Thursday, 17 December 2020

Have you heard the one about ...


The comedian stood on the stage and shouted "12".

And the audience laughed in unison.

He then said "15" and they laughed even louder.

He cried out "23" and they stamped their feet with delight as they laughed and applauded.

He continued with his repertoire "24 ... 33 ... 39 ..." and the audience were in tears with laughter as he kept calling out various numbers.

After about fifteen minutes or so on stage I asked him afterwards in his room what all that was about.

He explained, "This is a very loyal audience who follow me everywhere wherever I do a show. Over the years they got to know all my jokes and they enjoy hearing them over and again. In order to make the show go faster, and so that I can pack in more jokes, I have printed them all out and numbered them. The audience have memorised all the jokes. Now all I have to do is call out the number, they remember the joke, and laugh at it!"

I was amazed at what he had just said. "Why ..." I asked hesitantly, "why did they not laugh when you said 42?"

"They had not heard that joke before!" he answered.

Over the past few days we have heard the story of Christmas read out in church several times.

A pregnant Virgin and her husband go to Bethlehem on a donkey. There is no room in the inn. They go to the stable where a baby is born and placed in a manger. An Angel appears to shepherds and announces the Birth; and a star guides three Kings from the East to the stable.

We've all heard the story many times before and no doubt we will hear it again next Christmas and beyond.

Is it yet another old story from folklore which tradition repeats every twelve months and, like that comedian's audience, we remember once again and smile silently as we celebrate with family and friends?

Or is it perhaps something more important than that? In fact, the most important event that has ever happened in the history of the world.

God, the Creator of the whole Universe and what is in it and beyond it, loved us so much that He decided to make Himself flesh and visit us on earth as a human being.

I wonder how many people, as they celebrate the "12" days of Christmas from the 25th December to the 6th January, stop for a moment and really and seriously think about the awesomeness that this event really means?  

1? ... 3? ... 7? ... 100? ... More?


  1. Dearest Victor,
    Let's hope that those numbers are growing into the high digits as it is about time!
    So many people just hastily live past the real reason...
    It is not a COMMERCIAL thing but a lot more!

    1. Yes, let us hope the real meaning of Christmas touches peoples hearts.

      God bless, Mariette.

  2. A lovely post and so are you Victor.
    You brought ears of laughter and love for the true meaning of Christmas.

    God's Blessings My Friend 💮

    1. That should have been tears!

    2. I have tears in my ears? How come? I know Aunt Gertrude said I look like a bad Picasso painting, but that's no reason to be personal.

      Seriously though, Jan; I am saddened that many people do not know the real meaning of Christmas, and care even less.

      God bless you my friend.

  3. A great reminder to REALLY listen to the story of the birth of Jesus.

  4. like ordering at a Chinese restaurant.

  5. Some people know the real reason and meaning of Christmas but others don't and probably don't care. Very sad indeed.

    1. Yes it is sad ... especially when they don't care. You see it on TV all the time. Christmas means food, more food, drinks and presents.

      God bless, Bill.

  6. We definitely need to hear the story with our hearts, not just our minds, Victor. May it be as fresh and vibrant every time we hear it, and let us give thanks to the Father who loved us so much that He gave His only Son to die for our sins.

    1. You are of course right, Martha. But I have a feeling that the message is not getting through. Christmas is just having more and being greedy.

      God bless you.

  7. Some stories you can hear too often.

  8. Well said, Victor!! I pray that those who do not know the Lord will take Him as their Savior before it's too late. I try to tell folks about Jesus as much as I can in hopes of taking as many as possible along with me on the way to heaven!! Blessings to you!

    1. It is really sad how many people are set against learning about God and Jesus. You see it on TV often here in the UK.

      God bless you, Diana.

  9. Beyond all doubt, the greatest story ever told, because each word is true.

  10. That for sure is the greatest story ever told and just like mimi said all true. Praise God.
    Actually the wise men weren't there when Jesus was born but saw Jesus a couple of years later. Just saying.

    1. Yes, I believe you are right, Happyone. The wise men arrived later.

      God bless.

  11. Heartbreaking how, in some cases, food and frivolities outshine man's greatest blessing. It behooves us to keep sharing the story.

    1. You are right, Mevely. It is our duty and responsibility to proclaim the Good News of God and His only Son, Jesus.

      God bless you and your family.



God bless you.