Wednesday, 30 March 2022


I suppose it happens to all of us; and it is not an age related thing; it could happen at any age: Absent Mindedness.

We all lead busy lives and it is understandable if sometimes we forget things. Appointments, dates, birthdays, that sort of thing. They say elephants never forget. I don't think this is true. I have never received a birthday card from an elephant.

I know I can be forgetful. I forgot my wife's birthday once. She's never let me forget it ever again! I now also remember our wedding day. 

Do you remember in the olden days when in marriage ceremonies they used to say the word "obey"? They don't do that any more. Pity. It used to lend a little humour to the occasion!

I tend to forget little things. Like spending ages preparing a shopping list and then going to the supermarket without the list. Or going into a room at home and forgetting why I went there. Or going to the bathroom upstairs and then realising that we live in a one-floor bungalow.

Sometimes with forgetfulness the brain compensates by giving you good memories of past events. I'll never forget the time when a skunk got under the house and my grand-father went under to get him. It smelled bad for months. I remember, that was the last time we saw grand-dad!

If you've been drinking it is so much easier to forget. Somehow, drink helps memory loss. Years ago I was alone at home and I had a few drinks. The cat came into the house and it had brought in a mouse which it had killed. I picked up the mouse by the tail and felt very sorry for him. As I stood up, with all the drink I'd had, I felt a little hungry. I forget what happened next.

I think my worst case of forgetfulness is when I was on holiday in France, my wife and I. We were celebrating a wedding anniversary. We went to the Louvre in Paris to see some painting or other. Can't remember what! Anyway, after a while it was time to return home to England.

It wasn't until I arrived home that I realised I'd forgotten my wife in France. I must admit, I wondered once or twice why the return journey was so quiet.


  1. Brilliant! Classic!
    Now! Where was l...Oh! Yeah!
    A little something from me..A struck
    off Doctor..! :)
    Solving Absentmindedness..
    Simplify your life...
    Get proper rest and nutrition...
    Keep to a schedule...
    Get plenty of exercise, both physical
    and mental...
    Keep items that you use every day in the
    same place all the time...

    Example of being absent minded is being so
    distracted by a problem that you forget where
    you parked your car...or as you say..Your Wife..! :(.'s been referred to..even at my age..14..l
    still have an exceptional memory..
    Anyways..Great post Tom..Dick or Harry..!

    Just the one silly joke..

    Nurse - You've just become the father of a baby boy!
    Professor - Don't tell my wife, I want to surprise her.

    Did you hear about the absent-minded doctor who, on his wedding day, when it came to put the ring on the wife's finger, started checking the pulse rate and asked her
    to stick out her tongue?'...

    O.K. It was two..ooops! I lied..! :O).

    1. I forgot what I was going to comment in response.

      God bless, Willie.

  2. ...and it doesn't get better with age.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm so glad I made you smile, Martha.

      God bless you.

  4. Hahahaha ... I resemble several of these examples!

    1. Life can be funny at times, Mevely. It's good to laugh.

      God bless always.

  5. Dearest Victor,
    Yeah, I could have eaten chipmunk for breakfast as our tiniest kitty, but oh so fast and fierce one, Tiggy-Tiger brought into the kitchen a little chippy. Boy did Pieter and I have a workout... With a towel, Pieter managed to capture it and he brought it into our wood garden, across the 3rd bridge. Guess Tiggy-Tiger brought herself a Birthday gift for her 15 years... and show her two brothers and sister what it looks like to be still young.
    Your stories are hilarious and God forbid, you consumed that dead mouse 😜

    1. A cat-lover once explained to me that cats bring in their preys to share with their owners. It is like a trophy to them.

      The mouse tasted nice on toast.

      God bless you and Pieter, Mariette.

  6. I forgot to order my prescription this morning when I was at the GP's office and as I was waiting I thought I better do it right away. I didn't so now I have to call. :(

    1. It's such a nuisance when this happens. My doctor once gave me a bottle of pills because I was very weak. When I got home I was too weak to open it. So I had to go all the way back for the doctor to open the bottle for me.

      God bless, Bill.

  7. ... Since the early 2000 some people have been forgetting their kids in the car.

    1. That's terrible. I never knew that.

      God bless, Giorgio.

  8. I don’t forget too many things, but I do forget doing the laundry. I forget it more now that I found out it annoys my husband. I also forget it in hopes that he will do it? I just keep dreaming! Thanks for the cheerful uplift today.. God bless.

    1. Do you know ... I forgot how many times I've been told to take out the trash because tomorrow is collection day. Men are good at forgetting.

      God bless you, Nells.

  9. Grandpa doesn't forget much, he writes everything down. Never got into that habit myself, but i should.

    1. Yes, good idea to write things down.

      God bless, Mimi.

  10. I see your absent-mindedness at work here. You posted this not too long ago and have forgotten that.



God bless you.