There really is no limit to the amount of research I go to in order to entertain, inform and educate you in these articles I write here. Today we talk about Trompe l'oeil.
It is a French term which means to deceive the eye. Often used by painters to make you look at a particular place in their masterpieces. Like this example known as Trompe-l'Oeil Still Life with a Flower Garland and a Curtain by Adrien van der Spelt with the curtain painted by Frans van Mieris. Your eyes are drawn to the curtain (pun intended) rather than the flowers.
How about this by an unknown artist. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the fly rather than the painting itself.
Or this Lady With a Fly on her Shoulder (circa 1596) by Frans van der Mijn.
And another thing ...
Did you know that some urinals have a fly deliberately painted in them to help men aim properly? Do you know anyone who needs this help?
...Trompe l'oeil sound so exotic!
ReplyDeleteMais oui d'accord.
DeleteGod bless, Tom.
So then, "Trompe l'oeil" preceded the likes of Houdini and Copperfield? Unfortunately, spotting a misdirection was never my strong suit. Hand me the flyswatter, please?
ReplyDeleteTrompe l'oeil is an artistic style where the painting is not what it seems to be. Like painting a 3 dimensional figure on a flat surface. Here are some more examples:
It's a way to trick the viewer into seeing what is not really there.
God bless, Mevely.
I'll skip the flies, Victor, if you don't mind - LOL! Hope you have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteTime flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
DeleteGod bless, Martha.
Thanks for the education! I did read the Wikipedia article.
ReplyDeleteThank you CM. Amazing how talented some painters can be.
DeleteGod bless you.
Merci pour la lecon.
De rien, Regine. Merci beaucoup pour votre visite ici.
DeleteGod bless.
Merci beaucoup, Victor.
ReplyDeleteMerci a vous, Bill. God bless.
DeleteI kind of missed the flies! lol
ReplyDeleteIt's the only things I could see ... on that clock.
DeleteGod bless, Chatty Crone.
If I could paint, I don't think I'd want anyone looking at flies.
ReplyDeleteWasps? Yellow jackets? Bees? Hornets?
DeleteGod bless, Mimi.