Wednesday 18 February 2015

Oh No ... not ANOTHER post about LENT !!!


This is the time when people try to give up something for Lent - which is good. But let's remember first of all that there is nothing we can do which would repay the great sacrifice Christ made for us on the Cross. Not a million prayers, a million candles, or a million flowers ... God does not need any of these "gifts" or sacrifices as repayment for His love for us. He is in no way diminished, lacking in any way, if we stop doing these things.

But we do them all the same. We do them as a sign of reverence, love, and respect. And I repeat - this is good.

Here's a short list of things we could do during Lent.

1 Give up something (chocolates) and give the proceeds to charity.

2 Do someone a good turn or a kindness.

3 Pray for someone without them knowing it. Just anyone, not only your  loved ones. If you see an old person struggling as they shuffle along in the street, or you hear of someone with a problem or difficulty; just pray for them without their knowledge. Prayer is the greatest gift we can give and receive.

4 Give up TV (or music or other entertainment) for ten minutes (or more) and spend the time reading the Bible.

5 Finally a DON'T. Many people decide to give up their Christian Blog or website during Lent. I urge you not to. Whatever we write to spread the Good News on our Blogs is often the only opportunity for someone to read about God. Don't stop God's message during Lent or ever. 


  1. I grew up in a church (actually quite a few churches) where we didn't observe Lent or Advent. It is only as an adult I discovered these two sacred seasons. You have some fine suggestions for Lent and I am SO glad you included #5 too as I had been mulling that as an option over the last several days. You are an answer to prayer today--thank you and God bless you and your family.

    1. You are very kind to me Aimee and I am grateful for your encouragement and support. Thank you.

      I believe we should continue Blogging as often as we can because we never know who might visit us and not leave a comment. We are just spreading God's Words as seeds but do not know who is picking them up.

      God bless you and your family.

  2. I agree, especially number 5.

    1. I have learnt a lot from your Blog Manny. Thanx.

      God bless you and yours.

  3. Such great advice about Lent, thank you!
    I won't tire of posts about Lent...keep 'em coming!

  4. Such great advice about Lent, thank you!
    I won't tire of posts about Lent...keep 'em coming!

    1. Thank you Hand-Maid. Thank you.

      I really enjoy reading your Blog and your adventures, especially all those wonderful photos of food.

      God bless you and your family.

  5. Excellent encouragement, Victor! God Bless you for sharing this, and for never taking a break from blogging/inspiring us!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Michael. I keep blogging in the hope it does someone some good; even if it just bring them a smile.

      God bless you my friend.

    2. Victor, thank you for these great Lenten suggestions..especially
      # 3 .. And # 5 is a rescue I suppose as I'm occasionally tempted to stop blogging.

      You are so faithful in your work here and so consistent in how you relay God's message.

      Blessed Lent and +PAX

    3. Thank you Caroline for your kindness. Please don't ever give up Blogging if you can, and don't forget to visit me here.

      God bless you and yours.



God bless you.