Wednesday, 15 January 2025

The sins of the fathers pass on to the sons


Do not bow down to any idol or worship it, because I am the LORD your God and I tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation. (Exodus 20:5)

This seems a bit extreme, doesn't it? Punishing innocent descendants for the sins of their forefathers.

However, it's important to understand that this does not mean children are personally punished for the sins of their parents. Rather, it highlights that the consequences of sinful actions can affect families and societies in ways that might harm future generations. The consequences are often seen in the form of societal instability, suffering, or idolatry being passed down, but it does not imply that God is unfairly punishing innocent children.

In 1 Kings 11:11-13, we read that in the case of King Solomon and his son Rehoboam, the consequences of Solomon’s actions—such as the idolatry and disobedience to God—led to political and spiritual consequences for the nation of Israel. But it’s important to note that Rehoboam, as an individual, would still be responsible for his own actions. The dividing of the kingdom was not necessarily a punishment on Rehoboam alone, but rather a consequence of the broader historical pattern of sin and the brokenness within the nation.

So in Ezekiel 18:20 we read "It is the one who sins who will die. A son is not to suffer because of his father's sins, nor a father because of the sins of his son. Good people will be rewarded for doing good, and evil people will suffer for the evil they do."

Thus the implication is that future generations would suffer the consequences of the sins of their predecessors; and not directly suffer the punishment for the sins of their parents or forefathers.

This is underlined in John 9:1-12, when Jesus met the blind man, His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus replied: Neither this man nor his parents sinned ... but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. He rejects the notion that the man’s blindness was the result of either his sin or his parents’ sin. Jesus emphasizes that the blindness was allowed for a different purpose: to reveal God’s work and glory. This is a key point—while sin can certainly lead to suffering, not all suffering is the direct result of personal sin or the sin of others. Sometimes, suffering serves a greater purpose, such as allowing God’s glory to be revealed, as it was with the healing of the blind man.

It’s important to differentiate between the consequences of sin (which can affect others, such as in the case of a parent’s sinful choices) and the direct punishment for sin (which, according to scripture, is personal and not inherited). God is just, and while the Bible acknowledges that sin has wide-reaching effects, it also emphasizes that each person is responsible for their own actions.

In the New Testament, we see that Jesus offers forgiveness and breaks the cycle of generational sin. For example, John 9 makes it clear that suffering doesn’t always have a moral cause, and Ezekiel 18:20 underscores that individuals are not punished for their ancestors' sins.

Ultimately, the biblical message is that God is just, and He judges fairly, according to each person’s choices. At the same time, God is merciful, offering forgiveness and healing. The story of Jesus healing the blind man shows us that God is not indifferent to suffering, but He uses it for good. God does not delight in punishing the innocent, and His purposes often transcend our understanding of justice.

To sum up, while the consequences of sin can indeed affect others (as we see in the story of Solomon and Rehoboam), this does not mean that innocent children are unfairly punished for the wrongdoings of their parents. Each person is responsible for their own actions (Ezekiel 18:20). At the same time, God’s purposes in suffering may go beyond our understanding, as in the case of the blind man. Ultimately, God’s justice and mercy are balanced, and His work is often revealed in ways that we may not immediately comprehend.

NOTE: Thank you to Father Francis Maple, for his help in answering this difficult question. You can visit Father Francis HERE for more Christian teachings in his daily homilies.


  1. Hi Victor, yes we are only responsible for our own actions, and having an illness does not necessarily come from the bad things we may have done. When I was in the Adelaide Revival church I was healed immediately from a large lump in the breast that had been there for some time, yet I was not a perfect human being in my ways. God bless.

    1. The passage in Exodus 20:5 I quoted is often misunderstood. We are not directly punished for the sins of our parents. But if a parent leads a wayward life with no care or responsibilities; the chances are the children will inherit the same attitudes to life and suffer for their own bad behaviours.

      God bless, Brenda.

  2. ...we don't need to carry other's baggage.

