Saturday 4 January 2020


Jesus died at the age of thirty-three.

He never lived to a ripe old age and, as a human, whom He was, as well as being God, He never got to experience what we humans experience as we grow old.

The pains of rheumatism and arthritis. The slowing down of our body and the inability to run or walk as fast as we used to. The odd lapse of memory. Difficulty with hearing or with seeing properly; and the many other ailments which beset us as we grow old.

Had He grown old like some of us do; would He have used His powers to heal Himself and take away the pain?

Of course, all this is pure speculation. The reality is that He died a most horrible and painful death on the Cross, which far far outweighs whatever ailments we suffer from as we grow old.

The fact that He has not experienced our old age, or any other experiences we go through in this world, does not mean that He doesn’t understand them and that He does not hurt when we hurt.

He feels our pain because He loves us. He accepted the torture of His death because He loves us.

Perhaps we too should try, as best we can, to understand and accept our age related pains with dignity. For His sake.

I know an elderly man who has had many illnesses and operations – he is in constant pain. Whenever I ask him how he is doing, he replies: Thank God I am OK – there are so many so much worse off than me.

Lately, he chuckled and added: Pain is a sign that you are still alive. When you stop feeling pain that’s when you should worry.

Dear Lord help those in pain right now. Amen.


  1. Amen to that Victor. Pain physically. Pain mentally. Pain socially. Pain spiritually.

  2. A beautiful reminder of true love and true pain.
    Thank you very much for this reminder Victor.
    I truly needed it.

    God's Blessings Victor ✝

  3. Amen! My best friend has suffered with chronic pain issues for years, but is one of the most cheerful folks I've ever met.

    1. I am praying for your friend right now, Mevely.

      God bless you and your family and friend.

  4. - - - as my father-in-law said, 'pain lets you know you're alive.'

    1. Yes ... that's what my elderly friend says.

      God bless you, Brian.

  5. Whenever we are tempted to complain about our aches and pains, we should remember Jesus' horrid death for our sake, one that makes our own ailments seem but a shadow. One day, when we see God, He will fully restore us.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. You are right, Martha. Our pain is nothing compared to what Christ suffered. And He knew beforehand every detail of what is to happen.

      God bless

    2. Martha you said that so well!! AMEN

  6. Sometimes I think my pain is self-induced... today for instance... We have a perfectly working gas heater in our home, yet I decided to take a fallen tree from a friends yard and split it today. Thankfully, I was able to rent a log splitter, but wow... still feeling the pain.

    You are so right when it comes to what Jesus endured for us. Nothing compares, not just the physical pain and suffering, but the separation God the Father, in for a brief time for Jesus, must have been far worse.

    1. Yes, often our pains are self-induced. But whether so or not, they are nothing compared to Christ's suffering.

      God bless, Ryan.

  7. It's quite true, and yet, when you are in horrible agony, it's not easy to remember this.

    1. You are so right, Mimi. When we are in real pain we forget what Christ suffered; but He knows that and forgives us all the same. I believe He suffers with us too.

      God bless.

  8. Pain lets you know you are alive; I only need a very gentle reminder.

  9. Hi Victor,
    I know that the pain I experience in my joints comes from my over gardening. When we lived in West Wales the soil was very heavily clay based and I used to dig the garden with about twelve inches of soil on the spade. Pain is a warning to stop overdoing something and I did not listen to what my body was telling me.

    1. I know the feeling, Brenda. Gardening is a nice hobby but it can be heavy work too. I remember falling off a ladder whilst pruning a tree.

      God bless you.

  10. Pain is not easy for so many, I pray for those in pain right now, Amen.

    All the best Jan

  11. God bless your friend. There are so many who are hurting, and it is all so heartbreaking to see and hear about. So thankful Jesus does understand all we face, and He is with us through it all. God bless you, Victor.

    1. There are so many people in pain, Cheryl. They need our prayers and help where we can.

      God bless.



God bless you.