Sunday, 16 February 2020

The Good Shepherd

This painting, known as the Good Shepherd, is by Bernhard Plockhorst, (1825-1907), a German painter and graphic artist. In Germany, Plockhorst is mainly known to experts today, whereas his pictures are still very popular in the United States and their reproductions can be found in many American homes and churches.

In this painting we see Jesus caring for His sheep and carrying a lamb in his arm, perhaps it is too weak or tired to keep up with the flock.

Jesus often described Himself as the shepherd,  caring for His sheep. On some occasions He also uses a sheep-herding reference by describing Himself as "the gate". Read more about the significance of this HERE.

Let us consider why Christ often mentioned sheep and shepherds when teaching the people.

Unlike most other animals sheep have difficulty foraging for themselves. For instance, foxes don’t need anyone to look after them. Sheep do.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Jesus likened us humans to sheep and saw Himself as our shepherd.

Another feature of sheep is that, unlike mules, they are easily led. This can lead to disaster if there is a bad leader around. But it is truly a great advantage when a good leader comes on the scene.

Fortunately for us, the Good Shepherd has appeared among us. He wants us to follow Him into eternal happiness. The choice is ours.

Jesus cared for us and He still does. He has compassion, meaning "suffering with" from the Latin "com patio". When things go wrong in our lives, He suffers with us. He feels our pains. We are never alone in our trials; even though at our moments of hurt we tend to forget Him. Or even in some cases rebel against Him for allowing our pains.

This is OK ... he can take our anger. After all, He took our anger when hanging there on the Cross.

 Jesus is always with us ... to the end of time. (Matthew 28:20).

He is the Good Shepherd. He loves and cares for His sheep. Even though at times some may go astray. He would leave the whole flock to go searching for the one that is lost.


  1. A very beautiful and heart felt post Victor...thank you.

    God's Blessings ✝

    1. Thank you Jan. It's a wonderful painting.

      God bless you.

  2. This was such an encouraging post and reminder that no matter what we are going through in this life, Jesus is there WITH us, walking through it by our side. I needed this. Thank you, Victor. You are a blessing.

    1. Thank you Cheryl. It's a great re-assurance to know that Christ is by our side, only a prayer away, when we need Him.

      God bless you.

  3. I found your post today so comforting and uplifting, Victor. I'm still struggling with the situations I'm in, but am remembering that Jesus is my Good Shepherd who will guide me through it all.

    1. I am still praying for you, Martha. Feel free to write if you wish.

      God bless.

  4. Such a comforting thought to know Jesus will NEVER leave us.

    1. Indeed ... He is with us to the end of time.

      God bless, Happyone.

  5. What a comforting message. Thank you for blessings us with your words!

    1. Thank you, Mevely, for your kindness and continuous support. God bless you my friend.

  6. Just read this post Victor, it is a beautiful description of Who Jesus is to us. I an not imagine my life without Him.

    1. Thank you Brenda. So glad you liked this. Please encourage your friends to visit here also.

      God bless.

  7. The Shepherd King who always comes to find us when we stray.



God bless you.