Tuesday 5 February 2013

Jesus Mary and Joseph

Not much is known about Jesus’ childhood. The Bible records the story of His birth in Bethlehem and the early days of His life but not much more.

We are left to wonder what He was like as a baby. Crawling on the ground and then taking His first hesitant steps. I wonder what His first words were when He spoke.

One thing for sure though. He was much loved by His earthly parents, who devoted themselves to His up-bringing, until He was ready to start His work on earth as His Father willed.

Like most parents, they must have wished many good things for Him as He grew up, even though they knew who He really was and what His mission in this world was to be.

Mary, however, carried an additional burden in her heart. She knew from those early days what was to happen. Simeon in the temple had told her: “… sorrow, like a sharp sword, will break your own heart”. Luke 2:35. Joseph was there to witness it all.

Can you imagine what they went through as parents? Knowing of the torture and Crucifixion which Christ would suffer.

And Mary, endured that pain even more as she followed her Son on the way to Calvary.

Yet … despite all that. Despite knowing well ahead what was to happen, despite witnessing the Crucifixion for herself, one thing must have sustained Mary and encouraged her throughout her ordeal: the sure knowledge that Jesus was/is the Son of God and that He will rise again from the dead.

That thought alone should help us when we too go through difficult times. No matter how difficult our situation we should hold on to the fact that our Lord, the one we profess to love and follow, is the Son of God. By His death and Resurrection He has conquered evil once and for all.

And no matter what our situation may be, we can assuredly turn to Mary, and seek her help in bearing the difficulties we go through.


  1. I wonder how much Mary and Joseph prayed and begged God for a different ending to their precious son's life. Knowing his death had to be fulfilled but praying for the opposite? Hard to accept for a mom and dad.

    1. I understand exactly what you mean Noreen as a parent. It would have been very difficult to understand or accept why their Son had to undergo all this suffering.

      God bless.

  2. I wonder how often they thought of Simeon's words over the years. How painful to hear words like these when your child's life is just beginning. This is a great reflection, Victor. Thank you and God bless.

    1. Exactly Mary. The Virgin Mother must have cried often thinking about what is to happen to her Son.

      That's why parents can be comforted when they have children problems that by going to her in prayer they will not leave empty handed.

      God bless.

  3. Mary, the model of serenity. She is for me the perfect model of "Be not afraid." Wonderful post! Cathy!!!

    1. Thank you Cathy. You are so right. "Do not be afraid" my favorite quotation from Isaiah 43:1-5.

      God bless you.

  4. Beautiful thoughts on the Holy Family Victor. Thank you..

  5. They lived ordinary, mundane, lives, hauling water, outdoor toilets and all- infused with the Presence of the Holy Spirit- light, quiet joy and peace. No need to be heroic, or perform great deeds- just live with HIM

    1. Yes, they had a hard and difficult life.

      God bless you Melanie.

  6. I often think about Jesus' childhood as well. Mary, pondering all things in her heart, what a wonderful example and role model. Yes, we should all turn to her in our difficulties. Nice post Victor.

    1. Yes Andie. Mary and Joseph were real models of parenthood.

      God bless you.

  7. I often feel that Joseph's great leap of faith in believing and supporting Mary and her baby is overlooked to some extent.
    And we often forget that Mary was merely a child herself, traditionally probably a betrothed girl of 14 or 15. She must have been terrified by the prospect of bearing a child, not least because He was the Son of God. Her courage at a time when women seen to be adulterous were publicly shamed, shunned or even stoned is breathtaking.
    These were real flesh-and-blood parents who must've ached with the knowledge of their ultimate sacrifice before them. Thanks Victor!

    1. You make very good points Gigi.

      Despite the fear of ridicule, being shunned or even fear for her life, Mary said YES to the Lord. And Joseph too conquered his original doubts and said YES and stayed by her side. Any man whose grilfriend was pregnant and he was not the father would have run a mile in the opposite direction.

      These were real life people with real life lives and great Faith.

      God bless you Gigi for your wisdom.

  8. I don't know what I'd do without being able to turn to Mama Mary in hard times. Beautiful reflection.

    1. Thank you Barbara. You're so right about Mama Mary.

      God bless.



God bless you.