Thursday 16 November 2023

Punch up in Heaven!


You're a good Christian trying to live life as Christ would want you to and despite a few stumbles every now and then, for the most part, you're doing OK.

You meet another Christian, in Church, at work, at the tennis club or perhaps on the Internet.

That person too is a good Christian, like you, trying to live up to Christ's Word and be an example to others.

Somehow, the two of you fall out a little, you don't see eye to eye on certain matters; Liturgy perhaps, or Christian behaviour, or interpretation from the Bible. Slowly relations cool down to the point where you don't talk any more.

Years later, you meet up in Heaven.

Do you pick up the argument where it left off and try to prove, with evidence from Jesus and the Saints, that you were right all along?

Or do you rejoice in what unites you rather than dispute over your differences?

If the latter ... then why wait until you're in Heaven to do it?


  1. ...we can disagree, but we don't need to be disagreeable.

  2. Perhaps the same could be said for politics these days.

    Of course, I want to be right ... but. What if we've both missed something? Oh, what a day!

    1. You've got a good point, Mevely. We spend so much time arguing and debating when in reality it probably does not matter that much.

      God bless always.

  3. You're not going to see things the same way as others. We are all unique in our own ways, we ought to celebrate that. We can get to the same destination many ways.

    1. The thing is, many people believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

      God bless you, Bill.

  4. Life is too short to hold grudges

  5. Good question! I am learning to pick my battles wisely here on earth. some things really aren't all that important when viewed from heaven's viewpoint...and then again, some things really ARE that important and shouldn't be taken lightly. Praying for discernment and wisdom is always a wise choice!

    1. Wise words, Pamela. Thank you.

      When I look back over the years; how many battles and arguments have I fought for things and principles which at the time looked important. But now I wonder; were they really worth losing friendships for? Was there really a wrong and right side to the event in question?

      May God help us to discern those cases where we have to stand our ground for His glory.

      God bless, my friend.

  6. Exactly! This is why we need to cut each other slack and major only on the major things.

    1. Stand up for the principles worth standing up for.

      God bless, Mimi.

  7. There is nothing wrong with seeing things differently as long as it is not disagreeing with scripture. Also, we are going through different situations in our lives so it is alright to agree to disagree sometimes, but not to quarrel.

  8. Amen, Victor! May we recognize and celebrate our similarities rather than dwell on our differences.

    1. So many denominations in Christianity these days. Is that why there are so many rooms in Heaven?

      God bless, Martha.



God bless you.