Saturday 21 April 2018

Speaking From My Sock

So … why call my new book, “Speaking from my sock”? 

It’s simple really. You see, I am a very shy kind of person and find it difficult starting conversations, or keeping up with conversations, for that matter. It’s not just the starting bit, but the continuation too which is a problem with me. Ending a conversation is much easier though. I just stop talking.

Years ago, when I was a child, my parents made me a sock puppet from an old sock. And the rest is history. I have not stopped talking since. At least the sock puppet hasn’t.

The other day for instance, I had reason to phone for a plumber. Easily done on the phone. But when he turned up I became very shy again. So I put on the sock puppet and all went well …

“Hello Mr Plumber,” said the sock, “how good of you to come over so quickly within a fortnight. Please excuse my silent friend with his hand up my rear. He doesn’t speak much. But he told me to tell you that our sink is blocked. We think another sock somehow got down the plug hole!”

And there you have it. A new book written by me with the help of my sock puppet. Thank you for buying it and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as the sock enjoyed writing it.

This book is a collection of short humourous stories and anecdotes, some heard here and there over the years, others originating from the deep recesses of my mind. 



  1. I've placed my order, Victor! Can't wait to get it.
    Blessings, my friend!

    1. Oh Martha. You are so kind. I hope you like my humour.

      God bless.

  2. Sounds lovely! I have also placed my order Victor.

    1. Oh Denise, that's great. I really hope you enjoy my humour, or is it humor? Anyway, as long as it makes people smile! Please let me know what you think when you've read it. This will give me the encouragement to read it too!

      God bless you.

  3. I tried speaking from my sock to a group of little children once in a church show. Unfortunately my sock had two holes in it and as chance would have it, two of my fingers protruded right out the holes. The children screamed, "the devil, the devil," and pointed their fingers at it. Finally they cried and ran away and my sock show was cancelled. ;)

    1. That's really funny, Manny ... or perhaps not. Did it really happen?

      It's great to see you visiting again. Thanx.

      God bless.

    2. LOL, no I made that up. It sounded like one of your stories. :) I've been very busy lately and not had the time for the blogs, unfortunately.

    3. It's a great story, Manny. I like it.

      God bless.



God bless you.