Monday 21 November 2016

Under Sedation

Today we took the dog to the vet. He was put under sedation so that the vet could check him out properly and take any necessary X rays.

We picked him up after he was awakened from sedation. He was a little unsteady on his feet and a bit groggy. The vet said he'd be like that all day.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't drive any vehicles like fork lift trucks, or work near machinery he'll be OK I suppose.

We gave him the best food available and the best of attention. He ate the steak earmarked for me and I enjoyed a tin of dog food on toast.

This whole episode led me to think, as I often do ...

I wonder how many Christians there are under sedation.

You know ... going to church on Sunday, say the odd prayer every now and then, and all is OK ... they see themselves destined for Heaven one day.

Is it really as easy as that? I asked myself, but did not answer.

What about "Not everyone who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do what my Father in Heaven wants them to do." Matthew 7:21

How many people are there just hoping that by doing the least possible, and by ignoring poor Lazarus at their gate, they will still end up in Paradise.

Sleep-walking into hell more like!


  1. Great advice for a sedated dog, because you just know he is going to go out and drive that fork lift!! Love your humor, and also the main message of your post.

    Linda B

    1. Hello Linda B,

      It's so nice to see you visiting me here. Thank you. Please call again.

      Actually, as soon as the dog was well again he drove to the shops.

      God bless you.

  2. Hi Victor! I hope your dog is well recovered now, and busy driving the streets to all the shops :)
    You make a great point about sleep walking through our faith lives. Jesus never advocated for an idle faith. He wanted us to love him and love each other by getting up and helping out wherever we can. Such a great analogy! I love when our everyday events teach us about our spirit life.
    Have a great Monday,

    1. Thank you Ceil, for your visit.

      I know we can't all be active all the time at preaching our Christianity (I know I don't as much as I should); but it seems to me many people just go around as if Christian life is just a tick list and if they have enough ticks or Gold Stars they'll get to Heaven.

      God bless you and yours.

  3. Wow, good thought, Victor. So, so true! I sure hope your dog is doing okay...poor thing. God bless you today!!

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Yes, the dog's doing OK; he's just taken me for a walk. So nice to see you visiting me here, thanx.

      God bless you.

  4. Victor, So happy to see that you love your dog. I was an animal activist for 15 years. NOT every one is kind to their animals. I see you feed your fur baby steak also. So do we when one of our fur kids has to go to the Vet,toenails clipped(they all dislike that so much,or bath time.)As for your topic today...well,I struggle every day with my spiritual growth. I talk to God thru out my day because I always need him for something. He may say," again". Not so though because GOD loves us and wants us to call upon him all the time. The more the happier our Father is in Heaven.Have a great day Victor and everyone. Love JudyBug :)

    1. Hello Judy,

      We try to give the dog cooked food every now and then, rather than tinned dog food or dog pellets.

      It is important to have a one-to-one relationship with God; and in praying talk to Him as a loving Father and friend. And to listen to Him too.

      God bless you.

  5. WELL SAID, Victor!

  6. Poor doggy, but I bet after all this special treatment he will want to trade places with you at the dinner table more often, lol! I agree with you about your statement about Christians who are acting on what they know out of a sense of duty more than relationship. Always a delight to visit you!

    1. Thank you SpicingUpIdaho for your kind words. It saddens me these days to see so many Christians wearing their religion as a badge rather than a way of life.

      I think the dog gets better special treatment than me in this house.

      God bless you and yours.

  7. Maybe people don't much care anymore about taking the time to love others, and maybe even the sacrifice to love is becoming more distasteful by the day.
    Keeping the steak for ourselves is a whole lot easier!

    P.S. One of my children is doggy-mad, and if she had her way, your dogg'd be eating steak more often than you.

    1. You are so right, Caitlyne, about your comment that "the sacrifice to love is becoming distastful". We are in the world of "self" these days.

      Like your comment about steak.

      God bless you and your family.



God bless you.