    1. The Exodus verse is often miss-understood, Tom. God bless.

  3. Thank you, Victor and Fr. Maple, for helping all of us understand the scripture so much better. Blessings!

  4. What Martha just wrote. Let me not lean on my own understanding!

  5. Thank you Victor for this thoughtful post. Aloha

    1. Many thanx for your kind comment, Cloudia. God bless.

  6. Thank YOU, Victor, as well as Father Francis Maple, for addressing this topic so well, so thoroughly. I was raised in a strong Christian home and have followed Jesus as my personal Savior since the age of 6, so in large part I already knew these things about sins of the fathers and children, etc. But this article/post explains it exceptionally well and I appreciate it so much.

    1. You're very kind and thank you for your nice comment, Barbara. The question of sins of parents being passed on to their offspring is often misunderstood by Christians. In trying to address this I checked with my friend Father Francis Maple. He deserves the credit, I think.

      God bless you and your family always, Barbara.

  7. I think I know two examples.
    If your father does not teach you about Jesus - then it is much harder to learn about Jesus on your own. If he teaches you wrong about Jesus you learn Jesus the wrong way. So that is sins of the father that reaches down to you and future generations.
    You could also have an an abusive father and you learn this abuse and are affected by it all your life - then when you marry and have kids of your own - because of your personality - you can affect yours in a negative way even if you don't mean to.

    1. What a brilliant comment, Chatty Crone. Thank you so much.

      You are of course right that the behaviour of parents can (and do) pass on that bad behaviour to their offspring. I have seen it so many times. Sadly we have a generation growing up who know very little about Christ and Christianity because their parents do not believe in anything and therefore are unable to teach their children anything. And over here, Christianity is not often taught at schools.

      I also agree with your comment about peoples' behaviour. This too, I have seen in families.

      God bless you and thank you so much.


  8. Okay this is personal -

    My first born son was born with a birth defect - a bone dysplasia that resulted in severe dwarfism. I wasn’t a Christian at the time but those that were told me it was my fault and my parents and grandparents fault - our sin was responsible for Michael condition. It was 8 years later when I came to Christ and that scripture John 9:1-12, jumped off the page and into my heart - that finally relieved my guilt and shame.

    1. Thank you so much for this personal testimony Debby. You are courageous and brave, and what you said will help others.

      Sadly, there are many ignorant people who through their comments hurt others tremendously. I can assure you that it was not your sin, or that of your parents or grandparents, that were responsible for Michael's condition. God is just and merciful. He will never punish innocent children or people for the sins of others.

      You have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed of in this respect.

      God bless you and your family, Debby.

  9. Yep, we are all born with original sin and were cast out of paradise because of Adam and Eve. Just natural consequences for everyone. So God sent down Christ to rescue us, for those who want to be rescued.

    1. There is a lot of debate about Adam and Eve, CM. Strictly speaking, (I believe), it was not the sin of these two people that passed on to us. Many believe that this passage, as well as the passage of Creation, is an explanation put simply for the people of the time. It means that "humanity" sinned, and continues to sin. The word Adam in Hebrew means mankind and Eve is similar to the Hebrew word for "life". I accept that some people do believe God created two people, Adam first and then He took his rib bone to create Eve. I doubt very much that an omnipotent God who can create a whole universe and what's in it, would require a bone to create Eve.

      You are right, however, in that humanity did sin, and God sent Christ to rescue us.

      God bless.

    2. Christianity isn’t monolithic. Fortunately they no longer burn people at the stake for having different opinions. 😊

  10. I gotta say, I definitely like your 'inspiration' and interpretations on this. Good stuff my friend. Love sent your way and as always, THANKS....

    1. Thank you for your continued kindness to me, Jack. God bless you and Sherry and family.

  11. Querido amigo, gracias por iluminarnos.
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito

    1. TRANSLATION: Dear friend, thank you for enlightening us. Hugs and a kiss.

      Thank you, Liz. God bless.

  12. Agreed. This is easily seen in that parents who are addicts usually raise children who are addicts, or who suffer the consequences of having co-dependent personalities. Whatever sin the parents have, the children learn it and often worse.

    As for why people get ill or are born with illness, or disease strikes, or accidents or disasters happen, it's part of the fallen world and each occasion gives us a chance to shine Jesus' love into the lives of others.



God bless you.