Tuesday 14 May 2024

Living the Word


Living the Word ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8324642266

“Living the Word” means being Jesus Christ to someone every day. To pray that God may send us someone who needs our help. Whether it is someone in great hardship, illness or difficulties, someone in despair and hopelessness, someone grieving or all alone; our responsibility in Christ is to be there for them. To help, to advise, or just to be a shoulder to cry on and a listening heart sharing in their hour of need.

This book follows in the footsteps of Father Ignatius and is the seventh stand-alone novel in the series, as well as an addition to the other Father Ignatius short stories selections.

“Living the Word” sees Father Ignatius as teacher, advisor, counsellor, as well as victim of circumstances and the subject of gossip from the public and within his own congregation. Yet despite all his trials and suffering he continues to trust in God and to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

This novel combines a thought-provoking story line with your favourite life-like characters, and also tries to answer serious theological questions which must have crossed your mind at some time or other. 

When you read "Living the Word" you will find you'll put yourself in Father Ignatius' place and wonder how you would have behaved in those circumstances. You will consider whether he did the right thing or not; and would you have acted any differently.

Often the Lord allows us to be in certain situations, perhaps so that we might learn from them, or to test our reactions and behaviour. Whatever His reasons, we should be assured of His continuous love and protection. 




  1. ...when our children were in grade school, the theme was talking the talk and walking the walk. The first is easy.

    1. Living like Christ can be very difficult for some.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Thank-you for another book, I have ordered I have ordered this new book and have Visions to read as soon as I finish my book club reads.
    Have an amazingly Blessed Day.


    1. Thank you Catherine for buying my books. I hope you enjoy them. "VISIONS" was my first novel featuring Fr Ignatius. "Living the Word" sees Fr Ignatius serving his community as best he can under very difficult circumstances.

      God bless always.

  3. I know you are glad of the inspiration for your 'Hero', I am proud for you, the good Father is a very good creation and character to spread the Word. Yes we all go thru trials and tribulations but when we look around ours aren't even a bit tough when we see others carrying a heavier cross at time.
    Love from on this side of the world in the Great Lakes area.

    1. I'm so thankful for your kind words of support, Jack. In this novel, Father Ignatius faces condemnations and accusations he cannot defend and his trials are worse than those of his parishioners he is trying to help.

      Have a great holiday and God bless you and Sherry and family.

  4. Hooray!!! I will have to order this latest Fr. Ignatius book, for sure. Who can't help but love this amazing priest?
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement, Martha. I hope you enjoy this latest novel. It took me some time to write it - I'm slowing down, I guess.

      It's friends like you who keep me writing.

      God bless you and your family.

  5. Like Martha, I can't wait to read book #7! Fictional or not, Fr. Ignatius is my hero.

    1. I much appreciate and I'm grateful for your support, Mevely. I wonder what advice you would give Fr Ignatius in the predicaments he finds himself in in this story.

      I hope you enjoy the story-line. Some of the stories are real indeed and not fictional.

      God bless you and your whole family.

  6. Sometimes, I think, He just sends us someone to pray for, without them even knowing it.

    1. It happened today! At church. A lady I know came in and she looked so sad, and stooped, and a bit beaten down.

      The Holy Spirit put it on my heart to pray for her without telling her, asking she be given the oil of joy for her mourning and a garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness, so I did.

      As I prayed, I watched. When we started to sing, she just stood there. By the end of the singing, she was looking up and singing along!

      I didn't get a chance to talk to her at church, but that's not the point. He tells us to pray, and we do it, and we usually don't know the result, but that's okay, we did as told and He uses it every time, and maybe heaven will be full of finding out the answers to how he used some of those prayers.

    2. Thank you for this wonderful story, Mimi. Indeed, when asked, we should pray for other people in secret. God is listening to every prayer.

      God bless you.

  7. Much love. I'm looking forward to reading your book. ❤️

    1. Thank you for your visit here Cheerful Monk. It's great to see you here. Call again soon and often.

      Thanx for buying my book. Let me know what you think please. My address is at the top of this page.

      God bless you.

  8. Is this a new Fr. Ignatius book? I remember reading The Priest and the Prostitute and really enjoyed it. Perhaps it's time for a new Fr. Ignatius book this summer. Is the one I should try or is there another you would recommend?

    1. It's so good to see you here again, Manny. Thank you.

      Yes, this is a new (latest) stand-alone novel as opposed to a compilation of short stories about Fr Ignatius.

      The seven novels - in chronological order - are:
      Visions, The Priest and Prostitute, To Love a Priest, Don't let the devil win, Murder in the Monastery, A Shot in the Park, and this one Living the Word. Each is a standalone novel and they can be read in chronological order or in any order you wish to buy them.

      Additionally, I have published several compilations of short stories about Fr Ignatius.

      Here is a list of all my Christian books:


      Thank you fro your support, Manny and thank you for featuring my books on your blog in the past.

      You can contact me via my website or through the contact box above.

      God bless you and your family.

    2. OK, Victor. I bought the new book. I hope to read it during the summer, I'll let you know when I do.

    3. Thank you so much, Manny.

      God bless always.



God bless you.