Monday 17 October 2016

The Computer Manager

A Computer Manager is very security minded. Before going home each evening he locks all the doors in the Center and takes the keys home. Starting FROM his office, he passes through each door ONCE before locking it. He NEVER unlocks a door once he has locked it.

He does not climb in or out of any windows. He goes through doors only, which he locks after him. He then goes home.

Which room is his office?
(Can you trace his path as he moves from room to room?)

Correct answers will be put in a hat and a draw made.

The winner gets a copy of any of my paperback books:

You can learn more about the books HERE

 Competition open for 7 days.


  1. Hi Victor! I'm going to say room 'A', knowing I am wrong because I STINK at stuff like this. But, it's fun to try.
    Happy Monday!

    1. Hello Ceil,

      Nice to see you having a try at this. It is indeed fun to try.

      God bless you.

  2. Hello Victor,

    I am not good at these things either, but I will guess Room B. :)

  3. Hello Victor,

    I am not good at these things either, but I will guess Room B. :)

    1. Hello Linda,

      It's great to see you visiting my Blog. Hope you return soon. Thank you for your entry to the competition.

      God bless you.

  4. I have NO idea! But it was fun trying! I thought I had it starting at A but then kind of got stuck!

    1. Great to see you here again Lynn. Of course, anyone can have more than one try at this. Just go from room to room and lock the door behind you.

      God bless.

  5. eeny, meeny, miny, moe...Room C is the very best one (???)

    1. Thank you Hand-Maid for your eeny meeny answer. All will be revealed soon.

      God bless.

  6. I'm going to guess and say room B.

    By the way, I heard a good joke today in reference to a musician winning the Nobel Prize in Literature which I have to share. The Swedish Academy announced early that next year's winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature will be Lin Meng Ning. Who is Lin Meng Ning? He's the guy who writes the fortunes in the Chinese fortune cookies. His classic, "Someday Everything Will Make Perfect Sense" was just too hard to pass by. :)

    1. Thank you for the joke, Manny. And your guess answer too. I'll give the answer to the puzzle on Sunday.

      God bless.

  7. My brain does not turn on his early in the AM--but in my still slumbering state--it seemed I could make F work.
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Thank you for your entry, Lulu. I shall publish the answer and the winner on Sunday.

      God bless you.

  8. He has no office in that building. He works from home.


    2. That manager has an office in the building, Linda. He leaves his office, goes through every door which he locks behind him, and then goes home.

      God bless.

  9. At first, I ended up locking the moor man into some office or another every time I tried. Then I found, I left out a door on my drawing. The man got out if I put his office in room B. This, I suspect, is not the only possible answer, but I'm tired of drawing office buildings.

    1. PS. After reading this once again, I tried once more ... of course his office is in room F.

    2. Thank you Uglemor for visiting me. I hope you return here soon. Both your answers will be considered. The correct answer and winner will be published here on Sunday.

      God bless you.

  10. I am going to run this by Zach later, when he has time, but I think his office is room "F". Because you didn't say he has to go through each door, you said "he passes each door once before locking it". You didn't say he has to walk THROUGH each door. Am I on the right track?? Thanks for was fun!!

    1. No Cheryl, sorry. You are not right. The manager STARTS at this office, he goes through each door (see my second para) only ONCE having locked it behind him. From his office, he goes to another room and locks the door behind him, then he moves on and on having gone through all the doors, locked them and gone home.

      Sorry for my mistake. I hope you have another go. Just print the diagram and with a pen go from one room to another. It took me ages to get the right answer.

      See answer here on Sunday.

      God bless you and yours.

  11. I do apologise to Cheryl, and to everyone else, for not having said "he passes through each door once". My mistake.

    Starting from his office, he goes through each door once and locks it behind him. Then, having locked all doors, he goes home.

    Print the diagram and follow the manager from room to room with a pen. Have another go. No limit to the number of entries you can have.

    Thank you and God bless.

    1. Oh, no worries, my friend! Zach just figured it out, so he is going to leave you a comment so his name will be entered into the giveaway. He figured it out in record time!! Thank you so much...this was a blast!!

    2. Thank you Cheryl. I'm sorry for my original mistake.

      God bless you and yours.

