Saturday, 8 February 2025

Let's discuss this ...


Once upon a time, God said to one of His people, "I have ten suggestions you might want to write down and discuss with your friends; they might help you live a happy and contented life!"

WRONG !!!!!

Let's be clear about this. When God gave us the Ten Commandments; that's what they were.


Not suggestions to discuss and debate and alter to suit our selfish modern needs and wants. Let's check them out once again.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” and “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.”

These days we have many gods to choose from - money, power, influence, possessions, celebrity status, cars and so many other things. We may not see them as gods but they certainly managed over the years to push aside and exclude the one Living Creator God from our lives.

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

OMG !!!

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

Admittedly, some jobs should be manned 24/7; but have we gone too far by ignoring this Commandment? In the UK only 5% of the population goes to church regularly every Sunday - that's all denominations combined.

“Honour thy father and thy mother.”

However we treat our parents we set the example for our offspring to treat us likewise. 

“Thou shalt not kill.”

This includes abortion, euthanasia, assisted voluntary suicide ... ... ... 

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

Oh come on ... casual relationships are fun and not meant to be serious. They build experience and what's wrong if it is consensual, or both partners agree to have an open and honest relationship with other people? 

“Thou shalt not steal.”

If you take a pencil or a pen from work it is stealing. Also a paper clip or anything else. It does not matter if everyone does it. Also if you get to work late or leave early, or take a longer lunch break or stay longer in the bathroom; it is stealing. Or if you phone in and pretend to be unwell to take a day off. Remember - you do not work for your employer - you work for God. Everything you do in life should be to glorify God.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”

Gossip. tittle tattle, rumours; just for fun. Not meant to be taken seriously. If you pass on or listen to something bad about someone you have in effect stolen their good name and reputation. If you listen to gossip; take care that person may also be gossiping about you.

“Thou shalt not covet.”

I wish my Blog was as popular as yours ... OOOOPS !!!


  1. Hi Victor, whatever Word God speaks to us from the scriptures in our ongoing journey in the Lord should be acted upon. I don't think it is necessary to go to a church every week, as God does not live in a house built with hands (Acts ch. 7 v. 48). We can interact with believers whether in a house or online. God bless you for sharing.

    1. I guess this also applies to visiting friends, or calling them on the phone, or texting them ... no need to do it regularly ... or at all.

      God bless, Brenda.

  2. Such a powerful reminder of how important the Ten Commandments are! You're absolutely right—they are not mere suggestions, but clear directives for living a righteous life. Each of these commandments speaks to a different aspect of our lives, encouraging respect for others, self-discipline, and honoring God above all else. In today's world, it can be easy to overlook or twist these truths to fit modern convenience, but as you point out, they remain timeless and relevant. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful reflection—it's a good reminder to focus on what truly matters and to live in alignment with these principles.

    1. Thank you Melody. The modern world expects to have modern standards and rules by which to live. God is always the same and His standards never change.

      God bless.

  3. It's indeed vital to acknowledge that the Ten Commandments are foundational directives meant to guide us. Each commandment holds deep significance, offering a moral compass in various aspects of life.
    Each of these commandments encourages us to lead a life of integrity, respect, and devotion. Revisiting and reflecting on these principles can remind us of their timeless relevance and help us align our actions with these values.



God bless you.