Thursday 3 November 2022

Nothing makes sense anymore


Nothing seems to make sense any more. We are all encouraged to walk instead of using the car in order to save the planet. So I started walking to work. It takes me hours and I get tired. My normal commuting by car is just over an hour-and-a-half; but walking takes about three times that long. 

My boss is not sympathetic about saving the planet. He asked me why I live in the town I commute from? I told him because my house is there. He suggested that I get back to commuting by car and let the planet look after itself. 

How about you? Do you walk long distances that would take hours by car? I once tried walking to Edinburgh on holiday. I got tired with carrying all the luggage by the time I got to the end of our road.

They advise us to take the bus to town when shopping. I tried that. The problem is that all the shops are a distance apart from each other and there's a limit to how much one can carry from shop to shop and then to the bus station. 

It's just as bad if you go by car. The car park is often on the edge of the shopping centre/mall. So you end up doing some shopping; going to the car to off-load; going back to do some more shopping; back to the car and so on. 

Why can't they have drive-in shops like in the old days with drive-in cinemas. You could drive to the meat counter and pick up a joint of meat; then to the bakery section; frozen foods and so on. All your shopping done from the comfort of your car seat.

Anyway, I also have another problem now. I bought a very powerful vacuum cleaner. It said in the advert it is the most powerful vacuum cleaner in the world. I tried to vacuum clean the car because it was full of cookies crumbs and dust. The vacuum cleaner is so powerful that it sucked in the whole car. Does anyone know how to get a car out of a vacuum cleaner? 

Now I have no car and can't drive a vacuum cleaner to work. My driving licence does not allow it.


  1. need to find a new boss.

  2. Have to admit, my philosophy more closely resembles that of your boss. I may (or may not) resume recreational walking one of these days. Meanwhile I'm delighted with the curb-side pick-up Wal-Mart offers. Except for meat and fresh produce, I build my weekly list each Wednesday night and the next morning they bring it right out to my car.

    1. The Wal-Mart pick up sounds interesting. We do have online shopping here and they either deliver to one's house or pick-up. But the pick-up means you go to the shop and pick up your shopping; they do not bring it to your car. Like you, we prefer to choose our own meat and fresh produce. If we use online shopping it is always tins and packed goods like pasta, rice and cereals. Rarely fresh foods. Certainly not frozen foods because I'm concerned in case it has defrosted between the shop and our home.

      Recreational walking is OK. But often it is not feasible to walk to the shops or work. My office in London was over 60 miles away from home. Eventually I worked online from home.

      God bless, Mevely.

  3. Dearest Victor,
    Indeed so many things don't seem to make sense!
    Walking for shopping would be impossible for us, due to very long distances—even locally. By bike it is doable but limited.
    Save the planet should first start with eliminating all the plastic that is being sold for Halloween and such. Even the polyester costumes will take up to 200 years to fully decompose.
    Did you receive my email on November 1st?

    1. No, sorry Mariette. I did not receive your e-mail of 1 November. My address is Please re-send it again as the first one may have been lost in the post.

      I agree, there are many ways for us to save the planet; if it needs saving. There's far too much waste produced. Some foods like pasta, rice, cereals and so on come in plastic bags that can be recycled. In other shops, the same products are in non-recyclable plastic bags. Why is that? Same price; same looking bags - but not all recyclable.

      God bless.

    2. Did resend it and I used your correct email the first time...😏

    3. Thank you so much for your e-mail, Mariette and for the very kind and generous review on AMAZON of my book "More Reflections for the soul".

      I have put the link here for other readers to see:

      God bless always.

  4. Why walk when you can drive a car - that's what I say!
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. Good point, Martha. My thoughts exactly. If we all walked the auto-mobile industry would go bankrupt. No car manufacturing, no tires, no petrol/gas, no car parking facilities, no people to paint parking spaces in car parks, no traffic lights, no car maintenance workshops, no car tax, no car insurance, no car chases, etc ... etc .... Think of the unemployment this would create.

      God bless.

  5. Try reversing the hoses and see if it will be blown out.. Not sure how clean it will be. LOL
    Take care and thanks again for making us smile at some of the suggestions.

    1. I never thought of that, Jack. I'll check if my vacuum cleaner has a blow function instead of suck. Good point, thanx.

      God bless you and yours. Keep smiling.

  6. I trust you. You can drive the car. Just drive it half way there and then walk the rest of the way?

    1. Now that is a brilliant suggestion, Anonymous. It's the best of both worlds. Drive and save the planet at the same time.

      God bless.

  7. I leave the driving to the bus driver and hope I get to where I need to be. Maybe you should try riding a bike that would help solve your problem, No bike, how about rollerskates or even running. With those options you might satisfy your boss. :)

    1. Hello Bill,

      How nice to see you visiting here again. Thanx. I hope you and your family are well.

      I have been banned from the buses on account that I eat pickled onions and the other passengers don't like it. I tried riding a bike but I keep falling off. Sometimes to the left and sometimes to the right. Or at times the bike goes straight into a tree or bush. Rollerskates I find are difficult when going uphill. I keep rolling back into incoming traffic.

      So it's back to driving to work and let the planet save itself.

      God bless.

  8. I walk every morning and never seem to get out of town. :)

    1. You must live in a very big town. Our towns are small and huddled close together because it is very cold here.

      God bless, Happyone.

  9. We don't live where we can walk places easily, except the park across the street. That's why i try to consolidate my trips in the car and do all the errands at once.

    1. It's the walk to work that's a problem for me. My office is miles away in London.

      God bless, Mimi.



God bless you.