Wednesday 27 March 2024

Difficult to be Christian


In our front window, clearly visible from the street, we have a Cross. At Easter we also have the above poster given out to us in church. At Christmas we have a similar poster.

Not many people in our street, or in town, have such posters. And certainly very few have a Cross in their front window.

This makes my life difficult. You can't have a Cross in your front window and not act in a Christian way. You have to be nice always and kind to everyone. Especially when those door-to-door salesmen call and try to sell you something. And they won't take "No" for an answer. 

Or when those charity people call and ask for a donation. You have to be kind to them; and generous. The other day an old lady called and she said she was collecting for a new swimming pool for the elderly in a senior citizens home. So I gave her a glass of water.

As for those religious people who come to convert you to Christianity. Try as I might to explain I am a Christian, they'd rather I convert to their brand of Christianity. Like buying a different brand of soap powder at the supermarket. How can I manage to be kind, nice and "Christian" to them?

Other people I have to be nice to are those passers-by who eat chocolates, burgers, or other fast foods whilst walking and throw their garbage in my front garden. I know what I'd like to say, or do, to them; but I can't. Because of the Cross in my front window.

There's also someone who walks his or her dog. And when the dog poops, they pick it up as is the law over here. They then walk past and throw the plastic bag in my front garden. I never caught someone doing this; but as I pick up the plastic bag I find it very difficult to forgive other peoples' trespasses. 

On the back of my car I have a fish symbol.

This also causes me difficulty. I cannot tell everyone I am a Christian and then drive like a lunatic. I have to drive carefully at all times. And when someone cuts me up in traffic or does something dangerous I cannot give him a hand signal to tell him he is Number One. I have to be polite and smile and pray for him through clenched teeth.

And when he rushes in and takes the parking space I was about to get into; I have to drive past politely and find another space. Even if it is a million miles from where I'm supposed to be.

Oh, and I always have to obey speed limits. Do you know, I once was stopped by the police on the highway for driving at 40 miles an hour in a 70mph speed limit area. He followed me for a while and then stopped me. He said I was driving so carefully that he suspected something wrong; like was I driving under the influence of alcohol, or was it a stolen vehicle, or what? No one drives so carefully, he said. He then let me go.

You know, I'm convinced it is too difficult to be a Christian.


  1. really feel this way?

    1. Let me be serious for a moment, Tom. One cannot wear Christianity as a badge, a Crucifix on a chain round one's neck, or on the lapel. We Christians must act in a way that God would approve of us.

      The examples I have given are real. I have often fantasized what would I do if I caught the person throwing the dog poop in my garden. Would I rant and rave and shout in my front garden with the Cross clearly visible in my front window?

      Yes, I feel this way. To be a Christian one must act Christian. Difficult as it may be. And right now people are being persecuted for their Christianity.

      God bless.

  2. I never thought about that, but you're right! And funny, too. Maybe it's a good time to go back to wearing masks.

    1. I tried to cover a serious matter in a light hearted way, Mevely. But the examples are true. I'm forever picking up chocolate and sweet wrappers and fast food containers and dog poop from my front garden.

      God bless always.

  3. Years ago as a younger Christian mommy, I was forever picking up the dog poop on my lawn and off my little boys shoes. Yuck! One Halloween, I made 2 cardboard headstones. The first headstone read, “Here lies the last dog who pooped on my lawn” and the 2nd read, “and here lies his owner.”
    I thought it was funny and the non-Christians did too but boy did I get scolded from other Christians that told me I wasn’t representing Christ well. I really felt bad but have to say, I didn’t have anymore deposits from the neighborhood dogs.

    1. I can understand your anger and frustration, Debby. It is certainly not easy being a Christian.

      God bless you.

  4. Good read today, very well said, even in a negative way. I am always amazed at the Pharisees over here, you cannot live pure enough. I smile when I hear, YES it is simple, confess your sins and ask forgiveness. HUH uh buddy that ain't all there is to it you gotta -----------------. io try to always remember his words, if it is for me, it is easy and my burden is light.
    Love you dude, thanks for the many prayers, I am really doing better.... You are also in my prayers....... I do hope you change your mind about living for our Lord. [-)

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Jack. I'm so glad to hear your feeling better now. I'll continue to pray for you and yours.

      God bless you and family.

  5. It's harder not to be, especially at the end.



God bless you.