Saturday 22 May 2021

At the doctor's


After the dentist, I thought of visiting the optician, the hairdresser, the manicurist, the clothes stylist,(tailor), the shoemaker, and of course the doctor.

I don't like to go to the doctor. No one does, I suppose. So I'd better get it over and done with first.

The receptionist at the doctor asked me, "why do you want to see the doctor?" I told her to mind her own business. She insisted she wanted to know so she can put it on the computer. I told her what if it was a very personal problem relating to something sexual. What about that? Would she still want to know?

She said yes, then explained, "You see, I need to know what is your ailment and put it on the computer here. This gives time for the doctor to Google your condition and find the answer to your problem."

Eventually I went to see the doctor in his insulting room. "Doctor, I have a personal problem," I said.

"Don't worry," he replied biting on a KFC chicken leg, "it will soon go away!"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, most problems soon go away just as they have come!" he answered licking his fingers and wiping them on his shirt.

"Don't you want to see it?" I insisted beginning to undress.

"Not really," he said standing up from his desk, "I'm too busy right now. You know how it is. If it is not one thing it is the mother. It's always the mother. And mine has asked me to get her some cinnamon. Do you know how difficult it is to get cinnamon at this time of day? It is at least a half-hour drive to the supermarket with this traffic. If I delay it any longer it will be worse. I really don't have time to deal with your problem."

"But ... but ..." I stammered.

"I don't have time with your butt!" he interrupted heading for the door, "I tell you what ... I can pick up some spices for you from the supermarket. Do you need some cloves, nutmeg, ginger, coriander, cumin? Anything. You name it ... I'll get it for you!" 

"What do you want me to do with them?" I asked angrily, "stick 'em up my butt? I came here for a diagnosis and some treatment; not to purchase a lot of condiments which I do not require, or to listen to your meaningless trivial self-pitying complaints about your mother's most probably reasonable request to do her shopping. Pull yourself together man. You're supposed to be a doctor, not a whining snivelling insignificant excuse for a human being. As a pitiful son it is your job and responsibility to look after your mother. As a useless doctor it is your duty and obligation to look after your patients, not share your frivolous problems with them."

After I finished my uncharacteristic tirade he sat down at this desk again and began to cry, or snivel. He did not even have the strength of character to cry openly and bitterly. I felt sorry for him. I sat down next to him and explained. "Look ..." I said gently, "I have come here because I have got a pain on my knee. Just happened recently. Maybe I am on my knees praying too much. I don't know ... we all have our problems these days. I just came for some advice, that's all!"

He half-smiled and said, "have you tried cod liver oil? It is good for bad joints!"

I patted him on the back and left.

I've tried rubbing cod liver oil on my knee for a week. Those tiny gel capsules are too small and fiddly and contain very little oil. Just a drop. Might as well stick them up my bottom for all the good they do!


  1. ...aren't computers wonderful?

  2. Insulting room, indeed! Good to know the cod liver oil rub isn't so effective. My luck, I'd mash those wee capsules into my back and the dogs would lick it off, resulting in ....
    Well, you get the idea. 😁

    1. I remember when we were young we had cod liver oil from a bottle on a spoon. Tasted awful. I once gave one of those capsules to our dog. He picked it up with his paw and threw it at me.

      God bless, Mevely.

  3. Hate to break it to you, Victor, but I think you have to ingest that cod liver oil - lol!

    1. What? The doctor did not tell me so.

      Keep smiling, Martha. God bless you and yours.

  4. That doctor was useless.

  5. Dearest Victor,
    Well, you at least could have googled some reviews of 'your' doctor and look for a better one!

  6. Problem with your niece? Cod liver oil won't help. What kind of Uncle are you?

    1. I never thought of that, JoeH. Good line!

      God bless you.

  7. Ah ha, so Sherry is doing the cod liver oil all wrong, silly girl has been swallowing them. She will be glad to know this. Thanks.
    Sherry & jack

    1. It depends what type of oil it is. Check the label on the bottle.

      Keep smiling Jack & Sherry. God bless.

  8. Me thinks, the best solution for you at this point is a new Doctor. My general Dr. Would probably get along well with your guy. same caliber Dr. Blessings

    1. You got to laugh, Nells. Laughter is good medicine, the doctor told me.

      God bless.

  9. Maybe you need to find a different doctor! :)

    1. Yes, one who would share his KFC.

      God bless, Happyone.

  10. Your doctor needs a psychiatrist!

    1. The psychiatrist was not available because he was helping his mom in the garden.

      God bless, Mimi.

  11. Ha ha!
    Yes, maybe you need to find a different doctor!

    Happy weekend wishes to you :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Glad I made you smile, Jan. Best wishes.

      God bless.



God bless you.