Monday 6 May 2024

Gossips ahoy!


It's amazing how much gossips and rumours there are on social media. I'm sure it wasn't like that in times of old before the T'Internet and all the gossip websites. Sure, in those days people did gossip about each other to each other. But it was at a slower pace and confined to smaller areas geographically.

Now you write something about someone on social media and it has already travelled round the globe with repeat copying and sharing. And it's so vile too. I know someone who broke a relationship and wrote about him in T'Internet in the most abusive way. Definitely slanderous or libellous or both; whatever the difference!

Socrates was a Greek philosopher from Athens. Born in 470 BC and died in 399 BC. When you study these dates you'll notice he was getting younger each year.

Anyway, one day, before T'Internet was invented, someone came to him with some juicy gossip about someone else. 

Beware of gossip mongers. If they are gossiping to you, they are probably gossiping about you to someone else. Gossiping is stealing. It steals someone's good name and you'll never see that person in the same light again. You'll always wonder about the gossip. And he can't buy his good name back.

So Socrates said to the gossip, "Before you tell me what you want to say, I want you to apply a three test filter.

"Test One - Are you sure what you'll tell me is true?"

The man thought a bit and said no; it was something he heard from someone else.

Socrates asked, "Is what you'll tell me good?"

The man said no; it was an awful scandal about that person.

Socrates asked again, "Is what you'll tell me useful to me?"

Again the man said no, it's just some information he'd heard from someone else about that person.  

To which Socrates replied, "Unless it's true, good and useful I don't want to know!"

Something to think about next time someone gossips to you.

Now ... have you heard the rumours about ... ... ...


  1. ..."Unless it's true, good and useful I don't want to know," Amen!

    1. Truth.

    2. Thank you Tom and Regine. God bless.

  2. Wise fellow, that Socrates. This is a keeper!

    1. Yes, good advice from Socrates.

      God bless you, Mevely.

  3. thecontemplativecat here. All the gossiping I did as a teenager in the 60s still lingers in my mind. Those memories are lingering, despite God's forgiveness. why am I dragging them up?

    1. Dear Susan,

      Please do not drag on and keep thinking of past gossips. God has forgiven you, as you say. That should be the end of it. By keep thinking about it you are in effect saying to God you don't trust His forgiveness.

      God bless always.

  4. So many people today could take a powerful lesson from Socrates in these crazy times. Makes me think of one of God's commandments: You shall not bear false witness.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. You are right, Martha. There's so much gossip and insults on social media; often hidden behind alias names rather than peoples' real names. I've been called names because of my Christian writings by people calling themselves "Atheist" or such like.

      God bless.

  5. "Unless it's true, good and useful I don't want to know!"

    Such good words.

    All the best Jan

  6. If it's good news about the person -- he got the promotion! she will get the award! -- fine, let me know. Otherwise, let's talk about something uplifting.



God bless you.