Sunday 7 July 2019

The miracles amongst us

Life and the passing of time is like a video that we see on the screen. Over the years many people have featured in this seemingly ever-lasting video.

Now if I were able to rewind this video back ... way back ... to almost the very beginning when the people of the time were not even aware of their very existence. If I were to explain to those people how, by bringing together the male and the female of the species, we somehow create a new life. If I were able to explain how the male and female components come together and the biological/chemical reaction, or whatever you wish to call it, can create a new life. The people of the time would be totally amazed at the intricacy of it all and call it a miracle.

They would be right. For indeed it is a miracle how two get together and create a new life.

It is also a miracle how this new life starts as a small replica of its origin, and yet it grows, and as it does so it undergoes many changes until the time comes when it too can create a new life. It is also a miracle how every such life reaches a stage where it suddenly stops and ceases to exist.

Let us make no mistake about it. Birth and death are both in themselves miracles. How is it possible that we can create a new life and how and why is it possible that all life at some point ceases to exist.

As we study the intricate details that make up life, and its very existence, we cannot help but wonder that it must be the work of some super power, some "Engineer", who planned, designed and executed such a complicated series of events that make up life and death.

Wherever we look, if we had the time, or willingness, to stop and think, we see the hand of this "Engineer" at work.

We look up to the sky and see the sun, and moon, and all the stars. How do they come to be there, hanging in mid air, moving in their own way and direction without bumping into each other like balls in a pinball machine?

Everywhere around us there are examples of this "Engineer" at work. Things that we take for granted and no longer wonder at.

Because of the passage of time, because we have seen these wonders happen over and again many times, because we are too busy living our own selfish lives, without even questioning how we came to have this very life we have been entrusted and enjoy ... because of all these things ... we fail to see what is obvious for us to see and appreciate.

Familiarity breeds contempt, it seems.

"The world is charged with the grandeur of God." said Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Perhaps I should add, "Some are too blind to see it!"


  1. I think it takes more faith to not believe than it does to look around and see there must be a Creator.

    1. Yes indeed, Sandi. It takes more faith to be an atheist rather than a believer. I have never met an atheist who was not sure about his beliefs.

      God bless you.

  2. Good morning, Victor. Well said :)

    1. How nice to see you visiting me again, Chris. Thank you. Hope you are keeping well.

      God bless you.

    2. Yes, thanks, Victor. Been busy :)

  3. All one has to ask is "where did all of this come from if not from a mighty Creator."

    Well said Victor~

    God's Blessings Always~

    1. You are right, Jan. It did not all happen just by accident or some big bang.

      God bless you my friend.

  4. Divine design, indeed!
    I can't begin to understand those who choose not to believe. (Then again, I don't want to waste my time doing so.)

    1. Brilliant comment, Mevely. Just brilliant.

      God bless you always.

  5. May we open our eyes to the glory of God, and His miracles, all around us. Beautiful reminder, Victor!

    1. Amen Martha. Thank you so much for your comment my friend.

      God bless.

  6. People are walking around blind. It's sad but you hope they will wake up and appreciate what is before them and what is happening around them
    Excellent words, Victor!

    1. That's the sad truth, Bill. People do not want to see, or believe, what is in front of their eyes.

      God bless you always.

  7. Great post. It brings to mind this Bible verse.

    Romans 1:20
    For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead: so that they are without excuse.

    1. Wonderful Bible verse, Happyone. Thank you for sharing it.

      God bless you and yours.

  8. I don't understand how people can't believe. Just look around. Just wake up in the morning. Good post, Victor!

    1. Thank you so much, Terri, for your kind words. We need to continue to pray.

      God bless you.

  9. If our world was the result of some weird but explainable-by-science random events, it would be in black and white.

    Only God would think to add color.

    1. What a clever thought, JoeH. I like it. Thanx for that.

      God bless, my friend.



God bless you.