Thursday 11 April 2024

My Dear Atheist Friend


My Dear Atheist Friend,

I really am not able to convince you that God exists; some would say I should not even try. This is because you are probably well-educated, logical and clinical in your thinking, and analytical in search of proof and evidence in your research. 

Either that, or you probably never gave God a thought and are not likely to start doing so now. 

Either way, I am advised that it is better not to engage in conversation and try to change your mind, because your mind is made up, and you are right, and it follows that everyone else is wrong in their beliefs.

The thing is, I admire your Faith. You are sure, certain even, that God does not exist. 

I sometimes wish that believers in God had as much Faith as you. But they often doubt, hesitate, wonder and analyse what they believe. To them, nothing is 100% certain. They just believe in blind Faith; without tangible measurable proof that your intellect would require and insist on. 

But then, is that not what Faith is about? To believe when your common sense tells you not to?

Some believers, like me, would say that they have proof that God exists, and that Jesus is His only Son. 

They would say that God proved it to them personally. Their stories may differ as to how and when they were assured by God of His existence. How they came to believe. But the thing is that whatever they say, it will lack the evidence and proof that an analytical searching mind would require.

Others would say that Faith is a gift from God. We are given Faith by His grace. That is true, but we must take the first step. We must want to have Faith. We must want to believe. God does not force Himself on anyone. No one is sent to Heaven against their wishes.

There's one thing, however, I would ask you my Atheist friend. Have you considered the possibility that in one chance per million you are possibly wrong in your belief?

I shall pray that one day you may consider that possibility.

God bless.


  1. ...beliefs are personal.

  2. For years I had a love/hate relationship with my boss. I loved how she stood up for me and treated me as an equal -- but loathed her politics and overbearing belief God does not exist. Her being extraordinarily intelligent, I chose not to engage. Unfortunately, a few years later we had a huge falling out on like (over politics, go figure) we're no longer in contact. I still pray she will realize He is real.

    1. That's all we can do, Mevely. To pray that people will one day come to realise that God is real. That's why we should continue to Blog and write our Christian articles. Who knows who might be reading them and inspired to search for God.

      God bless you always. Praying for others helps.

  3. thecontemplativecat here. Over the wkend, I sat down with my sis in law, and witnessed to her about salvation. Have done so for many decades. Her responses were confusing, and then she switched to ask me if I was voting for Trump.

    1. Hi Susan, sometimes, praying for people is the best gift we can give them.

      God bless always.

  4. I don't believe in Athiests.

    I included your blog on a list of blogs I read on a blogpost today. Wow. That is a lot of blog. Hope it is ok I linked to your blog!

    1. Thank you so much, Sandi, for mentioning me on your Blog. So kind of you.

      There's an old saying, "No atheists in foxholes!" In the heat of battle, when everyone is fighting for their survivals, even atheists search for God to save them.

      God bless.

  5. You are absolutely correct, Victor. The best thing we can do for these people is pray for them. God will take care of the rest. Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Martha. I have found from experience that atheists are too set in their ways and sure they are right. Yet, Christianity is full of mysteries and requires blind faith; belief without proof and certainties.

      I join you in prayers. God bless.

  6. Right on! Blessed is he who has not seen but believes. Faith after a while provides the proofs to each individual. Great Post.


    1. How nice to see you visiting here Irish Cherokee. Thank you. Please call again soon and often.

      Indeed, Faith provides all the proof we need to believe.

      God bless.



God bless you.