Wednesday 6 May 2015

An appeal to your hearts!

I would like to appeal straight to your hearts dear readers.
Please spend some time watching this video first. Thank you.


  1. Here's my two cents. [slap] There are now only two brown mosquitoes ....
    *LOL* ~:)

    1. That's brilliant Sparky. Thanx for your sense of humour.

      God bless you.

  2. In a MOST generous act, I am sending you a box of millions of Texas mosquitoes. We will never miss them and since yours are almost extinct, we GLADLY will share. The box is carefully disguised so you will never know what bit you--I mean it will have no problem being delivered. ENJOY!

    1. Are you sending brown mosquitoes Lulu?

      We have mosquitoes in the UK and in Scotland we also have midges which do bite. Do you know that if a person has had too much alcohol to drink (beer, whisky etc ...) then the mosquitoes/midges get drunk too if they bite them?

      I read this in a book which I am writing.

      God bless.

  3. Hi Victor! Your love for all God's creatures is so touching. I'm sure the brown mosquitos were coming close to you to thank you for your efforts in saving them from extinction. How could they know that act would actually cause their death?
    I wonder how big their brains are? They're so small... If only they could learn to stay away from me, I mean humans. I think they would flourish then!
    You have such an imagination!!

    1. One day Ceil, scientists will discover the benefit of having such insects like mosquitoes, midges, fleas and the like. Right now we consider them a nuisance and an unwanted itch - but I wonder: why were they created in the first place. They are in the food chain for some birds I suppose, but is that their only purpose?

      God bless.

  4. Ah, all God's little creatures ... each one here for some strange reason or another, yes?


    1. You're right Linda. They must have a purpose I suppose. Even if it is to sting us as happened to me when I got too close to a wasp's nest.

      God bless you.

  5. When you figure out their purpose, I'd love to know. In Charleston, SC, we have what's called noseeums (no idea how it's spelled). They hide in the sand, in shavings, etc. and you don't feel it when they bite...until later when you well up and have intense itching all over. They go into cracks and crevices and almost burrow. I'd like to send you all of these to replace the mosquitoes so when I go back to visit, I wont get eaten alive anymore. This is on my list of questions to ask God. ;-)

  6. Thank you so much Kim fpor visiting me again. I really appreciate it.

    I have checked noseums on the Internet. They look really nasty. Here in the UK we have mosquitoes and in Scotland we have midges, (small biting flies). And of course in summer we have wasps - like the ones who attached me last year.

    God must have His reasons for all these insects. Personally I blame Noah for being too efficient.

    God bless you and thanx again for your visit.

  7. That was very funny! You had the perfect pitch and voice for it. :)))))

    1. Thank you Manny. Glad I made you smile.

      God bless.



God bless you.