Wednesday 2 October 2024

Crippling Fear and Anxiety


The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terrified. But He said to them, "It is I; do not be afraid." (John 6:16-21)

Fear is sometimes good for you. It stops you from taking unnecessary risks. From being reckless and unthoughtful in what you do. Fear is natural.

It is a human emotion like all the others. Fear can be real and warranted - we fear punishment and retribution for our crimes, we fear threats from aggressive people, we fear criminals, wild animals and so on.

Or fear can be imagined and unwarranted - we fear the unknown, new places we have to visit, new situations in our lives, new people we have to meet, or we fear change from the comfort we're used to, we fear what might happen in the future.

So fear, by itself, being natural, is not a sin. But how we react and deal with it can be. Too much unwarranted fear could be an insult to God in that we do not trust Him enough to look after us and care for us. Prayers are the answer.

Let us consider carefully what it is that causes our fear and if there is a genuine reason then we should seek help. Discuss the matter with a trusted relative or friend. If there is cause for concern then we should not suffer and worry alone. Others may be able to help us or get us to see our problem from their perspective.

If however our anxiety is without foundation; and there is nothing practicable we can do to change the situation; we should trust in God. This is what He asks of us. To tell Him how we feel and seek His help to calm us down. He has conquered fear. He has conquered the future. As well as evil. Forever.

Do not be afraid – I will save you. I have called you by name – you are mine. Isaiah 43:1 

It is no point having faith in a Master who walks on water if we do not trust Him enough to follow Him.



  1. Lovely message Victor, and beautiful song. We must live one day at a time in Jesus, and not fear anything. The scriptures are God speaking to us and I am reminded of the very things Job feared came upon him. In Jesus we have peace, having access to the mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit , Who leads us into all truth. God bless you for sharing a comforting post.

    1. There are so many living in fear and anxiety when help is so near at hand. God bless, Brenda.

  2. the US, many conservative Christians are fearful and support Trump as their savior. This seems like a disconnect to me.

  3. Thank you for this message. I see fear beginning to grab hold of some Christians which always seems like a puzzle to me. If Jesus can calm the seas He can calm our fears and anxieties. We just have to let go of the reins of our lives and let God take His rightful place. God bless, Victor

    1. You are right, Debby; some Christians are faced with fear. The world is in turmoil right now and people are confused. We need to pray more for world peace and forgiveness.

      God bless you, Debby.

  4. With Jesus, we have no reason to fear in an unhealthy way. I do pray that those who struggle with worry would seek wise advice and counsel. Blessings, Victor!

  5. A wonderful post. I'm blessed to not deal with stress and anxiety, at least so far.

    1. How fortunate, Brian. Praise the Lord, and God bless you.

  6. God bless. Love and kindness. ❤️

  7. Fear and anxiety have had their grip on me for as long as I can remember. I know who holds the pen, yet there are times I feel overwhelmed. Friends like you -- who never grow tired of reminding me -- are invaluable.

    PS - This is probably my favorite of Fr. Frances' songs; I played it for my Bible study friends some months ago and they loved it, too.

    1. Dear Mevely; do not fear. We all have times when fear overwhelms us and we worry about many things, real and half-imagined based on some reality. It happens to me as well. I usually go in a quiet place and analyse what is the real concern on my mind. If it is real, (like health issues), I seek appropriate advice; but at all times I pray over and again that God is in control of this and every situation. I pray through gritted teeth even. I do my best to trust Him ... and he has NEVER failed me.

      I am praying for you, Mevely. God bless.

  8. Good post on fear, Victor. I have been meditating a lot this year about feelings (including fear). Feelings are not good or bad, but how we respond to them can be good or bad, which is what you have said here. I agree completely.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. Feelings ... thoughts ... sometimes come to mind out of nowhere and we start worrying at what might happen ... what if ... and the more we think about them the darker they can become. We should turn to God in prayer at the earliest opportunity.

      God bless you always, my friend.

  9. Thanks my friend. A much needed message and well delivered. I am doing much better. Not out of the woods yet. But Prayers sure help.... From Back in North CArolina for a few days then off again....Sherry & jack

  10. Victor: Fear can give you strength, love Father Francis Maples songs.




God bless you.