Thursday 23 May 2024

A Cup Of Humour


In Britain 23% of people take their pets with them in bed at night. Not me ... ... ... The last time I had my pet with me in bed the next morning the bed was totally soaking wet and my goldfish had died. 

The thorny devil lizard can absorb water through its skin like a blotting paper. Then it drinks the water by opening and closing their mouth - they drink through their scales like sipping through a series of straws. They do not use plastic straws like we do because they have their own straws under their skin. So remember, never let one of these lizards stand in your glass of wine or else he'll get drunk and start singing, "I did it my way!"

The cricket chirps at night depending on the temperature. If it is very hot it could chirp 30 or 40 times a minute. If it is a little cooler it would chirp perhaps 15 to 20 times a minute. In very cold conditions it does not chirp at all because it is frozen out of its tiny mind.

Whilst staying at a cheap hotel once I killed a cockroach in my room. Within minutes the place was infested by cockroaches who had come for the funeral.

Did you know that flamingoes stand on one leg because if they were to lift it up they would fall?


Do you ever read a book in public and laugh out loud? On the bus for instance, or the train, or at the hairdresser or other public places? I don't mean just a smile to yourself, or a semi-giggle; but laughing out loud at something you've just read. 

This happened to me the other day as I was reading one of my books. I was at a school parents' evening. Everyone was sitting cinema fashion and the headmaster was on the stage telling the parents that the school needed more funds for repairs to the roof and unless generous donations arrived soon the school would close down. I was reading my book A CUP OF HUMOUR and I burst out laughing.   

Life is too serious to be taken seriously. Seriousness makes you frown and have lines all over your face. Wrinkles that make you look older than you really are.
With humour you smile more often, or you giggle, or even laugh out loud. Such joviality makes you look happy and fights the signs of ageing and wrinkles.

Sit back and relax with A CUP OF HUMOUR. It will make you feel better. 
From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter; 
some day I intend reading it - Groucho Marx.

A room without books is like a body without a soul - Cicero.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed 
and digested thoroughly. - Sir Francis Bacon.

There are two motives for reading a book; one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it. - Bertrand Russell. 
Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity. - G.K. Chesterton. 


  1. many times a minute do you chirp?

    1. Quite a lot if I accidentally sit on a cactus.

      God bless, Tom.

    2. ...that would do it!

  2. Those devil lizards belong on Simon Cowell's 'Got Talent'! Your mention of laughing aloud at the school parents' meeting made ME laugh out loud.

    1. The devil lizard is real, Mevely, and it does collect water from its scale:

      Also, parents' evenings at school are real and totally boring. But not as boring as Parish Meetings at our church. I used to sleep through those. They used to go into details that were not necessary as to how they will raise funds to buy new hymn books or whatever. It would have been quicker to give them a cheque - which is where I got my ideas for stories about Theodore Luxton-Joyce.

      God bless, Mevely.

  3. 😊👍
    ---Cheerful Monk

  4. Smiling across the pond!
    Blessings, Victor!



God bless you.