Wednesday 30 October 2019

The Importance of being considerate

To be quite earnest, it’s quite important to be considerate too. It helps oil the wheels as it were and makes life run smoothly for you and everyone else don’t you think?

Earnestly speaking, I consider myself quite a considerate type of person. But unfortunately this doesn’t always work out as intended.

The other day for instance I saw an elderly lady in the street; she must have been about seventy or so, hobbling from foot to foot on the edge of the sidewalk. I waited until the lights indicated it was safe to cross then I held her gently by the arm and said, “Don’t worry madam; we’ll soon cross over safely to the other side!”

She tottered alongside me looking behind her all the time until we reached safely the other side as the traffic lights changed again. I took off my hat as a sign of respect and smiled politely.

She then hit me on the head with her umbrella.

I was about to say something when she cried, “You made me miss my bus, you idiot!”

“I’m sorry madam,” I said, replacing my hat, “I saw you hopping from foot to foot hesitantly …”

“That’s because I want to go to the toilet,” she hollered, “I’ve a good mind to pee in your stupid hat!”

I ran away before she did.

This however did not stop me being considerate by nature.

One night I noticed that one of the floorboards in our bedroom, under the carpet, was a bit loose. It made a distinct sound when you stepped on it.

Being very considerate I hammered it in the dark so as not to wake up my wife.

Unfortunately, in the darkness I hammered nails through my shoes lying there by the bed and I pinned them to the floor board.

Next morning when I put my shoes on I couldn’t move one inch. I fell flat on my face.

I thought I had put on weight in my sleep during the night and the extra calories all fell down to my feet!

That very night I had dreamt I was in a marshmallow factory. I woke up eating the pillow.

I remember another occasion where my considerate nature conspired to work against me. We were on holiday and we went out on an organized boat trip to swim with dolphins. It’s something which, for some reason, most people love to do.

The organizers of the trip suggested we go in the sea in teams of six for safety reasons. They wanted to keep an eye on us with the dolphins and we took turns in little groups to swim for a while, and then come out to allow others to go in the sea.

Being considerate as you know, I decided to be one of the last to go in. I stood by the side of the small boat watching everyone else enjoy themselves with the cackling dolphins and caressing them as they got nearer. It was really fun watching those lovely creatures swim around and every so often jump out of the sea.

When it was my turn I went to the communal changing room and put on my tartan swimming shorts.

The other swimmers in my group were already changed in their costumes in seconds and in the water. Unlike me who neatly folded my clothes in an orderly fashion.

When it was my turn to enter the water the other people had had enough and got back into the boat.

Just as I entered the water, immediately, the dolphins saw me and they all just swam away!

The head dolphin in the pack must have said to the others, “We’re not swimming with him. He looks weird!” And the others followed him deep into the sea leaving me splashing about by miself.

To make matters worse one of the dolphins came back, probably excited by the tartan colour of my shorts, and tore them right off. It swam away cackling with my shorts on its head.

It didn’t do my self-esteem any good. I got out of the sea and into the boat as best I could under the circumstances.

I hate these new cell-phones with cameras in them, don't you?


  1. You always seem to get yourself into deep sh-t don't you Victor? Even in the ocean.
    BTW...I love phones with cameras in them and I saw those photos you are speaking of. Amazing what cold ocean waters can do :)

    Very Funny...thank you for the laughs

    1. It WAS a very cold day, Jan. Very cold.

      God bless you. Keep smiling.

  2. Even when you are trying to be nice it backfires! : )
    The only camera I have is my cell phone, so I like it!!

    1. You are right, whatever I do seems to be wrong. Even when I'm being nice.

      God bless you, Happyone.

  3. Is there a day that doesn't find you in a weird situation? :)

    1. Hardly ever it seems.

      God bless you , Bill, my friend.

  4. "I hate these new cell-phones with cameras in them, don't you?"

    Sorry to disagree but I quite like mine :)

    All the best Jan

    1. On reflection, I suppose you're right, Jan.

      God bless you.

  5. Oh, those naughty dolphins! Not unlike teenage boys. I was going to remind you of the old saw, "Nice guys finish last" but I suppose you've figured that out already?

  6. Yes, Mevely, I consider myself to be a nice guy. It never works out right for me.

    God bless.

  7. Best punch line ever, Victor! Lord, am I ever glad we didn't have cell phone cameras back in the days of my indiscretions. :) Hope the dolphin enjoyed being a fashion idol.

    1. Have you noticed how people take more photos these days that we have cell-phones with cameras. In olden times the only "selfie" was a mirror.

      God bless, Martha.



God bless you.