Tuesday 25 April 2023

Who are you?


Are you like me and have difficulty remembering faces or names? I often meet people who recognise me and I haven't the foggiest idea who they are. I don't think it's my fault if I don't remember people I met a long time ago in various totally different circumstances. I can't be expected to remember everyone I met. Over the years I must have met at least 25 people.

Steven for instance. Last time I met him was at school when he was 13; and I was 12 and a half. I met him the other day at a Conference where he gave a talk about cockroaches flying in V formation. I recognised his name on the Bill Board advertising the talk. He was now bald and with a red beard and looked totally different from when he was 13. In those days his beard was black.

Only last week a man approached me in the tunnel leading to the railway station and said, "Hi, Victor. How are you my friend? Do you remember me?"

I took out a small mirror I carry in my pocket, looked at it and did not recognise him. I mumbled apologetically and said so!

"I'm Valentine," he said, "from Bolton!"

I looked in the mirror again, shook my head and said, "No, I'm sorry Mr Valentine, I can't recall you. This grieves me greatly because I pride myself in always remembering a name or a face; but in your case I make an exception!"

"Why do you keep looking in the mirror?" he asked.

"I'm so vain; I think this is all about me," I replied as I put the mirror away.

"I'll have to get one," he said, "this way people will remember me." Then he shook my hand and left.

This set me thinking.

Do you know who you are? I am not asking you for your name, or what you look like, or your family lineage, age, appearance, education, life history or whatever.

What I'm saying is, when you look in the mirror what do you see?

Why is it that you have certain views about certain things? Why is it you have opinions on some matters like politics, religion, the environment, climate change, the economy and why cockroaches fly in V formation?

On what do you base these opinions? Is it because of your prejudice or pre-conceived ideas? Something you read or heard perhaps? Or do you follow the opinion of someone else you like or admire? When I was in politics searching for votes, I was surprised at the number of people who said they will vote for a certain party because their parents, grand-parents and family always did so. This may have been right for their elders at the time; but is it still so? Times change, and so do parties' policies and views and its people.

Are your opinions and decision-making based on research and study that you have done on the matter in question?

Personally, I don't like women who paint their moustache blue. It's just a prejudice. No study or research was involved. But then ... I'm not perfect. Just vain.

Unless you know yourself you'll never get to know yourself.


  1. ...generally I remember faces, names can be another matter.

    1. Even when I dream I can't remember the people in my dreams.

      God bless, Tom

  2. I like to think that my view of the world is because I've made decisions based on facts, not feelings. It's not a bad practice, when faced with situations, "What would Jesus do?"
    Blessings, Victor!

  3. Sometimes it takes me awhile to remember names but they come to me eventually. Faces are easier though. Decisions for me are based on fact and research, if you don't know the facts then how can you choose and make a good honest decision.

    1. Good point about facts and research, Bill. Amazing how many people have an opinion because their favourite celebrity thinks this way. They just follow blindly those on TV or radio. That's why advertisers use celebrities to promote their products.

      God bless.

  4. Dearest Victor,
    Well, being rather strong willed, the influence from the brainwashing media has never ever gotten a grip on my 'own' thinking. If we give up doing that—we become a herd of sheep following to whatever.
    No, following in our Faith and judging according to high morals or for the lack of any morals.

  5. I'm good at remembering faces but, when it comes to names, I'm not so good at that.

    1. I have my name stitched on the inside of my jacket to remind me who I am.

      It's good to see you here Lon. Call again.

      God bless.

    2. Thank you, Victor, God's Blessings to you!

  6. I've finally outgrown the practice of scowling at my reflection in the looking glass. However, despite the fact I've made peace with who I am, I wonder what God sees when He looks at me. I hope He approves of the choices I make at the polls.

    1. When God looks at you He sees one of His wonderful creations for whom He cares and loves.

      God bless you, Mevely.

  7. I think the last sentence of your post sums things up perfectly.

  8. I'm not so great with remembering names either.

    1. I also can't remember peoples' height. I don't know if they are short or just far away.

      God bless, Happyone.

  9. thecontemplativecat here. I brag a little that when I was teaching, I knew all 30+ student names by the end of the day. That lasted for years, and now I have let go of that skill. Vanity, have to kick you to the curb.

    1. I'd just call them all "John". Chances are one of them would answer to that name.

      God bless, Susan.

  10. Trying once again. The smiles are good. Thanks for the prayers my friend.
    Sherry & jack things will get better on this end....

    1. Praying you are all well, Jack and Sherry. God bless you and yours.

  11. Victor, I don't know if you have ever watched the movie "Sister Helen" but, I just wanted to let you know I thought that movie was great! As a matter of fact, I liked that movie so much, that I watched it more than once.

    1. No sorry ... I have not seen this movie. I'll look out for it.

      God bless, Lon.

  12. It's one of the things i pray about, to know myself and become more like Jesus than like selfish me.

    As for the other topics, i pray, i read, i research, if i recognize a prejudice in me or the Lord reveals it to me, i repent and look at it differently. It takes time, it's worth it.



God bless you.