Saturday 26 October 2024

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble


Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
when I'm perfect in every way.
I can't wait to look in the mirror
cause I get better looking each day.

We live in an age where humility is seen as a weakness. Life has become ever more competitive and to succeed you must push yourself forward, take control, and beat the opposition to end on top of the world - the winner - the Victor!

History is littered with people who made it to the top - kings, rulers, emperors, dictators, military leaders, politicians and so on. They all succeeded by being strong and decisive; or so they'll have you believe. Most of them are now just milestones along the way of history and often forgotten.

The only ever lasting King and Leader of generations, the One Who changed time itself as well as humanity, is Jesus Christ. And He did it with humility and sacrifice. A rare quality these days.

People today believe that they are in control of their lives and events. But in reality they are not.

Only God controls everything everywhere. 

People just go with the flow. Whether we are world leaders, business executives or whatever ... we all go with the flow. We are like tiny ants on a leaf being carried away down the river. We think we're controlling where the leaf is sailing, but in reality we are controlling nothing and we're going with the flow. Carried away with time and events. 

Humility is not a weakness, a compromise, and cowering in fear.

The opposite is true. Humility is a strength of character. It is standing up for what we believe done the Jesus way. He did not hide in fear. He stood up for the truth but did so with gentleness and loving. Humility is caring for others more than we care for ourselves.

Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.

Humility is not denigrating or devaluing our self-worth. We are priceless in the eyes of God. Humility is standing up for what we believe and focussing less on ourselves and more on others.

I repeat: Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.

In everything we do we should think of how it will impact on others. How can we moderate our thinking, planning, and actions for the benefit of others rather than ourselves? 

In every day life, when we meet others our focus should be more on them rather than on us. How they're doing, their families, their health, their hopes and worries. We should be genuinely interested in other people rather than thinking and talking about ourselves and our achievements.

Only then can we be Christ to someone every day on our way to Paradise.


  1. ...humility seems to have gone out of fashion these days.

  2. Such a visual: "like tiny ants on a leaf being carried away down the river." Fooling ourselves, while God shakes his head.
    I love your definition of Humility; that's perfect.

    1. Thank you for your kindness, Mevely. Yes, we are in control of nothing and God is in control of all.

      God bless you always.

  3. Uh-oh. I came back to say, your title reminds me of that old Mac Davis song ... that's playing in my head as we speak!
    Instead, I discovered Blogger ate my comment. As ever, your message has prompted a bit of self-examination. Love your definition of Humility.

    1. Yes, it is from the Mac Davis song. One of my favourites often played on my radio show. That's because I'm humble; however hard I try!

      God bless, Mevely my friend.

  4. We live in an age where humility is seen as a weakness. What at so-true statement my friend. I loved the post and how you said it right about our Savior, being our example of humility.
    I enjoyed this visit, well needed TRUTHS for today. I thank you for that and your prayers, I am getting better myownself. Much to the prayers of my friends, I am sure. You being oneof them, again thanks....

    1. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well, Jack. You are an inspiration to me and have taught me a lot. For that, I thank you.

      God bless you and Sherry and family.

  5. Humility is NOT weakness, but as you've said here, Victor, it is our greatest strength. May we love and care for others as Jesus did and taught us to do the same. Blessings!

    1. Amen Martha. We need more humility and faith right now in the world.

      God bless you and yours.

  6. The thesaurus says that humbleness is a synonym for humility, and in my mind easier to remember.

    1. Humbleness is more difficult to spell, and so is thesaurus. It's a kind of dinosaur isn't it?

      God bless, Kathy.



God bless you.