Wednesday 26 April 2023

Close encounter in my bed


I was in  my hotel room in deepest Northern Scotland. Lying on my back in bed in total darkness. It was so dark that I could not even see myself. 

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness around me I still could see nothing. I did not know if my eyes were open or shut. I had to check with my hands.

Eventually, I noticed a red spot on the ceiling above me. It was a very tiny spot of light about 5 millimetres in diameter. It lasted two or three seconds then it went. About a minute later there it was again. A quick flash or red light in the same place for two seconds or so. Then again a minute or so later.

It was like a red star against a sky of total darkness. Always in the same place. Not moving.

I froze in my bed. I would have described it as a frisson going up and down my spine, but I was not in France. Just Scotland.

I thought it was probably a space ship or some UFO in my bedroom looking down at me. We always assume that UFOs are large spaceships as depicted in movies and on TV; but this is not necessarily so. 

What if space aliens are tiny people or creatures only requiring flying saucers the size of saucers?

What if we've been wasting our time looking up to the sky for big ships when all the time they've already been here in tiny craft the size of a small pizza?

What if they are looking at me right now and ready to beam me up to their spaceship? Having made me tiny first of course!

I read somewhere that a spaceship turned a woman's husband into a duck. When she reported it to the police they suggested duck a l'orange for supper.

I eased myself sideways on the bed and reached for the baseball bat I always carry in my luggage for such eventualities. I'm terrified of UFOs and monsters under the bed. I resolved the latter problem by cutting the legs off my bed.

I swung the bat so hard that it knocked something straight off the sky above me. 

I switched on the light and discovered I had smashed the smoke alarm into the next Galaxy.

NOTE: Why don't they put snooze buttons on smoke alarms? 



  1. ...we finished renovating our house and I just put a new bed frame together. It was a close encounter.

    1. Yes Tom; I've had quite a few close encounters in the bedroom.

      God bless.

  2. I didn't see that one coming! (Smoke detector ... not the UFO!) Many things terrify me -- particularly in the dark -- but I'd love to witness an alien spacecraft sometime.

    1. Would you really like to witness a UFO, Mevely? I would be very frightened. What if they turned me into a duck?

      Keep smiling my friend. God bless.

  3. Rats! Only a smoke alarm . . . You had me going there for a minute, Victor.

    1. Yes Martha. Some hotels have smoke alarms in the rooms now and notices advising guests not to smoke.

      God bless.

  4. You would have noticed it was a smoke alarm if you were cooking in your bedroom. Ours goes off when we are not in the kitchen, very weird indeed.

    1. True, the slightest steam from cooking sets it off.

      God bless, Bill.

  5. That was a good read Victor :)
    Important to have smoke alarms in hotels though ...

    All the best Jan

  6. Dearest Victor,
    At a foreign place or hotel we can 'detect' weird objects indeed!
    Was your 20th viewer on YouTube.

  7. I hope someday to return to Scotland. I also hope that if I get there, there'll be no UFOs, spaceships, or other weird objects around me.

    1. Scotland is such a beautiful country. Have you been haggis hunting?

      God bless, Linda.

  8. You probably had a bowl of sticky toffee pudding before you went to sleep Victor, and then threw the bowl up to the ceiling before you went to sleep.

    1. Whatever it was, it was a frightening experience.

      God bless, Brenda.



God bless you.