Saturday 12 October 2024

Round the planet in 80 spins


We are told we have to save the planet. What we are saving it from I still do not know. The way we're all behaving right now suggests we should save it from ourselves.

People talk about global warming - we are burning too many things which are bad for the planet and cause its temperature to rise, and this is bad because the icebergs will melt and the seas will rise and only the strongest swimmers will survive. 

Others don't agree with this theory and believe temperatures rise and fall in a cyclical fashion and as in the past we had the ice-age we are only going through a phase and we will survive through it.

Personally, I am not clever enough to understand one argument from another. It's like the argument about the extinction of dinosaurs. Some say they all died because they could not withstand the cold temperatures of the ice-age; others say they died because they were killed by a meteorite, or asteroid which hit the earth. Although why they were all standing in the same place at the time is a mystery to me.

Now about this global warming thing. I feel it is because of candles. Can you imagine how many candles are lit at any one time in the world? In churches, in restaurants, at romantic dinner tables, in the bathroom - I mean; whoever thought of candles in the bathroom? Very dangerous if you happen to singe your hair. On birthday cakes too? Come on - admit it. How many candles are on your birthday cake each year? They all contribute to global warming.

That and cows breaking wind apparently. Cows break wind more than other creatures because they have two stomachs. It seems that all the gases coming out of cows float up to the sky and make a hole in the sky through which the sun rays get in and makes us warm.

Another reason for global warming, I am told, is deforestation. The other day I was sitting at the library reading about global warming, and a man beside me said, "“Do you realize that all the time you've been sitting here 500 square miles of rain forest have been destroyed?” So I got up and sat elsewhere. I don't want to be blamed for destroying a forest.

Yet another reason for global warming is books. Books are made of paper which comes from wood from trees. Do you realise that there are millions of books being printed in the world each year and most of them go unread? Including mine. Which is a pity because you're missing out on a good read. Just click the link to find out more. Or you can get them in Kindle formats and save on a lot of paper and trees being cut down.


  1. ...we need to teach basic science!

    1. This article is scientific, Tom. Too many candles cause heat. Also cows cause gases which would ignite next to a candle. It's all pure science which I read in a book I am writing.

      God bless.

  2. Global warming, due to the activities of humans, is balderdash. Just another way for the global elites to control us with lies. Blessings, Victor!

    1. Yes Martha, I read recently that we should stop eating beans to reduce gas emissions.

      God bless.

  3. I feel smarter already! Not because I understand Global Warming, but now I've an excuse not to burn all these candles I've been gifted over the years.

    1. Now on my birthday cake I have a battery operated torch instead of candles. It's re-usable and the battery is re-recyclable.

      God bless, Mevely.

  4. The cows gases causes a bad stink, so I guess that is what I'm smelling.

    1. Cow gases and candles. That's the problem, Bill.

      God bless.

  5. I'm a fan of the cyclical idea with regard to global warming. I won't say it's "much ado about nothing," but I do think people put the blame in the wrong place.

    1. Indeed, you are right, Barbara. That man in the library blamed me for de-forestation just because I was sitting there.

      God bless you, my friend.

  6. The climate has always been changing.

    1. Over here it changes four times a day. God bless, K.

  7. I'm scientifically illiterate, so I can't chime in.

    1. But it is good to see you here, Danielle. Thank you and God bless.

  8. It seems to me we are not taking good care of our planet whether we are warming it or not.



God bless you.