Saturday, 5 December 2020

Angry at Ignorance


Look folks! This may be an advert, or it may not. Forgive me if you feel it is a re-cycled advert in this Christmas Season.

What I am angry about is the level of ignorance about Christianity. A person I know well, an adult with children, whom I thought knew better, suggested that Jesus was a Disciple. A disciple of whom, I wonder?

On TV the other day, someone did not know any basic facts about Moses and the Ten Commandments.

Often, on TV or radio, people do not know, or understand, the meaning of Christmas or Easter.

It seems to me that not only is there a great deal of ignorance about Christianity; but also an increasing resistance to even learn about it. It's as if people are saying in their head, "No ... leave me alone ... I don't want to know!"

It took me sometime to write the book, Man And God.

I did not know whether to bother. Whether there is a need for it. Or anyone cared. But the feeling kept coming back that I should write something simple about the basics of what we believe. Nothing with complicated theories and dogmas. Just simply explaining why some people believe in God.

Who is He anyway? And who is Jesus?

I chose some basic questions that anyone new to the subject might ask about. A starter pack to get people to search and investigate more.

I wish I had the courage to give this book to that person without them being insulted or offended.

ISBN-13 : 979-8566100388

An easy to read no-nonsense book exploring the many questions we may have asked about God and our role as His creations. Questions like: Who is God? Jesus? The Holy Spirit? Does He really care for us and love us? If so, why do we suffer? Why are so many bad things happening in the world? Is God really in control? Does He answer prayers and perform miracles? Who are Angels and devils? What is sin? These and other topics are discussed in a relaxed simple style.

“Man And God” will make you think about life, about yourself, why God has created you, and your role in this life … and the next.

Suitable for anyone wishing to learn more about Christianity, or for those who may have perhaps wandered from the faith and wish to discover more about themselves in relation to God.




Same price as a cup of coffee - this book could change your life. 



  1. Dearest Victor,
    Yes, nowadays it is a SHAME that especially the Media is totally ignoring God.
    We have still a President who does include God and who names him, but he's being shunned big time.
    Ironically when I ordered a triple set, yours was listed at the top as I searched by ISBN and here it is: Man And God |by Victor S E Moubarak | Nov 17, 2020
    @ 4 on same page is: A Promised Land | by Barack Obama | Nov 17, 2020 and sure, the radical Media has turned it into a Best Seller...
    A stark contrast between you and him as he has totally erased God from school, sport and public life.
    Not sure if said B O will reach his final destination of the Promised Land!
    It is THE problem that so many other things are being idolized instead of pure belief in God. The world is in decay...
    Will give some away and they no doubt will have a purpose!
    Thanks for speaking up and may God bless us all and SAVE the world we live in!

    1. Thank you Mariette for buying my book. I hope it helps someone somewhere to get to know and experience the love of God. It took me some time thinking whether to write it or not. I tried to make it simple and answer questions on peoples' mind as honestly as I can.

      God bless.

  2. ...and there is a lot of ignorance to be angry about!!!

    1. I agree Tom. On TV a person did not even know what the Ten Commandments were. One does not have to believe; but at least they should know that something exists - like the Old Testament, the Commandments and so on.

      God bless you.

  3. We have so many troubles today and it all started when people started removing God from everything.

    1. I agree with you too, Brian. When I was at school we used to start every day with prayers. Now ... ???

      God bless always.

  4. Yes, so many of our troubles in the U.S. started when God was removed. (What did they think?!) My oldest daughter is going through a tumultuous time because of this, not that she does not know God but she found her finacee does not live by the Bible nor thinks he should she shockingly found out. The engagement is over. This man is a church goer and grew up in a churched home but was not trained to live by the Bible. Yes, we know it's everywhere but when we are personally involved it is shocking what we find out about what is truly in or the lack of in people's hearts.

    Sounds like a great book, I'll have to add it to my list. The blatant aggressive behavior is just unbelievable on the various sites. Evil doers will be cut down though... Psalms 37.

    God's blessings, Ameia

    1. It's so nice to see you visiting us here again, Amelia. Thank you so much.

      I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's very sad news. Rest assured that I am praying for her and your whole family right now. We live in difficult times, my friend. We should hold on to our faith and trust in God even more.

      Please let me know what you think of the book when you've read it. Thank you so much.

      God bless you and yours.

  5. What annoys me most isn't just some folks' ignorance ... but (that) they don't care. While your book arrived in a timely fashion, now I'm thinking I should have ordered two. :)

    1. Thank you once again for your loyal support and encouragement, Mevely. Let me know please what you think of the book.

      I agree with you that there is (in the UK) a strong resistance to learn about God and Christianity. You often see celebrities on TV mocking Christianity as being old fashioned and fairy tales.

      Thanx again my friend. God bless you and yours.

  6. Ignorance is everywhere these days and my belief is they just don't care. They have more important things to deal with instead of even offering a simple prayer to God to start their day. I remember how we always said a prayer before we did anything even including eating our meals.

    1. Times have changed, Bill. We used to start the day at school with prayers. We said prayers before meals. We had a priest visiting the school to deliver Religious Instruction classes; and Confessions on Fridays.

      Now people are set against wanting to know about God. They don't care; as you say.

      God bless you, Bill.

  7. This book is in queue for my upcoming reading, Victor! I'm so looking forward to it, and I'm sure it will give me inspirational ways to share the Gospel with others.

    1. Thank you to you too my loyal supporter for your encouragement. I hope you enjoy the book. Let me know.

      I have written it specifically for an audience who either know nothing about God/Jesus; or over the years have drifted away from their faith for a variety of reasons.

      For example, I know someone who has stopped going to church, stopped praying, stopped all relationships with God, because he/she did not get on with a priest they had an argument with. That is hardly God's fault is it?

      I would be so happy if this book returns just one prodigal son or daughter to God.

      God bless you Martha, my friend.

  8. I WOULD give the book to that person, it could change their life.
    Seems like most people just don't care about God. How sad!!

  9. They want to believe G-d is the same as Santa Claus, everyone gets a gift, everyone gets into heaven, no need to do the hard work of being a disciple or staying away from sin. After all, He wants us to be happy (He wants us to be holy and full of joy, very different from happy as most people define it).

    1. Yes, you got it right, Mimi. Everyone thinks they're going to Heaven without even believing in God.

      God bless.

  10. Bingo.

    Becoming informed can, however, be hazardous.

    I started digging into Church history and teachings, for example. Eventually I knew too much, and had to become a Catholic. It was the only reasonable alternative. And that's almost another topic.

    1. Thank you Brian. This book is meant to help people in their first steps to learning more. If only I could afford to buy many copies and give them free.

      God bless, my friend.



God bless you.