habit start and for what reason?

Do you remember the song Tiptoe Through the Tulips by Two Lips from Amsterdam? Or was it Tiny Tim? I'll look it up on YouTube when I get up from this bed. I can't be bothered to reach out for my laptop on the bed-side table nearby.

And before you say it, yes, of course I lie in bed talking to myself; I often need expert advice.

And finally, take my advice, an apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough!

Sunday, 26 January 2025

The body and blood of Christ? Really?


At the Last Supper Jesus said, “Take and eat; this is my body”. (Matthew 26:26).

In the Gospel of John we read a long passage which says, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If you eat this bread, you will live forever. The bread that I will give you is my flesh, which I give so that the world may live." This started an angry argument among them. "How can this man give us His flesh to eat?" they asked. Jesus said to them, "I am telling you the truth: if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in yourselves. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them to life on the last day. For my flesh is the real food; my blood is the real drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood live in me, and I live in them. The living Father sent me, and because of Him I live also. In the same way whoever eats me will live because of me. This, then, is the bread that came down from heaven; it is not like the bread that your ancestors ate, but then later died. Those who eat this bread will live forever." (John 6:51 onwards).

As a result of what He said, a number of Christ's followers could not take this teaching and got up and left. Jesus did not call them back. He did not say it was all a metaphor, a figure of speech. He stuck to what He said and let them go. He then asked His disciples, "How about you? Do you want to go as well?"

As ever, Peter was first to answer, "To whom shall we go?" he asked. "We're in this for the duration, all the way, to the end". Or words to that effect, signifying the he trusted Jesus without question.

The Catholic Church, (and others), teaches that during Mass at the moment of transubstantiation, when the bread is changed into Christ's body, not only His body is present, but Christ as a whole is present ("the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity"). The corporeal presence of Christ is in the Eucharist. 

In Paul's letter to the Corinthians we read, "For I received from the Lord the teaching that I passed on to you ... ... ... This means that every time you eat this bread and drink from this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. It follows that if one of you eats the Lord's bread or drinks from His cup in a way that dishonours Him, you are guilty of sin against the Lord's body and blood. (1 Corinthians 11:23 onwards).

Today, the Catholic Church invites its members to believe that at Communion they are receiving the body and blood of Christ. But many do not believe this, including some priests. Many believe this is only symbolism despite it being Church doctrine.

Now this leaves me a bit puzzled. There seems to be an inconsistency here.

As Christians we believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit a virgin can conceive the Son of God. Yet we have difficulty believing that through the power of the same Holy Spirit a tiny wafer becomes truly the sacred body and blood, soul and divinity of this very same Jesus Christ the Son of God.

But then, what do I know?

Thursday, 23 January 2025

The Bitten Apple Connection


ISBN-13 979-8306343358



Victor S E Moubarak

In this, the ninth novel in the Father Ignatius series, we find the old priest reluctantly embroiled in the world of crime, gambling, strip-clubs and prostitution. It is a thin line indeed between being a priest guiding his flock in spiritual matters, and actually stepping out and helping in a practical way his parishioners in trouble.

In this story of mystery and intrigue Father Ignatius is perhaps rushing in where angels fear to tread so endangering his life and that of others. But then, there are times when only action will do; especially when words seem to have no effect at all. Above all, however, this story reminds us of the power of prayer and how it can change lives where human actions fail. Throughout it all, regardless of what he did in a practical way, it was Father Ignatius’ constant prayers that were heard and brought real results.

This book poses many moral questions which you, the reader, have to answer in all consciousness and honesty. It will put you on the spot and make you consider seriously how you would have behaved and what you would have done in similar circumstances. 

Was Father Ignatius right in everything he did? Would you have acted differently?       

How would you have reacted to a quickly developing situation where others are in mortal danger?

A credible plot-line which will keep you guessing what will happen next. Together with the moral guidance from our favourite priest, makes this book an enjoyable read for old and new book-lovers alike.

This new standalone novel by Vic Moubarak is available in KINDLE and paperback formats from AMAZON. Click on the link HERE.