Thursday 22 February 2024

Repetitive Me


Someone suggested the other day that my Christian books are repetitive. They talk about God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and the Trinity and other things like sin, forgiveness and all that ...

Well ... in a way my books might be repetitive, but that is because the message is the same. God is the same as He always was, is and will be. Jesus is His only Son and together with the Holy Spirit they form the Holy Trinity. The Christian message of love and forgiveness is the same and should always be the same. 

Jesus said: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

He didn't say, "Love one another depending on the fashion of the day, or who it is you want to love!"

The message that there is one living Creator God is the same. It doesn't change with trends and fashions and what is considered these days as "enlightened" thinking. There are many these days who would want us to believe in other deities like power, influence, riches, celebrity, fame and happiness.

Basically, my Christian books divide into three categories. The devotional or educational ones where we discuss Christian issues that may have crossed our minds from time to time: Like does God really love us? Can we trust Him? Why does He allow bad things and suffering? 

And stand-alone novels and short stories collections, featuring the fictitious character of Father Ignatius, and tackling similar issues and questions as raised above.

I don't expect anyone to buy all of my books, but perhaps someone somewhere may buy one book of whichever style they like, devotional, novels, or short stories, and therein perhaps find the message which they were looking for and may lead them to search further for a personal relationship with God.



  1. ...they that the older I've gotten the more I repeat myself.

    1. Good, buy my books and repeat after me ...

      God bless, Tom.

  2. I love all of your books, Victor!

    1. Thank you Martha. You and Mevely have been amongst my most loyal supporters and I am very grateful to both of you. You make God smile.

      God bless you.

  3. Me, too! And I've been known to pass them on to friends.
    I think it was Tony Robbins who, early on, compared his lessons to old commercial spots. For instance, even after being off the air for decades, most people can instantly complete an advertising slogan (ie, "I'd walk a mile for ....." or "Winston takes good like ...."). Why? Because they were played over and over and over. And over.

    1. I'm very grateful for yours and Martha's great encouragement, Mevely. Thank you so much.

      Yes, repetition, like adverts, makes the message stick. My message is that God is real. He exists. And He loves you. If only more people would believe this the world would be a much better place.

      I don't think we had the Camel and Winston adverts over here. Although I remember the Camel packets. I remember also the Mars bars advert: A Mars a day helps you work rest and play. Did you have this ad in the US?

      God bless, Mevely.

      P.S. What should be a slogan for my books? The funny ones?

  4. If we love Him, we love to hear the old, old story again and again.

  5. Hi Victor, it is always good to share our thoughts, whether on line or in books, and I am sure - judging by your blog posts, that your books are very well written. God bless.



God bless you.