  12. Hello Mr. Victor!

    Mama informed me of this very fun and mind-stimulating game you have shared and I believe I have figured out this clever answer is Room B. I am afraid I may be incorrect but (God's Willing) we will all find out soon! Thank you so much for sharing, sir!

    May God grant you His greatest blessings,

    1. Hello Zach,

      It's great to see you visiting me here. And thank you for taking part in this competition. I shall reveal the answer here on Sunday.

      May God bless you and your parents always.

  13. Hi Victor... my best answer is that this guy likes to go outside and make sure all is well, and come back in and lock each door behind him. I found a route in which all doors get locked, because he exits one door to the outside and enters another, locking it behind him. My guess is he begins at b, c, e, h, g, d, f, outside, in at c, a, outside, back in at a, then b, and leaves through b. Took me a while, but it was fun! Thanks for the challenge :)

    1. Hello SpicingUpIdaho,

      You are right in that the manager does go outside the building at times. I have followed your path on the diagram. up to room G. Then you go to room D ... OK so far. How do you then get to room F having locked the connecting door between G and D?

      Please try again. You got the right idea by going outside the building at times.

      Answer and competition winner announced here on Sunday.

      God bless you.

    2. Sorry, looking back at my the rooms which I had printed out, I typed the letters out wrong. Let me try again: B, C, E, H, G, E (that's the one I forgot I think), D, G, F, C, A, B.

    3. PS... thanks for coming to let me know I needed to edit my comment :)

    4. WELL DONE SpicingUpIdaho.

      You solved it and your name is now in the competition draw.

      God bless.

  14. Victor#1, It's been awhile since I last commented here and after a movie with my wife, I noticed that you had created a little quiz and I've always enjoyed spending a little time for my friends.

    Anyway, I started from "B" which should be the office cause our friend Manny said so... LOL


    I took a short cut cause I asked Saint Anthony and Saint Jude to help me... Long story short... I walked into my office from the outside cause I was getting some fresh air... After the fresh air, I went back in and then back out through my office door then locked"B" I then walked outside to the 'A room' then after walking through the 2nd door, I went back to the "B" room again cause I had forgotten something in my office. After walking through it, I locked it... the fourth door that I went through was still in my office and locked that one also which took me to room "C", locked both doors after having walked through them and found myself in "A" room... went outside from "A" door 6 then locked the door... from outside, I spotted door #"7" and by the way the movie my wife and I saw tonight was "The Magnificent Seven". Go Figure! lol... After walking through the 8th door from "C" room, I found myself in "E" room, then walked through "D" room and locked both door, 8, 9... then walked into "G" room #10..., door 11 took me back into "E" room and #12 took me to "H" room... 13th door took me to "G" room... then the final two doors that I went through 14 and 15 were also locked and then I finally went home where my loving wife made me a snack and even gave me a little wine and asked if I wanted a little cheese with it. lol.

    I would have finished sooner but I had to keep telling an Angel called Satan to get behind me.

    God Bless you and yours

    1. You certainly went in and out through many doors, didn't you. Yes, it is room B, as you say. Unfortunately your answer appeared 34 minutes after I wrote that SpicingUpIdaho got the answer right.

      Thank you so much, Victor, for your loyal support and for visiting me here.

      God bless you and your family always.

  15. That's Life Victor #1 but truth be known, I didn't know and/or cared if I was late... Right or Left, this reminds me of when I was released from a mental hospital in the early 70's... After finding out that my Canadian government job was no longer available... I was eventually hired at an hotel... Long story short... there was a talent singing contest event which I entered and it was judged by the applause and our head waiter won. Longer story shorter... the head waiter said that I was the real winner and insisted that I also get a trophy... I was given a trophy but they spelled my last name wrong. lol

    All kidding aside, I'm very happy that Manny was one of the winners...LOL


    God Bless you and yours

  16. P.S. Victor #1...Just in case, you decide that maybe I should get one of your books as a consolation prize, just remember that I have your 'VISIONS' Book... 'The Priest and Prostitute' and last but not least 'THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF SAINT IGNATIUS'.

    My best to you my Christian Friend.

    1. OK ... send me your address at

      By the way, why not put a good comment on Amazon customer reviews?

      God bless.



God bless you.